"Huhuhuhu...your strength...huhu...I recognized...huhu...I will follow you in the future!" Yuanqiu was finally convinced.

Seeing this, Danny took a deep breath again infatuated, then turned around and left.

Daxter, who has been watching the audience, couldn't help but say: "This strong red-skinned warrior, why is he leaving suddenly?"

As soon as he spoke, everyone would focus on Danny.

Danny just looked back at them and said, "I'm going to find our true master... Only that kind of power is worthy of me to follow... You are not qualified."

After speaking, he left here without looking back.

The others didnt stop them. The enemys strength is unknown, and now each has weird abilities. Engaging is not a wise move. The most important thing is that Danny was the first person to come here, which gave them a mistake. information.

This tall, red-skinned man was killed from the city just like us. He didn't have any injuries on his body, and he was the first to arrive. He was definitely one of the best!

Several radiation mutants were lost in thought.

Contemplating Danny's words.

The real master...

Is he referring to the black and gold dragon king?

Everyone unconsciously recalled the dragon.

Cover the sky and the sun, like a **** and a devil! Just staring at him, you will feel as weak as an ant crawling on the ground! Unbearable!

Even after the current mutation, even if it is the legendary powerhouse who is still extremely powerful in their eyes!

In front of the dragon! It's just a bigger ant!

That is the real **** of the world! Dragon God! Everyone held him in awe, fear, and worship of power.

The atmosphere at the scene was silent, and I don't know how long it took.

A new human entangled in thunder light asked: "Should we follow along?"

"In the past?" Yuanqiu sneered: "I don't want to face that kind of monster every day! That will make me feel like the ant before! The ant that hasn't changed at all after evolution! This is not what I want!"

Lei Guangren also hesitated. To be honest, he didn't want to go to the dragon king.

The memories left by the evil dragon are only unstoppable strength and horror.

As long as they think of each other, several mutated radiators will be nervous.

"It is not necessary to rely on anyone! As long as we gather together! We will become a new force! Friends! Let us create our future together!

Trust me! Believe in yourself! "

Dust raised his arms and shouted.

The others looked at each other.

"Okay! From now on we will be companions! Create our future together!"

Everyone agreed.

At this point, this new human army was established.

There are five people in all, Duster, Bart, and the Orb, the Thunder, and a fat-bellied man.

They are confident of their own strength.

Although it was incomparable with the king of evil dragons, he was definitely considered a strong man among humans.

The world is so big that you can go!

A group of people chose to live here temporarily because the ambient air here is too suitable for them.

Just after they came here, let them mutate further and live for a long time, maybe they can continue to grow stronger. ,

However, it is too close to King Star City, everyone is ready to evacuate at any time.

Xinglan Kingdom experienced the radiant man storm.

They caught a lot alive.

To be honest, the masters of the mage are very interested in these radiation people.

I think they are the miracle of life!

Especially after knowing their previous identities!


A group of professionals who were originally between level 4 and 8 have been transformed into a group of professionals with a strength of about level 10!

At the last time, everyone has improved to level 2 or above, and more to level 4~6!

This is the power of the gods!

Although they are no longer humans in the general sense, after their appearance has become strange, everyone has different abilities.

These abilities are strange.

It was an eye-opener for all mages.

These people seem to have become bloodline creatures, and these abilities are engraved in the bloodline.

This makes the mages so enviable.

For this reason, researched frantically against these radiation people.

The king was very interested in the mutations of these people and even strongly supported the mages to study.

If you can understand this mutation technology.

Then the kingdom can produce a special force! At that time, the strength will be greatly increased, and it is impossible to be ashamed of the evil dragon!

The edge of the blue and white forest, the city of tomorrow.

Shillong is still building houses with diligence as always.

The concrete houses are constantly changing shapes under the control.

Not far from him, dozens of earth elements were also working, but their work efficiency was far from that of Shillong. Each earth element had to rest for a long time to build four or five houses.

And they all work under the command of several earth elements with higher IQs.

The place is covered by large stocks of dust.

The atmosphere of the construction site.

Shillong is under construction as always.

Two "little things" in Shillon's eyes came here~wuxiaworld.online~ a green-skinned orc with a height of 2.5 meters.

Cusk? Tomahawk.

The other Shillon hadn't seen him, a little shorter than Cusk.

His body was red, his muscles were very strong, he was stronger than Cusk, and he actually had a pair of arms behind him.

A race I have never seen...

But these are not important. The most important thing is that Shillong felt familiar with the opponent, a very special and indescribable feeling.

This made him stop working, his pitch-black almond-shaped pupils staring at the opponent closely, as if to take a thorough look at him.

The lumen of the golden particles is uncertain.

The person with red skin and an extra pair of arms is Danny Au.

After he came here, when he met someone, he said he wanted to see the owner here, the black and gold dragon king!

Then this meaning was conveyed up to the ears of Kusk's battle axe.

In fact, if it is an ordinary person, he will not see Cusk.

But Danny is not a normal person.

At least everyone who has seen him thinks that he is very special. Have you ever seen a "person" with four arms and a red body?

And only by breath, these people can understand that Danny's strength will not be weak.

Because of this, Cusk directly brought him to Shillong.

At this time, Danny's body trembled slightly, and Siro was staring at him, causing fear involuntarily to emerge from the depths of his heart.

This is the difference between the dimension and the food chain.

It's like a little mouse, stared at by a cat who often catches mice.

His body couldn't help shaking.

Layers of goose bumps appeared on the naked red skin.

At the same time, there was excitement in his heart!

That's right! He is excited!

At this time, he could finally feel the power of the dragon king a little bit!