The sheriffs glanced at each other: "Mr. Scholar, please speak."

"Go and investigate. A man named Boluo lives in Mick Street, No. 134. An elite land-based fighter from the original kingdom brought all his information for nearly half a year."

"Good!" The sheriffs did not ask why.

He directly ordered the people below to check.

The atmosphere in the room is somewhat depressing.

The monster made a pitiful whimper.

The old scholar sighed.

It took nearly an hour for a sheriff in silver armor to walk over with a disc of information.

The scholar took the information, looked at it carefully for half an hour, and pondered for a while, before finally raising his head: "It's that guy... it must be the influence of that guy... I didn't expect that even though he left, the kingdom is still here. Trembling under his shadow...

Suffered so much damage! "

"What do you mean by this?" The sheriff's captain frowned.

What is this saying? In the clouds and mist...

"Shillon Soderberg...all the roots come from there, if I didn't guess wrong!" The old mage said solemnly.

As soon as this statement was made, everyone's expressions became awe-inspiring!

No one in the entire Starland Kingdom dare to underestimate this name!

Because the owner of this name brought a huge disaster to the kingdom.

The Soderberg Chamber of Commerce that he left behind is still operating in the kingdom.

No one dares to embarrass them!

These people from the Soderberg Chamber of Commerce, as if they had become the superiors of the kingdom, went wild.

A large part of them actually started to be proud of working in the Soderberg Chamber of Commerce...

"Why do you mean it? Ask the scholar to explain it to us in detail!" The sheriff's captain said.

"Yeah." The scholar nodded, then pointed at the monster.

At this time, the monster's eyes were filled with regret and pleading.

"Do you know what this guy is?"

"Didn't you say it is a mutant ghoul"

"No! He is a human! A human just like us! At least once!" The old scholar looked serious.

"!!!" The others were shocked: "What are you kidding? Humans are such a thing

Used to crawling, skin rots, showing muscles

There is also a long tongue that can kill."

"I don't want to believe it either! But according to the analysis of the information I have now! He is really human!

Boro! That's right! He is Boluo! The elite land soldiers of the kingdom, but also the king of evil dragons, a member of the defense army of the day that Silon Thordberg raided the kingdom! "

A group of people were even more shocked: "How could you say that this is an elite soldier of the kingdom of Boluo?

What a joke!

Mr. Scholar! Everyone standing in front of you! No one is a fool! "The sheriff's captain was a little angry.

He felt he was being teased!

"I didn't lie, although I don't want to believe it, but if I didn't guess wrong, he is one of us, Boro! At least more than a month ago, before facing Sillon Sodberg!" Scholar His complexion was extremely dignified.

"What the **** is going on! Please make it clear!" The sheriff's captain frowned.

"When I talked with the monster's mind, what he said completely accorded with the information I got.

He said that his name was Boluo, an elite land warrior in the kingdom. His original strength was at level 6, and his strength was mediocre, but he participated in the war against the dragon king. He was illuminated by the white light of the dragon king at that time. Life is better than death.

Vomiting and diarrhea.

After the war, although he was treated by the priest, his health was still not good.

Just when he thought he would die like some people over time.

In the past few days, his body has recovered, and it is getting better and better, better than before!

Then his body mutated!

He no longer looks like a human!

He couldn't go out to meet people, so he asked the captain of the army for a long vacation.

Staying at home all the time, the mutation is getting worse.

Because he felt that he was slowly getting stronger.

He also said that he originally seemed to be living in a cage, covered with layers of heavy armor. After the mutation, he felt that he was truly living in this world...

He couldn't bear the two temptations at the same time, although there were many negative effects.

But he still likes the state at that time..."

The scholar finished speaking in one breath, then turned to look at Boluo, who was already a monster at this time.

This guy is now all wise, not to mention much upset about what happened at the time, it's all that **** drunk!

It's not that he lifted my cloak, I will definitely be able to resist the tyranny in my heart, and things won't happen to this point!

In the eyes of others, Boluo is pitiful.

The status of a soldier of the kingdom who was originally worthy of pride turned into a monster in a flash!

And is a monster with a twisted mind!

What a terrible fact this is!

"I still think it's impossible!" The sheriff captain said: "These are all your guesses!

What I want is the facts! "

"Then find a friend of Boluo and let him confront him." The old scholar sighed.

"Okay." The sheriff responded and arranged for someone to go and call Boluo's best friend.

His name is Xius~wuxiaworld.online~ and Boluo grew up in an orphanage when they were young. After that, they joined the army and were assigned to the same barracks. Since then, they have maintained a good relationship.

When he came, he was wearing leather armor. When he walked into the room, he looked at several sheriffs and old scholars in a daze and asked, "My lord, what can I do?"

"Look at this guy, can you recognize who it is?" The security captain asked Boluo who was hung in the air.

"Yeah" Hugh looked at the ugly monster with some confusion.

The eyes of the two met instantly, and at this moment, Hughes saw nostalgia, annoyance, and familiarity in each other's eyes.

Where did this familiarity come from, Seuss had no way of knowing.

After looking carefully for a moment, Hughes shook his head at the security captain: "Sorry! I don't know this monster.

With all due respect, I haven't studied the Monster Manual, shouldn't this be the business of scholars"

After speaking, he glanced at the elderly scholar next to him.

The sheriff took a breath: "You are coming closer! Take a closer look! Do you recognize it?"

"This... well..." Hugh was speechless, and at the same time he whispered in his heart that the other party was sick.

After looking at it for a while, although he felt that the monster became more familiar, he was informed rationally that he and the monster would never know each other, so he spoke again: "I don't know."

Say this sentence.

The monster in front seemed to be a little annoyed and lost in his eyes.

Several sheriffs and scholars looked at each other again, and the captain said: "What if we tell you that this monster is your good friend Boluo?"

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