Unexpectedly! This lunatic actually lowered his clone again!

And it seems to have met an opponent!

Vikoff sneered. He looked at the scarlet golden dragon, who was completely slinging at the Lord of Dawn.

But this is only temporary. The most terrifying thing about the gods is their immortality and immortality, and their resilience will be very exaggerated.

Enough to kill anyone!

What's more, Xiaoqiang, Lord of Dawn! Recovery ability is far from comparable to other gods!

And that dragon, at this time, should be in the explosive stage.

But it's also strong enough, absolutely at the level of a demigod, just let the two guys fight to the death! Then I will go out to make good money!

Wickoff's abacus clinked, and he looked at the fragments of the godhead.

And within tens of kilometers in this radius.

But Wickoff was not the only one who noticed the abnormality.

Several legendary powerhouses who have never been seen at all have emerged from their lair.

Most of them are undead.

Lich, Dragon Lich, Death Knight...

They don't know where to hide on weekdays, but they all appeared at this moment, and quietly approached the center, preparing to gather the power of the fisherman.

It is strange to say that there are only about ten legends in the entire Starland Kingdom, but in this place with a diameter of tens of kilometers, there are several legends...

boom! boom! boom! boom!

At the center of the earthquake, the ground continued to blast.

At this time, Silom had already smashed a depth of at least six or seven hundred meters on the ground beneath him! A huge meteorite crater with a width of at least one or two kilometers!

All around are huge cracks over a hundred meters wide.

But the golden giant was still not killed by him!

This guy's skin is too thick! The golden brilliance of the whole body still shines!

And the physical trauma is still recovering!

The cry is still as loud as ever...

very energetic.

Silom was furious, knowing that this would not be the way to go, opened his huge mouth, and flames began to beat between his mouth and teeth.

Soon, a fiery breath of dragon breathed down.

Thousands of degrees of high-temperature flames enough to melt everything completely spilled on the golden giant.

Unexpectedly, she was completely isolated by the golden light.

The golden giant actually had the strength to taunt: "Lizard! Do you think your flames can hurt God"

"God is worthy of being called God by you," Silom said angrily.

Then, bite towards the opponent's shoulder.

"Ah!!" The golden giant screamed.

Xilong's sharp fangs all pierced into the golden giant's body, and a large piece of golden blood flowed down.

His blood has an unusual sense of beauty and magic.

After coming into contact with the outside air, it actually emits strands of golden streamer.

The energies of the surrounding elements converge to the blood involuntarily...

"Go away! Damn lizard!!"

The golden giant burst out with pain after eating.

A golden light flashed on his right hand.

A huge heavy hard-headed hammer appeared in his hand.

He rallied all his strength and hit Shillong with a hammer!

Orbit! ! !

At the moment of hitting, the two erupted with an astonishing roar.

The golden giant just felt like it was hit on a piece of iron.

Xilong was also uncomfortable with this hammer. He could clearly feel that a huge depression appeared in the place where he was hit, his body trembled, and a mouthful of blood spurted from his throat.

However, he swallowed at the moment he spouted.

The lumen of the golden particles in the pupils is uncertain.

But his mouth was even harder, and he bite frantically.

Another hammer fell, and Shillong trembled.

At the same time, Shillong, trembling all over, finally bit down the flesh of the golden giant.

A large piece of meat with golden blood was bitten by Sillon.

The golden giant roared in pain, and a big hole was bitten out of his shoulder.

At this moment, the angry he could only summon all his strength, once again hit Shillon with a hammer.

This time directly smashed Shillong!

Flying upside down from a pit of hundreds of meters!

boom! The moment Shillong landed, the huge gravity collapsed a ground that was already cracked, like a straw that was crushed and fell down!

"Damn evil lizard! I will purify you!"

The golden giant exudes the golden light of God, slowly flying out of the pothole.

The breath on the body is more and more inviting and holy! The big hole in the shoulder is slowly recovering at a speed visible to the naked eye, and it will be restored to its original condition in less than ten minutes!

Silom, who was buried in the mud and rocks, was already furious, and he swallowed the piece of meat torn from his opponent.

A strange force dissipated from it, and the huge energy consumption actually made up a lot.

"Whether you are a **** or a demon! When you become my enemy, your destiny is already doomed!

Turn into nothingness under the ultimate power to destroy everything! !

idiot! ! ! ! "

Shillong roared like thunder! The dragon's wings shook, and the boulder on his body shook up into the air with a bang.

Only a long golden track that stretches for several kilometers is left straight into the sky! Above Genting!

"Want to escape? Lizard!"

The divine light in the golden giant's eyes flickered, and his body also went straight into the sky.

The legendary powerhouses on the ground watched the two powerhouses who were at least half-god rushing towards the sky at this time.

Of course, there are a few that can fly, but the speed is very different from the two, but their greed for the godhead makes them involuntarily follow up~wuxiaworld.online~ including Vikov...

The speed of the golden giant was too far behind Shillong.

Only half the speed at most.

Seeing Siron flying farther and farther, the golden giant was secretly anxious.

Damn lizard, so fast!

If he wants to run away, I cant do anything with him

Although he thought so, the golden giant still followed Shillon firmly, staring at each other with supernatural eyes.

Soon, he broke through the troposphere.

This is the world of ice, snow and rain. As he continued to fly upward, the ice and rain instantly submerged his body.

But this does not hinder his speed.

His body was flying extremely fast in the void, and large expanses of sparks burst from his golden skin.

The golden giant broke through the stratosphere again and came to the ionosphere.

Beautiful aurora appeared before his eyes, but he couldn't let him pay attention.

Hundreds of kilometers away, his goal, the plutonium dragon, had already broken through to the outermost edge of the atmosphere!

The edge of the barrier created by the **** ao!

This guy wants to escape to the stars

Is this crazy?

Although he is the strongest plutonium dragon, he is obviously still young. With his current strength, there are creatures in the star realm that are stronger than him.

And I have countless ways to pinch this ant to death!

If he is in the star realm, then he will be able to dispatch his real body!

And the difference in power between the true body and the clone of the gods is like the divine moat!

If it is a real body, the golden giant has the confidence to crush Shillong to death with one finger!

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