In his eyes, the opponent was like the sun in the sky, and his whole body was emitting light that would blind people's eyes!

The breath is like an abyss, unpredictable!

"My lord! This is Danny Chora. I found us in the morning and wanted to see you by name. I think he is good, so I brought him over." Kusk's right arm was pressed against his chest, facing the west. Long respectfully said.

The corner of his eye looked at Danny, and he was not surprised to see his shaking body.

Anyone who saw Shillon's huge body for the first time would be shocked by it.

I understand my own smallness and weakness in my heart.

"Daniel Chora...I felt an extraordinary breath in your body. This is the reason why you came to me. Let's talk about it." Shillong's tail swept the ground lightly, dusting the dust. Sweep away, and then sit down.

His huge weight still caused the ground to vibrate slightly, and a pit of more than three meters was pressed under his body.

"Yes! Great King of Dragons, I came after your power." Danny said respectfully, following Cusk's appearance.

"Dragon King" Silom was a little surprised, but at the same time he was a little proud.

That's right, there is nothing wrong with being called the Dragon King with his own strength.

"Where did you hear the title"

"This is passed down from the Kingdom of Xinglan, and I was an ordinary person more than a month ago. In your territory, ordinary people who are no different from ordinary humans." Danny said.

"Is it spread in the Kingdom of Stars? It must be the King of Dragons, hum..." Xilong smiled and teased.

Then his expression became serious: "Your words are very interesting. You said you were just an ordinary person a month ago? But now you have changed a little. It really makes me unable to connect you with ordinary people outside. ,How is this going?

It seems that this must be a very interesting story. "

"Yes, Lord Dragon King.

I was originally a soldier in the Kingdom of Starland, and I was a member of the kingdom's army to resist your invasion.

At that time, you released a white light.

All of us lost the ability to fight and suffered all the time, but because of this, some of us were still the same as before, nothing happened.

Some people died because of ineffective treatment, but a very small number of people, like me, have evolved! Get a new life! "

When Danny talked about this, his expression became a bit enthusiastic: "We are all through your supreme supernatural power to evolve!

In my opinion, you are the real god!

Do not! wrong! Your power is more stalwart than God! Possess the power to evolve all things!

I feel that my strength is more than ten times stronger than before!

In order to find the root of this power, I have come to find you!

I am willing to always follow a great existence like you! "

After listening to what the other party said, Sillon's eyes widened.

What is this?

Radiation variation

Although I already knew that my previous white light was radiant light.

But in his impression, the cognition of radiation still staying at the blue star.

This is something that is extremely harmful to the human body.

It is impossible to destroy and change the cells and genes of the human body. The country on the island of the Blue Star in the past life is unknown.

Their descendants are suffering.

Some mutants are also extremely miserable. They suffer too much and are too fragile than normal people.

In his impression, this kind of radiation represents death and destruction.

But unexpectedly, in this world, there will be new changes!

Why is that?

Because people in this world are relatively strong, there is a certain chance that they can survive the mutation, so will this evolution-like effect occur?

Condensing the evolutionary history of mankind for countless years in just a few months and days

If so, then this radiation in this world can not only be used for destruction!

It can also make people evolve!

Evolve the powerhouse I need now to maintain my kingdom!

This is what he urgently needs now. The population has increased dramatically, especially with many prisoners. This kind of garbage people are there, making it difficult for the foreign servants to maintain law and order.

Had it not been for Shillong's hard-line style, who had already been deprived of his citizenship and sent to prison, the city of tomorrow that was still being built would have long been a mess!

These mutated radiators are what I need now!

Kusk on one side looked at Danny in a daze, tell me this thing is a human mutation

Or...I will mutate too

Cusk was moved at this moment.

Orcs are a very powerful race.

No, maybe the vast majority of professionals are on the whole road.

They will all indulge in stronger power.

For many people, they are more attractive than power, money, and beauty!

For this reason, Cusk looked at Shillon with some fiery eyes, and he almost spoke directly.

Come! Radiate me! Let me mutate too!

I want four arms too! I also want to be stronger!

Silom looked at Danny for a moment, and finally said: "This is really interesting... It is necessary to continue to study, let's go, I will take you to the basement now, let you absorb more radiation, and see if you can further mutate. ~wuxiaworld.online~ After speaking, he left here with Danny.

The construction of the site was handed over to the previous debris flow element.

The Shillong belt grabbed Danny and flew from the sky.

Probably a few kilometers away from the City of Tomorrow, he dug a basement out, and finally entered after shrinking.

He is afraid that the radiation will affect the land outside.

The entire basement is ten meters underground. After entering, only a few fist-sized holes are left above the head for ventilation.

After Danny Fa was illuminated by the white light, his expression became very rippling, as if he had been in a high court.

He felt his cells were full of vitality.

He groaned comfortably for several times, this feeling was much stronger than before in the nuclear blast outside Xinglan City.

After about five or six minutes, he felt his body "filled up"!

And the body feels faintly for a while.

He feels going on, he will explode!

So quickly called a stop.

Shillong was a little surprised, but this guy was a precious experiment and couldn't be anxious.

In the following days, he was still busy at the construction site every day, but he would spend a few minutes every day taking Danny to the basement to receive radiation.

Time passed quietly like this.

Danny's body began to mutate gradually.

at the same time.

Outside the main material realm.

Heavenly realm.

Surrounded by clouds and mist here.

The north wind howled.

A huge mountain of unknown height plunged straight into the top of the cloud, and a huge platinum-gold dragon was sitting on the ground.

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