"Huh?" Hugh was taken aback, then smiled slightly: "My lord, what are you kidding? How could this monster be Boluo? Today is not April Fool's Day."

"He said he is Boluo, we want you to confront him!" The captain said, calling a man with a thick plank and a graphite pen.

This is for Boluo. His right hand has been restored and he can write by hand.

Several sheriffs put the pen into his hand and placed the cardboard under the pen.

Boluo can write with a little effort.

As for why you dont let the other person talk

Because the tongue has been cut off.

There is no recovery.

After all, Boluo's tongue is too lethal, and there may be casualties if you don't pay attention.

"Ask some secret topics that only you two know." The security captain said.

"Oh..." Hughes was a little dazed, but he did what he said: "Who is your first fantasy object and why?"

Boro, who was hanging, looked at Seuss with an angry and shameful look.

But the eyes of other people stared at him, so he could only write a few words on the wooden board with difficulty.

Aunt Halle, because of her big ass.

Seeing these few lines, Hughes' eyes widened.

"You...you shouldn't really be Boluo, right" Hughes was shocked.

Monster Bo Luo nodded hard.

This monster's answer is right!

At that time, Boluo was only 7 or 8 years old. When he first saw Aunt Hallie's big **** nearby, he stared at him for several minutes.

For this, Hughes laughed at him for a long time!

The sheriff on one side took a breath again: "Keep asking!"

"Oh...oh..." Hugh was shocked and continued to ask: "Where did you say goodbye to the virgin body for the first time and why?"

This time Hughes asked several questions in a row.

But Boluo still wrote on the board one by one.

14 years old, at Karen's house in Queen Street, the other party is Karen, because her **** is the same size as Aunt Hallie.

"Yes! You must be Boluo! Oh my god! How could you become like this"

Hughes was shocked, and the man took a few steps forward, but he took the other side's horrible appearance and stopped.

Instead, he turned his head and said to the others: "Masters! He is Boluo! He is my best friend Boluo!"

Several sheriffs looked at each other, and finally sighed together.

Sure enough, the most scared thing came true!

Humans have actually been turned into monsters.

Silon Soderberg! What a terrible dragon king! Do you have to destroy the Xinglan Kingdom to be willing?

"Mr. Scholar, you are right." The security captain said: "However, why would Husse who are also exposed to white light be okay?"

He was a little confused.

So he explained the situation to Seuss and asked questions.

"I...I am not very clear. It was really uncomfortable at the time, but after being treated by the priests, my body quickly recovered and I didn't feel anything abnormal.

I didn't even know that it would turn into a monster after being illuminated by white light!

No wonder Boluo himself has not been seen for a while! "Hughes was surprised.

"That is to say, those that are exposed to white light will not necessarily mutate. This is a probability problem." The security captain analyzed.

"We don't know how high this probability is, but they must have become different from ordinary people. In other words, after the Dragon King attacked the city, there were many mutants like Boluo, who lied. Soldiers who are sick or thought to be mortal may have mutated!

Now we need to take action immediately. That time when the Dragon King attacked the city, many people were exposed to white light. We need to get in touch with the army immediately, get the list, and then act with the army!

go! Mr. Scholar and Hughes, follow along with you, and we will act now! "

The security captain finished speaking, and acted vigorously.

The entire police station started to operate quickly, and today is destined to be a sleepless night.

After quickly obtaining the list, all the police stations in the city, integrating tens of thousands of soldiers, quickly rushed to the home of each person on the list.

Even people who hide their faces along the way will be forced to check.

The entire Xinglan City was in chaos again.

Those who were found didn't want to be caught with their hands at all, so a fierce battle began.

There are not too many radiation mutants, but everyone's strength has been greatly improved, and most of them are stronger than a 10-level professional.

The fighting has spread to a great extent, involving many innocent people.

In this battle, it was the first time that the kingdom's army saw the terrible radiation mutants.

These monsters have completely separated from human beings, and their abilities have also been improved in all aspects.

Their abilities are all odd and weird, which is very different from the previous Danny and Boluo.

Some have a mouth growing out of their chest, which can emit flames.

Some eyes can shoot freezing rays.

Some vomit lightning.

Spit exploding saliva.

Others are more disgusting, the drawn rake quickly blends into the ground, summoning each rake element, and the person who fights him is disgusting half to death!

Also, in the palm of the hand, bone blades can be shot, and the shot bones can be quickly restored.

Others have mastered short-term spatial movement. UU reading www.uukanshu.com

In short, these radiation mutants are an eye-opener for the kingdom's army.

If this is the case, then the battle may end soon, but these radiation mutants are all original soldiers, with good combat effectiveness.

Now each combat power is amazing.

The battle was extremely anxious. At the beginning, the kingdoms army suffered a large number of casualties, but later it still relied on its numerical advantage.

Suppress these mutants.

Among the mutants, those whose brains are not corrupted have already begun to find a way out.

They repelled the army, so the driver looked for a way out.

But few can escape.

In the end, a total of forty or fifty mutants, but only a dozen people can really escape.

After the next war, the kingdom lost another thousand soldiers.

Those radiation mutants who escaped from the city seemed to be affected by something, and they headed towards the place where the nucleus had calmed down.

Danny is also one of them. He is smarter. After Boluo was exposed, he slipped out of the city and came to Shillong to grow mushrooms.

The remaining radiation belt here, tens of kilometers apart, summons its children in the dark.

After these radiation mutants came here, they were like returning to their mother's womb, their condition became better, and their bodies became more comfortable.

They breathed the radiant air here.

The wounds from the previous battle also began to heal gradually, and his body changed a little.

They move towards the center, and every step they take, their bodies change by one point!

Danny groaned, and his body swelled again.

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