Pull through the cloak that was wrapped around it.

His skin was completely exposed and red, his body began to grow taller and stronger, his height changed from two meters to two meters.

The muscles of the whole body are very strong, and they are ligated together, looking very hard.

Two small holes were also broken in the back, and two other arms grew.

The feet became thicker, the toes became thicker and longer, and a long toe grew on the heel, which broke the shoe.

The six claw-like toes are very powerful, and a little effort will scratch the ground!


Danny roared cheerfully.

He rushed to the radiation center, breathing radiant air happily inside. I dont know how long it took, and there were many mutant radiation people around.

He looked up at the others.

These radiation mutants are already far from humans. Excited, cheerful smiles were on their faces.

I knew I would be here earlier.

It's so stupid to suppress yourself for so long!

They are worthless for their previous caution.

"Everyone!" Just when all the radiation mutants were intoxicated in the air here, one suddenly spoke.

This guy is two meters tall, has five horns on his head, is relatively slender, and has very long arms, dragging on the ground.

He grinned and said with a mouth full of fangs: "Everyone, everyone will be new humans in the future, do you have any plans?"

Another "new human" has a bulging body, only about one meter, and the short-handed guy said: "You call our mutated form the new human"

"Of course! We are the real human beings after getting rid of the shackles! We are the people living in the real world! Of course we must be distinguished from the old human beings! Isn't it?" Long-armed man said.


Several other radiators nodded in agreement.

The long-armed Radiant raised his arms at this time and said: "Everyone, I am the commander of the Velociraptor Marine Corps, Duster, I believe you all have heard of my name."

"It's great that you are Captain Duster! Captain, I am Bart, the captain of the third team below you! Do you remember me?"

A surprised voice came.

The person who was talking was a person who looked a little flat, his arms were like an iron ribbon, and his feet were too. The thin feet stepped on the ground, which looked very violent.

"Oh" Dust looked at each other in surprise: "Of course I remember! This is so happy for me! I thought I would say goodbye to everything in the past, but I didn't expect to see the subordinates before!

Bart! Let us continue together and form a new raptor clan! A force that belongs exclusively to our new human! "

"Okay! Captain!" Bart, the tin man like a streamer, exclaimed passionately.

The entire iron body was twisting.

The blade-like foot brushed across a stone.

The stone was divided into two halves.

Let the other radiation mutants who have been paying attention to the two have a heart.

This guy's hands and feet are so sharp!

It is comparable to the sharpest sword!

"Very good! Bart!" Duster exclaimed, then turned his head and said to others: "Everyone, what do you think of my proposal? New humans are rare, and they should unite! Let us create a better future."

"Hehehe...Who will be the highest commander of the team then?" The chubby body seemed to be very elastic, and it kept moving up and down.

"Of course it's Master Duster!" Bart the Tinman spoke first at this time: "Master Duster was already a level 14 fighter before, and now he is a new human, his strength might be legendary!

Besides him, who else is qualified to be convincing"

As soon as this was said, everyone present was shocked.

There was level 14 strength before the mutation, how strong is it now?

"Ha ha ha..." Duster's long arms were behind him, seemingly humble and proud: "Bart, you look at me too high, the legend is an extremely great existence, and I still have some distance from the legend... But I have a hunch, as long as I experience a transformation, I will become a legend!"

"Hehehe...I only know that the team leader must be the strongest among us." Bart said with a smile.

"Hahahaha... It's really embarrassing to want to be our team leader. Although your previous position was not low, now I won't be under yours!

Become the new human me! Will not obey anyone's rubbish!

Of course, if you are willing to make me the leader, I am still willing to join your team. "

The guy who was only about one meter tall and in a bouncing state spoke.

His face was rebellious.

Before I wanted to come, I was a thorn in the legion.

"Oh" Dust hung his two long arms around his chest, his expression a little gloomy: "It seems that you are very confident in your own strength? I don't know what your name is? Which army belonged to before."

The tin man on one side roared: "Little dwarf! Don't be too arrogant! Even if everyone is a new human! That is also noble and humble!

Captain Duster is outstanding! It is time to lead us to glory! "

"Tsk!" Yuan Tunkun slapped his lips with a bit of discomfort: "Superior strength and never discussed it~wuxiaworld.online~ How do I know he is superb?

Does his strength depend on your mouth to keep licking

Has your tongue been so good since childhood? "

"You!" The Tin Man was furious.

The iron-skinned feet were spinning around in place, and he had drilled a small pit on the ground.

The rubble was splashed everywhere.

"Fool! Since you want to know the strength of Captain Duster, let's compare with me first!

I will let you know what the gap is! "

After finishing speaking, his two iron-skinned arms stretched straight and quickly became thinner, only one millimeter thick, like blades, and extremely sharp.

Under the sunlight overhead, it exudes a cold light.

Others did not consciously give way to the two of them, fearing to be involved, but also deliberately to see how strong the two are.

"Hehehe... the battle between the new mankind and the new mankind to subvert the past begins at this moment!" Orbman smiled strangely.

The two of them are no more than fifty or sixty meters apart.

The Tin Man quickly killed the Orb Man.

But before he could run far, the ball on the opposite side looked like a tumbler, with his body tilted and his head facing him.

Immediately afterwards, the ball figure was like a spring, and the chubby body under her body was wrinkled, and her body quickly dried up.

Like a spring.

In the next moment, the Orbman rushed towards him like a cannonball.

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