The cracks on the ground are getting worse.

Layer by layer, like a spider web spreading dozens of kilometers away!

In an underground research room.

Wickoff was wearing a white robe and was doing research experiments.

But the earthquake has affected here.

The whole basement was shaking.


The table in the basement kept shaking, and a strange potion on it slowly moved to the corner of the table.

Suddenly, it fell to the ground with a snap.

The colored water infested the ground, making a creaking sound, and a ring of thick smoke rose.

"Oh! No! My dear!" Wickoff groaned in pain while holding his skull in the palms of two skeletons.

Da Da Da.... The shaking in the basement is getting worse.

Suddenly, with a loud blast, the top floor above could not withstand the vibration of the earthquake and burst open.

A large pile of smoke and dust mixed with mud and rocks rolled down.

Smashed Wickoff's laboratory to pieces.

All the test equipment suffered heavy losses, and colorful potions were scattered all over the place.

boom! boom! boom!

Before Vikoff screamed, the top of the entire laboratory burst.

The mud and rocks flooded the entire laboratory, and Wickoff let out his last groan, and his figure quickly disappeared into the basement.

Appear on the ground outside.

As soon as he came into contact with the outside air, Vikoff let out an extremely angry soul roar: "Who is it! Dare to destroy my experiment! I want to extract his soul! Put it on the hellfire for a hundred years!! No! One! Thousands of years! Until his soul becomes nothingness!"

boom! boom! boom!

No one answered his words, only the roaring sound constantly, the earth groaning constantly, standing on the shaking ground, Vikoff looked around, and didn't see anyone doing damage.

Only a group of people in black cloaks fled in panic.

These are all believers of the Dragon Lich Cult.


Wickoff was a little confused.

The blue arcane brilliance of his skeleton palm flickered and stretched forward.

A huge blue palm of about five meters long appeared out of thin air, grabbed a believer who was taking refuge, and pulled it back in front of him.

The believer was very panicked at first. After seeing Vickoffs skull, he barely calmed down and said: "Vick...Master Vickoff..."

"Tell me! What the **** happened here?" The soul fire inside Wickoff's skull flashed continuously.

"My lord... we don't know... But... it may be a natural disaster..." the believer said carefully.

"Scourge" Wickoff groaned.

"Impossible, how could the frequency of natural disasters earthquakes be so neat...



Every less than a second, the ground would vibrate. This law called a bard over, maybe he could compose a piece of music on the spot.

"Forget it! You don't understand after I said it! Get out." Wickoff controlled the Blu-ray hand and quickly threw away the believer.

The believer was thrown to the ground, rolled in a circle and stood up and quickly ran into the distance.

Wickoff's body floated.

He quickly came to the sky of kilometers.

Looking around through the vision of the soul.

Within a few kilometers, there is no anomaly at all, but the farther from the northwest, the denser the earthquakes and the higher the intensity.

Wickoff followed this direction and continued to wait and see.

Until more than twenty kilometers away.

See the root of everything!

A giant dragon full of red gold lustre, huge dragon claws grabbed the toes of a golden giant, and furiously beat it against the ground!

Every time you fall to the ground, there will be a huge earthquake!

The boulders are flying, and the smoke is everywhere!

The scene is very photogenic!

It makes people think that they have come to the age of mythology, watching a battle between gods! Natural disasters continue!

"Um...that golden giant...it seems to be a bit impressed...it seems...it seems..."

Wickoff held his boned chin in the palm of a skeleton, while he was thinking.

I feel that there is a record of this golden giant in my memory.

Look at his appearance, so familiar...

correct! is teacher! He mentioned it before!

Wickoff instantly remembered the identity of the golden giant!

Lord of Dawn! Los Angeles! Powerful god!

The true body of the **** cannot come, so this must be his clone!

This lunatic actually descended a clone in the main material realm to fight a dragon

Know that the **** wants to intervene in the main material world.

Only lower the avatar, or clone.

Incarnation is just to cast down divine power and consciousness on those devout believers.

This incarnation is relatively weak, probably only about the strength of the legend.

But clones are different. Generally clones contain certain godhead fragments, and their strength will be greatly strengthened.

However, ordinary gods will not lower the clone, only the incarnation.

The death of the incarnation does not cause much loss to the gods themselves. After a few days of cultivation, they can make up for the lost divine power.

Well, here to mention, in fact, the divine power that the incarnation of the gods itself can obtain is not much, and it is still inferior.

The main material realm has the enchantment of the **** ao, the gods will lose most of their divine power when they lower the divine power and transmit it to the lower realm incarnation.

This may exceed 99!

If there is no such limitation, the gods can make the incarnation of gods almost without consumption...

The same is true for clones.

And in order to expand the physical strength of the container, it will also bring fragments of the gods, such a clone will be very powerful.

Far from being comparable to ordinary legends!

But the price is too great, the fragments of the godhead are the foundation of the gods, even if it is only a fraction of a fraction, it is also a fundamental damage, almost impossible to repair...

Moreover, the godhead fragments will attract the attention of almost all legendary powerhouses in the lower realm.

As long as they find out who has fragments of the godhead, they will almost use their brains to get fragments.

This will increase their strength!

Maybe you can directly become a new god!

For this reason, all legends will be crazy.

In the distant past, there have been incidents where the avatar of the **** descended, was besieged by a bunch of legends, and thus fell and was divided into pieces of the gods.

From then on, the legendary powerhouses are like mad dogs in the eyes of the gods ~wuxiaworld.online~, they will stare at their blood-red eyes and stare at the **** who descended the clone!

This is the most delicious food in their eyes!

It is precisely because of this that in this era, almost no gods will descend their clones!

This is crazy in the eyes of all gods and not worth it.

But there are always some crazier gods who will do things that ordinary people and ordinary gods cannot understand!

For example, the Lord of Dawn in Wyckoff's eyes, Luoshanda!

This guy is a complete lunatic! An extreme justice!

Treating the evil in his own eyes, he will ruthlessly destroy it directly! Eliminate all evil! It is the ultimate goal of his life!

A long time ago, both the main material realm and the star realm had done some great things!

But the results seem to be very bad.

Years ago, this guy even lowered his doppelganger frantically, trying to kill the teacher.

As a result, he miscalculated!

Teacher, besides being a voter of the goddess of magic, he was also one of her concubines!

I have obtained a lot of good things from the goddess of magic, and I have a lot of legendary equipment!

This is why the goddess of magic has always wanted to kill the teacher until now!

Anyone who is betrayed by a concubine must be mad!

The teacher himself is strong enough, and with the many treasures obtained from the goddess of magic, he directly injured the clone of the Lord of Dawn and escaped...

And created the current church.

Well, I heard that I used to worship the Dragon Sect, but then the teacher became a Lich...

The entire church was also renamed...

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