His complexion turned pale green, and with special techniques, he controlled the wound on his chest to squirm and shrink slightly, and when it became the size of a baby's fist, the blood was only slightly stopped.

But at this time he was also unable to act.

He turned to look at the golden cloak that was still moving slowly.

Every time he takes a step, a golden light will shed.

Through the chest of an orc.

None of the humans running around were hurt.

Very strange.

"The filthy evil will be purified!"

The man in the golden cloak said again.

After piercing the chest of the entire orc squad, he moved forward again.

But before he took a few steps.

A red gold streamer was from far to near, instantly spanning more than ten kilometers.

The man in the golden cloak was caught by a huge dragon claw before he could react, and was then taken away.

When this streamer flew hundreds of meters.

The huge wind pressure is only coming.

Everything within a few hundred meters of the side, the houses on both sides were lifted up instantly, turning into the sky and earth.

Groups of unlucky humans and aliens screamed and fell from the air.

Cusk's injuries continued, and the blood flow continued.

However, he raised his head and a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

Look at the red gold meteor in the sky.

The old elders pulled by the long red gold tail.

The rumbling sonic boom broke out in the crowd at this time!

The man in the cloak felt the whole world roar.

He was held in the paws by a monster, and huge pressure squeezed him.

At least thousands of tons!

The sound of clicking, la la la la, continued to sound from him.

The golden shield on his body creaked.

Large swaths of wind pressure are like the sharpest blade, pouring in from the gap between the monster's claws, and his cloak has been shredded.

At the same time, a dragon roar full of anger sounded in the ear.

"Evil! Will be purified!"

The cloak man also roared.

His body swelled quickly! He suddenly turned into a huge golden giant with a height of three and forty meters, holding his paws open instantly!

At this point, he finally saw the existence that caught him.

A dark, non-reflective scale armor, with golden light flowing in the slap in the gap, it looks strangely beautiful.

It is the goal of his trip! Shillon Soderberg! That young plutonium dragon! Ultimate evil!

"Die! Ultimate evil!" The golden giant roared, his huge fists danced, and the momentum at that moment compressed all the air in front of him into a liquid ball.

Smashed on the scales of the black gold dragon.

A huge wave of air was lifted from between the fist and the scales, and the body was thousands of meters above the sky. The clouds and mists in the surrounding hundreds of meters were all shattered!

The violent sound resounded across the sky, and even people a few kilometers away could hear it clearly.


The fist of the golden giant sank Shillong's scaled armor, but his hands were numb by the force of the counter shock.


Silom roared in pain, he was a little surprised, he didn't expect the fist of this golden giant to sink so vigorously.

Make him feel pain at all.

This punch, less to say, has to have tens of thousands of tons of power!

For this reason, his dragon wing quickly moved from top to bottom, facing the golden giant's forehead!

With a blast.

The golden giant roared in pain and fell uncontrollably to the ground.

Layers of sonic boom sounded when the golden giant fell!

Shillon quickly dived and followed, his dragon claws caught the opponent's head.

Falling to the ground at a speed of more than a thousand meters per second!

"Ah!!!" the golden giant roared wildly.

But the sound could not reach the ears of both.

Even the previous sonic boom disappeared, and both entered a relatively silent state.

The body and the void, because of the excessive speed, rubbed a large area of sparks!

People on the ground, as long as they look up, they will see a burning red gold meteor falling toward the earth!

A few kilometers away from the city of tomorrow, a meteorite falls!

A huge shock wave was generated! With the power to set off everything! Sweep around!


The surrounding land was cracked every inch and was pushed around by the shock wave.

Become a huge wave of mud, rocks and dust!


Even after a few kilometers, this huge roar still reached the ears of everyone in the city of Tomorrow.

The panicked crowd screamed in horror, looking at the huge dusty waves tens of meters high, like a natural disaster, they turned their heads and ran inside!

While holding his chest, Kusk, who was already unable to walk, showed a wry smile. When he was about to wait for death, a strong orc passed by him, picked up Kusk directly, and began to flee!

The huge wave of dust sweeps everything like a monster! Everything on the way, whether it's people or buildings! Are all set off, join them! Entering the city of tomorrow, pushing for a full one or two kilometers again is the end!

When the huge dust wave stopped, there was an extra wall outside the city of tomorrow! A dusty fence six to seventy meters high and one hundred meters thick!

Destroy at least hundreds of houses!

Hundreds of people were killed or injured!

Fortunately, the golden giant attacked before, giving them more time to escape...

Pray for these hapless children... The mortals who follow Shillong always seem to be in trouble.

