Suddenly, the plutonium dragon stopped flying in front of his eyes.

A spin, directed at him head-on.

His dragon wings are wide open, suspended on the outermost edge of the atmosphere.

Looking at him plainly, like looking at a dead person!

What is the situation of this guy who wants to fight to the death with me in the atmosphere

Naive! I will let you know how big the gap is between the ants and the true god!

But suddenly, the mouth of the plutonium dragon opposite opened.

The air currents in the atmosphere poured into it frantically.

The golden light of the whole body is even more!

The red gold streamer of Huacheng Daodao penetrates layers of gas and stretches for at least tens of kilometers.

The humans on the ground are fortunate to wait and see, thinking that the heavens are in a different phase.

And the golden giant can see that a huge energy converges in the other's huge mouth!

When the golden giant flew out dozens of kilometers again.

The red golden light beam in the opponent's mouth suddenly spurted out!

Almost to the extreme!

It instantly turned into a huge red-gold torrent, and the dragon wings behind it simultaneously ejected two streams of flames hundreds of meters long!

The torrent of red gold tears everything apart! Layers of space are distorted! With unparalleled power!

Almost just in the blink of an eye, it spanned hundreds of kilometers and hit the golden giant!

Tens of millions, hundreds of millions of high temperatures broke out instantly!

The golden magical shield is shattering!

A huge light source that could pierce the eyes of people appeared out of thin air! This is pure white!

Flawless white! But people are sincerely scared of white! The white light source completely covers the figure of the golden giant!

A small sun suddenly appeared!

The entire Starland Kingdom, hundreds or thousands of kilometers away, and several surrounding kingdoms.

All the creatures felt that the sky suddenly brightened very abnormally, and they looked up curiously.

Seeing the sky above, there was a little sun unexpectedly!

The sun was much brighter than the original sun in the sky, and it was extremely dazzling.

After one glance, people can't help but close their eyes.

Tears rolled down uncontrollably!

It took a few minutes for the stinging sensation in the eyes to pass.

When they looked up at the sky again, the sun in the sky disappeared.

But there were red golden aurora in the sky!

Light up the entire sky!

Stretches for thousands of kilometers! Beautiful to suffocating!

Everyone didnt understand what happened, but felt that today was an abnormal day. Is this a gift from the gods?

Reward hard-working people to watch the scenery that is hard to see in this lifetime...

Some children even point to Jiguang and ask their parents: "Mom and Dad, what is that so beautiful!"

At this time, parents usually say to their children: "Baby, this is a magical technique performed by the gods. Only the smartest and well-behaved children can see it, and those who see it will live happily. lifetime"

In the next few days, everyone can still see a strip of light and a stream of charged particles gleaming in the sky.

Let all civilians mistake it for a miracle.

On the outermost edge of the atmosphere, Shillong flapped his wings and stayed quietly in the air.

His eyes silently looked at the center of the explosion.

Because it is a three-phase breath exploding in the atmosphere, there will be no iconic mushroom clouds and no shock waves!

Some are just huge red golden **** of light emitting endless light and heat!

Ten kilometers in diameter!

At this moment, it is a real sun!

The golden giant in it has long since evaporated!

This guy is indeed powerful, having survived the first two waves of three-phase breath, but the most critical last wave was to make him die instantly!

This guy doesn't know the origin, but he probably has a problem with his brain.

As soon as he came up, he killed people in the city, clamoring to eliminate evil, justice will prevail.

It's a silly child.

His subordinate Cusk was almost killed by him, if it weren't for the devil contract, he had sensed the danger of Cusk.

I don't know how much damage this madman will cause in the city.

But now the problem is finally solved!

He glanced at the gradually dissipating ball of light. There was no golden giant in it, but there was a group of light emitting a strange brilliance.

This light ball is extremely irregular, twisting unnaturally in the air, and every time it twists, there are thousands of pictures flowing on it, and it seems to have a strange beauty that cannot be described in words.

It just suspended in the air quietly.

Not affected by any gravity.

Shillong flew slowly over, pinched it in the center of his claws as soon as his claws probed.

In an instant, a large amount of knowledge hit his mind.

These are all knowledge about dawn, pluralism, vitality, and youth.

In all aspects, it has stored a huge amount of unimaginable knowledge.

If acquired by an ordinary person, this huge flood of knowledge is enough to make an ordinary person fall into brain death instantly!

The stream of golden particles in Shillong's eyes flickered.

This is a fragment of Godhead!

Fragment of Godhead of Lord of Dawn!

Having obtained the knowledge in the fragments, he instantly understood the situation of the godhead master.

A strong god, the strongest god, unexpectedly descended the clone for no reason, and said nothing to him

Shillon had difficulty understanding this neurosis.

I don't have any conflict with him, okay

Is it because I am restricted from teaching in the city of tomorrow

Recall carefully, Shillong only felt that this might offend the other party.

As a good young man who crossed the country of Xia, he naturally had an instinctive rejection of those who taught or taught.

Regardless of the fact that there is a true **** in this world, you just can't believe in my land anyway.

If these churches exist, it will definitely do more harm than good to rulers like Shillong.

But there are special cases, that is the church of the platinum dragon god.

Only this church Shillong has not explicitly prohibited it.

After all, he is the head dragon **** of his own forces.

If you dare to ban this, it is estimated that all the dragons in the Huitou clan will despise him.

Even her mother might not recognize his son!

However, this kind of Dragon God Church can only believe in giant dragons. Among the few dragons, Andrei and Neferu are not here, and Arman is only a shallow believer, let alone take the initiative. Promote other races.

Shillon held the fragments of the godhead and drove the fragments according to certain knowledge.

The surrounding elements rushed towards him frantically.

The injuries and pains on the body began to heal quickly.

Energy began to "slowly recover", this is the main ability in the fragments of the Lord of Dawn's Godhead, recovering and recovering.

The Lord of Dawn is an expert in this area!

In about an hour, he was able to recover more than half.

It saves him a lot of time to eat...

After getting this idiot god, Shillong's dragon wings shook and he was about to fly down.

But he found dozens of kilometers below him, also in the atmosphere.

There was a knight wrapped in dark armor.

Under the crotch is a tall horse wrapped in dark magic flames and wearing armor. The horse's four hooves are trampling on the void like flat ground.

Continue to scan around.

There are still a few people who do not live or die flying towards him.

Are these guys planning to take advantage of the power of the fisherman?

The corner of Silom's mouth showed a sneer, and it turned into a red golden rainbow and swooped down.

Flying below is a legendary death knight.

He has been dead for six to seven hundred years.

I still remember the original he was a paladin with a righteous heart, but as he got older, he was getting closer to death.

Fearing death, he finally fell and became a death knight.

But unexpectedly, it seemed that there was nothing wrong with being a death knight, and he felt that his power had become stronger.

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