This platinum dragon has a long and slender figure. Its body is covered with silver-white scales. Its cat-like eyes are dark blue, glowing with a pale blue light like the midsummer sky.

Looks calm and wise.

There is a breath of wise man.

It just sat quietly on the top of the mountain, looking peacefully at the bottom of the clouds.

A large number of metal dragons are playing in the sky at least ten kilometers below.

Suddenly, a dazzling golden light shone beside it.

A person as small as an ant in contrast to the dragon appeared beside the dragon.

This is a young and robust golden-skinned human male with a calm smile and amiable attitude.

Wearing the most luxurious robes and a brilliant crown.

"Under the crown of the Lord of Dawn, why are you free to come to my side today?"

Compared to this golden-skinned human, the huge dragon spoke.

It was an old male voice.

Although the voice sounded very soft, it came out from its huge mouth and directly shook the surrounding clouds.

He directly named the identity of the person who came, the Lord of Dawn, Luoshanda, a strong and powerful god!

There are too many legends in the main material world.

"Your Majesty, Lord of the North Wind, I have very important things to tell you. This is related to the fate of the main material world." The golden-skinned Lord of Dawn also spoke.

The voice is extremely soft, and it will make people want to get close to him unconsciously.

Roshanda also revealed the identity of the platinum dragon.

Surprisingly, it is the platinum dragon god, the lord of the north wind, Bahamut! Although it is only a weak supernatural power, as the body of the dragon, it gives him a strength beyond imagination!

Even in the face of powerful divine power, it will not fall under the wind.

A very powerful dragon god.

"Did you know that on the main material plane, on a remote continent, there is a country called Xinglan Kingdom, where an evil dragon appeared..." The Lord of Dawn explained his intention.

"Sorry, I don't know. Are you looking for me this time because of this evil dragon?

I think about the evil dragon, you should ask the cunning guy Tiamat. "Platinum Dragon God said.

"If it's an ordinary dragon, my followers will naturally give it the punishment it deserves, but this time is different. This time the protagonist is named Silon Sodberg. The legend has a lot to do with your metal dragons." The Lord of Dawn explained.

"Sirontholdberg..." The Platinum Dragon God was slightly silent.

He recalled this name. Kama Dorn, a believer who remained on the material plane, had mentioned this name to him.

A mutated dragon with the resources of the Dragon God.

But didnt Karma say that the guidance was good?

Is a kind child?

Why did he become an evil dragon in Luoshandas mouth?

The Platinum Dragon God squinted his cat-like eyes and said, "It does matter, but I heard that this kid is pretty good, how come he becomes an evil dragon in your mouth"

"It is indeed an evil dragon! There is absolutely nothing wrong with this, my followers have told me everything!

Shillon Soderberg is not only full of evil, he also killed tens of thousands of people in the kingdom, and countless people died because of him.

His evil power has turned ordinary humans into evil monsters..." The Lord of the Morning Light patiently explained everything.

Finally, there was a beckon, and an illusory figure appeared between the two gods.

"This is the soul of a believer of mine. You can read his soul memory."

Platinum Dragon God is silent, this guy is serious.

Divine light appeared in his eyes immediately, sweeping towards the soul body.

A large image and data stream passed through his mind.

After a while, he already knew the cause and effect.

This is a soldier who died in Shillong's hands.

He was originally a passionate young soldier who loved the motherland and the people, but was irradiated by the radiation of Shillong during the battle of the kingdom.

Finally mutated, and then his personality changed drastically. Not long before the kingdom, he was killed in the chaos of the Radiation mutants!

When he died, his reason was clearer than ever before. He repented for everything he had done and asked for the guidance of the Lord of Dawn.

Finally, there is the present scene.

The platinum dragon, who knew everything, had a heavier face. After learning about Shillong's appearance and strength, a distant legend suddenly popped out of his mind...

And a dragon that only exists in legends!

Yes, this dragon can also be called a legend for these gods!

"Do you know the legend about the plutonium dragon?"

Platinum Dragon God asked.

"Of course I know, that's why I came." The Lord of Dawn's expression was extremely solemn.

"The most terrifying multiverse! The most evil dragon!

death! destroy! combustion! Silence is synonymous with him.

In the entire multiverse, there have been unexplained worlds destroyed by them. Legend has it that the lives of those who have seen them will die in despair.

Only a few myths survived and spread throughout the multiverse.

Of course, this is not the scariest.

Katani Angat, the legendary soul-killing! His name I think all the gods will be unforgettable forever!

Break into the deepest hell, burnt hell, and kill the powerful evil god, the **** of soul Mokamei!

What a shocking evil force..."

The face of the Lord of Dawn is extremely heavy~wuxiaworld.online~Mocame, that is a powerful evil **** who can rival him!

But he was killed by a dragon in his lair!

What is this concept?

This is equivalent to the powerful gods hiding in the kingdom of God, working with all the believers to fight against Qatani Angat, but still invincible!

All destroyed! Don't leave one!

The entire Jiaoyan Hell is still a life restricted area, within a radius of tens of thousands of kilometers, it is full of terracotta!

All normal life is isolated from it.

But on the other hand, a bunch of radiation mutant demons also appeared there, they admired Qatani Angat from the heart!

Think he is greater than the whole hell, all the demons! The stronger and stronger destroyer!

All life, it is natural for the city to be under the wings of Katani Angat!

It is not safe for gods with great power to hide in the kingdom of God!

It was terrifying to the extreme.

You know, the strength of the gods in their own gods will be greatly improved.

And the battle between the gods, generally not too much life-threatening.

If you want to kill a weak god, if you want to kill a weak god.

Then you must go to the other side's divine kingdom, which is extremely unwise, because in this case, the strong divine power will not be much stronger than the weak one.

If at this time, that powerful divine power suddenly discovers that even one or two other weak divine powers are present in the opponent's kingdom, then I am afraid he will really die in the opponent's kingdom!

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