In the center of the explosion, in a huge pit with a depth of sixty to seven meters and a diameter of several hundred meters, the golden giant who had originally suffered the blow let out a terrible scream.

A burst of golden blood spurted out!


But then, before he started to fight back.

A great force struck him again!

Shillong's tail wing braved the red golden flames, with unparalleled thrust, pinched the head of the golden giant, and pushed it sideways!

Countless mud and rocks were smashed into pieces! Splash in front of both!

The whine of the earth cannot even reach the ears of both!

Soon, the ground was ploughed into a trench several kilometers long, tens of meters wide, and fifty to sixty meters deep!

what! ! ! !

The golden giant has never been so aggrieved.

He wanted to get rid of the opponent's claws, but unexpectedly, the power contained in the claws this time was much greater than the first time, making him unable to break free.

The golden giant roared wildly, his body burst out with extremely dazzling golden light.

Suddenly his chest shot a golden beam of light!

Shillong's claws involuntarily let go of the golden giant. Boomed hundreds of meters instantly!

When he flew upside down, he shook his wing, and quickly stabilized the momentum, floating in mid-air.

At the corner of his eye, where he was hit by the golden beam of light just now, a few scales actually sank slightly, and strands of scarlet gold blood came out...

"Evil! Will be purified!" The golden giant roared and shot a golden light again.

Silom swiftly turned sideways and avoided.

Then his eyes condensed, and a huge gravity fell on the golden giant.

Makes the giant staggered.

This made him look a little angry.

"A boring trick!"

The golden brilliance flashed on him.

Gravity is completely shaved off.

After that, he straightened up quickly.

On his chest, a golden light burst! The beam biubiu kept shooting towards Shillong in the air.

The next moment, a huge repulsive force appeared in front of Siro, and violently collided with the golden light beam.

But it was instantly crushed by the golden light beam, and the space shattered like glass.

The golden beam hits the sky directly!

Spread the sky ten kilometers!

Every path penetrates the clouds!

People from dozens of kilometers away can see clearly.

The citizens in the City of Tomorrow were all frightened.

For fear of beams hitting them!

The huge dust wave just now scared them enough!

For Shillong, this time the beam is far less powerful than before, but the victory is fast enough.

He was like a red gold pop in the sky, drawing a sky full of red gold trajectory, dodge back and forth.

Peng! But no matter how fast he is, he cannot avoid all the golden beams!

The frequency of the golden giant's eruption was so fast, with hundreds of beams shooting out every second, Shillong was finally hit by the first shot, and then completely submerged!

The rumbling blast sounded constantly on him.

Shillong was wrapped in a huge cloud of energy.

It lasted more than ten seconds...


An extremely angry roar sounded.

The energy cloud was blown away by a huge sound wave!

Shillong was already extremely angry at this moment.

The originally black scale armor on his body was completely covered by red gold!

The speed and strength of the body have been improved again!

The flame at the end of the dragon wing flashed.

In an instant, Silom had already hit the golden giant's chest and knocked him out.

But Shillon, who had quick eyes and quick hands, stretched out his dragon's claws and grabbed the opponent's wrist!

Then use his full strength and suddenly hit the ground below him!


The earth was violently quake ~wuxiaworld.online~ completely broken, and within a few kilometers, there was an earthquake with a magnitude of more than ten.


In the short scream of the golden giant.

Shillong's forelegs twisted, and he slammed the other side directly to the other side, and the earth shook again!

boom! boom! boom! boom!

Shillong's forelimbs danced wildly.

The ground is constantly shaking and cracking!

It sank straight for one or two hundred meters, surrounded by huge cracks tens of meters wide and several kilometers long!

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhh!" The golden giant roared extremely angry.

Large swaths of golden blood came out of his mouth.

His golden skin was faintly green.

But at this time, there is always a golden light starting to repair his injuries.

He is like a Xiaoqiang who can't die.

The body has been in transition from injury and recovery.

On the golden giant's chest, the golden light beam that blasted Silom before was shot again, but this time after the shot.

After Shillong's scales showed a circle of red gold ripples, the golden light beam disappeared, and the movement of beating him did not stop at all.

It seems that the blow just now is even more useless!

On the contrary, he was beaten harder!

The golden giant was roaring, and the earth kept wailing.

Shillong's foot beat the opponent for more than a minute, and this guy is still injured and repaired.

He seems to be able to absorb the energy of the entire world infinitely, repairing his injured body.

This resilience is almost the same as the octopus monsters encountered in the Cthulhu Dreamland before!

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