In the mortal period, the desire for power, money, and beautiful women is all fading.

But the only thing that has not changed is the never-ending search for power!

For this reason, when he saw the golden giant, he felt the extraordinaryness of the golden giant and remembered the records in ancient books.

This let him know that this is a clone of a god.

Fragments of Godhead are all in sight.

How can you not be tempted?

With this hope, the death knight blatantly charged towards the dream!

But suddenly, a red gold meteor grew bigger and bigger before his eyes.

In his mind, he remembered the flying posture of that black and gold monster dragon.

not good!

Just when he wanted to avoid it.

The streamer has already appeared before him!


With a roar, he seemed to be hit by a meteorite, and his body and dark armor were all squashed!

The internal organs in the belly are probably broken a lot.

But fortunately, he was a death knight and had already died.

If you break it, break it, anyway, there is no pain...

Then he heard the death nightmare under his crotch neigh and disappeared into black fireworks.

His body shrank for a while, and he was firmly caught!


The speed of the Chijin meteor finally slowed down, and it stopped after it continued to fall several hundred meters forward.

What greeted the death knight was a pair of huge eyes filled with a stream of golden particles.

The eyes are very big, bigger than his whole body.

There was a hint of mockery in it.

The death knight then looked at the opponent's entire body, yes, it was indeed the black gold monster.

"Ant, are you also trying to sit back and collect fishermen?" A thunderous voice came from the opponent's mouth.

"Ant? That's how you call a legend? Dragon! Don't be too arrogant!"

The death knight didn't have the slightest fear, and his voice was cold.

There is no emotional fluctuation at all.

"Oh~ then change the name, how about little mouse? Do you like it?" Silom said.

"I am... the reaper of death! Any creature that is disrespectful to death, I will send him to **** to confess!" The death knight slowly said.

At the moment when the voice fell, the whole body turned into a black magic whirlwind.

After calling, it disappeared in front of Shillong's eyes

Appeared 100 meters away.

His feet were wrapped in dark magic and stood above the void.

Freed from the shackles, he didn't mean to pull a greater distance, but said in a deep voice: "Everyone! There is no chance to sit and collect the fishermen! Now only we are together! I think everyone is very clear, one-on-one, None of us is an opponent of this dragon!"

The sound is not loud, but it spreads far.

Several legends a few kilometers away can hear clearly.

Just when these legends wanted to get close, meet the death knight, and deal with Shillong together.

A voice of soul sounded from the void.

"Everyone! I just passed by to see the scenery! Don't count me in! You guys go on... I'll go now."


All the legends, including Silom, looked in the direction of the sound with a little surprise, and saw a skull in a white coat, turned and flew back, without any hesitation! It really seems to be the soy sauce party passing by.

The death knight's soul fire beat violently.

Damn it! What a joke!

Here is the atmosphere hundreds of kilometers in the sky!

Can you pass by here?

Who are you fooling?

Damn coward!

As a legendary lich, would he shrink from fear?

shame! As an undead creature, I am ashamed to be with you!

The death knight cursed inwardly.

The other legends looked at this battle, they were wrong!

They were separated by dozens of kilometers, looking at each other in the void, their eyes began to meet fiercely!

In the next moment, one of the legends said: "That...I also passed by. I'm sorry, I didn't expect someone to fight here. I will leave now, and you two will continue."

After speaking, he turned and flew away.

"Yes! I originally only enjoyed the scenery in the sky, but the aurora just now was so beautiful, I couldn't help but come over to enjoy it, and the two continued." The legend also left.

"..." The soul fire in the death knight's helmet throbbed violently. He turned his head to look at the last legend, and the cold soul fire suddenly sent a glow.

"I'm just passing by, don't look at me...Farewell!"

He flew away as if to escape.


The death knight's scorching soul fire went out and became cold again, no! It's colder than before.

Shillong grinned and said: "Brave death knight! I want to show respect to you, you are the first legend who has such courage to face my true body!

For this, I will use my best! Send you into the **** you respect in an instant! "

The wide dragon wings spread out, and the red-gold flames at the tail of the wings surging slightly, just as Shillong was about to accelerate.

The death knight on the opposite side suddenly stretched out his arm and made a stop motion.

This made Shillon's movements pause slightly.

Lightly raised his eyebrows and said, "Do you want to give your last words?

Yes, as a benevolent dragon, I will let you finish your last words. "

"No! I want to say that there may be some misunderstandings between us. Believe it or not, this is true!" The death knight's cold words made Shillon feel a strange sincerity, and his helmet contained soul fire. Both eyes looked at Shillong very sincerely.

Shillong: "..."

"You just want to say this?"

"Yes! Everyone is misunderstanding. Why continue to embarrass each other, don't you? You go down and I go west, and everyone should be treated as if nothing happened. What do you think?"

"..." Shillon was taken aback, and then laughed loudly: "You death knight, you must have been a very interesting guy during your lifetime."

With a smile, he stopped, and finally the dragon face said with a stern: "Unfortunately, I don't want to let you go! Those with impure goals will definitely pay for what they have done!"


The death knight was speechless.

After a short pause, he continued: "Then there is no discussion? You must fight me?"

"No! This is not a fight, it's just a small ant squeezed to death." Silom corrected.


The death knight was silent again. Suddenly, he took off his space ring and threw it directly towards Shillong.

"Huh?" Silom was a little confused by his actions, but he took the ring quickly.

Immediately afterwards, the death knight took off his armor again and threw it along with the dark greatsword in his hand to Shillong, saying, "My dark reaper is a legendary greatsword. The armor is a little bit lower. They are all yours! "

Xilong took the equipment dumbfounded and looked at each other blankly.

The originally cool death knight ~wuxiaworld.online~ is now extremely low in Shillong's eyes!

Under the armor, there was a pale, bloodless face of an old man with a beard.

His eyes glowed with dark purple light.

All over his body is purple.

At this time, the upper body was wearing nothing, and the lower body was only wearing a pair of underwear, revealing two hairy dead legs...

"What are you...what?" Silom asked.

"I gave you everything I have, can you let me go now?

Killing me is not good for you. It is nothing more than getting everything in me. Now that I give them all to you, you shouldnt have a reason to kill me, right?" The old death knight who looks extremely cold at the moment, still Indifferently.

Let the air around him blow his hairy thighs...