After a while, someone from outside finally rushed over.

A group of people came in carrying kitchen knives, sickles, hammers, etc.

They only saw a rickety figure lying on a corpse.

From time to time, there was a clicking sound.

The corpse was surrounded by blood.

The rickety figure suddenly turned his head.

A group of people were all scared stupid!

The **** face, the broken meat at the corner of the mouth, and the horrible breath attacked the crowd.

All of these people's stomachs surged, wow, and a pile of vomit was thrown out.

The crowd screamed and wanted to exit the door.

But the appearance of these people has attracted the attention of the monster. With a roar, he sprang out, his tongue stretched wildly!

Swept the fleeing crowd.

Take a person's life every time!

The scream cut through the night sky, and finally when there was only one person, the security team arrived!

When they saw the monster chasing the civilians, they immediately drew out their muskets.

Peng Peng Peng!

Shoot up.

With the dazzling firelight.

The monster jumped almost instinctively, avoiding most of the bullet.

But there were still several bullets shot on the monster!

While shooting through the cloak.

Exposed the same red skin inside.

Round bullet holes are embedded in it.

A wisp of blood flowed out...


The monster was in pain, and after a roar, his pupils were filled with red light.

The monster rolled his eyes and quickly targeted several sheriffs.

As soon as he moved, he rushed out.

Almost in the blink of an eye, he sprinted more than 20 meters away.

Came in front of a sheriff.

Throw out your tongue, kill one!

The other sheriffs were horrified, turned their heads and ran away.

The monster chased after one of them.

Among the escaped sheriffs, someone immediately took out a wooden box from his arms.

Press the button after opening it quickly.

This is a magic item.

Has the function of remote alarm.

At this time, in the public security station a few kilometers away, the whole place was flooded with red light.

The sound box on the wall made a whining sound.

Just a short moment.

The police station was mobilized.

All of them were neatly dressed, assembled, and headed for the alarm position.

There is another magic item in their hands to lock the position.

Several of the captains rode griffins directly into the sky.

Others also rode on horses to keep up.

When several Griffin Riders arrived at the scene, through the high-altitude vision, they immediately discovered that the monster was destroying and killing!

These Griffin Riders attacked directly from the air!

They are the strongest force in the police station.

The level is between 10 and 15.

There is no suspense in the battle with several people.

However, the tenacity of this monster still surprised several captains slightly, as if they were not afraid of pain, their bodies were pricked with blood holes, the combat power was not weakened at all, and the wounds would slowly heal.

But the difference in combat power was too big. Soon, a griffon rider used his two-meter long spear to find an opportunity to penetrate the monster's body and nail it to the ground!

Even if this monster was nailed to the ground and pierced through the body, it still showed amazing vitality!

Roaring loudly in place.

In the twinkling red pupils, there was a stern spirit.

One person quickly knocked off the monster's limbs, cut off his tongue, and threw it aside.

But the monster was still screaming.

The foot of a knight in combat boots slammed on the monster.

"This **** thing definitely killed a lot of people today!

This thing doesn't seem to be wise, do you want to kill it directly," a knight captain said.

"It's definitely not possible to kill it directly. After so many people have died, I have to give everyone an explanation.

By the way, let people count the losses, and notify the magic scholars in the city to let them recognize what kind of monster it is

I have never seen it before, and I have to investigate who brought this monster into the city! "Another Cavaliers captain said.

The fate of the monster was thus determined, and was soon escorted back to the police station by the sheriff who came later.

Another group of sheriffs left to clean up the mess and count the casualties.

Back in the place, a group of people locked up the monster's limbs and hung in midair.

After waiting for a while, several middle-aged and old mage scholars wearing blue and black magic robes rushed over.

They carefully looked at the monster in front of them, the red light in the monster's eyes was much weaker at this time, and it was no longer roaring.

"What is this?"

Asked a sheriff captain who had subdued the monster before.

"This...this is a bit like a variant of a ghoul." A mage said uncertainly.

"Ghoul are you kidding? The ghoul can shoot people through with a tongue so tall and strong enough to compete with level 12 fighters" the sheriff didn't believe it.

"So I said it was a variant!

To be honest, I have never seen such a monster. This world is still mysterious to us. Everyone should be in awe of the unknown. "

"Really a disgusting answer." The sheriff captain who didn't get the answer murmured.

Then he turned to look at the monster.

"woo woo woo woo"

The monster's mouth made a frantic whine, and the red light in his eyes completely disappeared.

The gray eyes looked very anxious, and they revealed the light that intelligent creatures should have.

"Yeah" The sheriff's captain was puzzled.

Before this monster was obviously irrational, and if he was sensible, he wouldn't be stupid enough to kill in the city.

But what's the situation now

With a little temptation~wuxiaworld.online~ the sheriff asked: "You have wisdom"

He uses lingua franca.

"Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh in the air

The onlookers looked at each other with the mages and scholars, and they all saw surprise in each other's eyes.

"Very good! Wisdom is good! Two Masters, I will ask you next!" said the sheriff's captain.

A mage nodded clearly, and then cast a spiritual link magic.

Let one person and one monster have an indiscriminate soul dialogue.

This magic can only be used on creatures with a certain amount of wisdom. If there is no wisdom, the wise creatures will be very uncomfortable after the two parties are linked.

They seem to be locked in a closed room, here, in your ears, all there will be noise...

This is driving people crazy.

After the old mage was connected with the monster, he began to communicate seriously.

But as time went by, the look on the old mage's face became heavier and more shocked.

It itched the other people on one side, what news did he get?

About half an hour later, the old mage disconnected from the monster, and he sighed with a tired expression, "Is this true or not?"

The words are full of doubts.

"Mr. Scholar, please also inform the information." A sheriff said.

"Now my thoughts are a little messy..." The scholar rubbed his temples with a headache: "I need you to do me a little favor so that I can sort out the information I have and tell you clearly."

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