"Not bad." Silom replied, and then asked, "How are the two newly arrived female dragons doing?"

"Of course it didn't work at the beginning!" The debris flow element said: "Fortunately, I am here! I have spent a lot of time to correct them! Now they are almost ready to work!"

"Good job!" Silom boasted.

"It's my honor to do things for you! Your Majesty the Dragon King!" The two mudstone arms of the mudslide element were intertwined and whispered.

"Very good!" Silom nodded, "I didn't expect you to be so responsible even though you were caught by me! Don't worry, when you are done, I will let you go immediately, and I can promise you that it is not too much. Requirements!"

"Let me go?" The mudslide element was taken aback, and then shook his head: "Your Majesty the Dragon King! I have done a good job with you! Why do you want to go!? Please let me stay! Continue to work for you!

You don't know! Since starting to manage this construction team, after working for you! I found that my native birth only began to make sense! I used to live in a dark world, so boring!

Only now! My native is rich! Colorful! "

"Oh!?" Silom looked at the mudslide element in some surprise, then stood up, stretched out a paw, and patted the other person on the shoulder: "You are very enlightened! Very good! I like you. Plant an enlightened earth element! Tell me what you like in the future! I will try my best to satisfy you! Hmm! Work hard! I won't treat you badly!"

"Yes! Your Majesty the Dragon King! To serve you! It is the honor of my life!" The mudslide element straightened and shouted loudly.

"Yeah!" Silom nodded, "Go back and continue to supervise! I have to start working too! Without me, the efficiency is still too low! My goal is to let everyone have a house in four months. !"

"You are so great! Your Majesty the Dragon King!" The debris flow element boasted.

"Go back!" Shillong said again.

Only then did the debris flow element bend its hind legs and return to its position. A pair of mud eyes filled with water swept across the fields, staring at all the earth elements, urging them to work seriously.

"Damn thing! Is this guy really an earth element?" Katis on one side couldn't help but muttered in her heart: "How do you feel like a jackal and a small dog with a beard and horse?

Could it be that its soul is these two creatures, but it was later extracted by a certain archmage and poured into the earth element? "

Katis felt like he had discovered the secret of the mudslide element...

She glanced at Shillong, who was already working, and Julia who was still building a house. After building a house, she moved her body and came to Shillong and said: "Honey! Do you know? There is a saying in the human world that it is called men and women match, work is not tired! Why don't we build a house together? You build the foundation of the ground, the walls, and I build the roof above!"

She proposed.

When Xilong heard the words, the movements of his hands kept moving, but he gave her a faint glance: "No need! You are too slow! Can't keep up with my rhythm! Get out! Don't hinder my work!"

"..." Katys gritted his teeth: "Honey! Don't do this! People will work hard to keep up with your rhythm! Okay?"

"No! Get back to work! Don't get in the way of me here!" Silom replied, his expression gloomy.

"I..." Katis still wanted to speak.

But the debris flow element on one side has found that Shillong's look is wrong!

Immediately the whole body shook and let out a roar!

"Katis! What are you doing? How dare you interrupt the great Dragon King to work hard! You are so big gentian! Get me back to work!"

Upon hearing this, the emerald dragon looked at the ground bitterly, and had no choice but to go back to work.

Julia silently glanced at her like an idiot.


If Meilong's strategy worked, I would have used it! And your chance to come here?

Life was very peaceful.

Shillong spends a lot of time working on construction sites every day.

So four more days passed.

Julia and Katis are still working on the dusty construction site as usual today.

The ears are full of roars of debris flow elements.

Until Shillong came again.

This time he was no longer alone, but a dragon came behind him!

A blue dragon with a height of 223 meters and more than 50 meters from head to tail.

Seeing this blue dragon, Katis immediately exclaimed: "You are the desert thunder of Meister continent, Sulim? Sky White Thunder?"


The blue dragon following Shillong immediately gave a startled suspicion, his eyes cut through the dust, locked on the emerald green dragon, and proudly said: "I didn't expect that when I got here, there would be dragons who knew me! Sure enough! My legendary name is known to the world. !"

Then she glanced at the Julia who looked like an ancient dragon on Katis's side, her expression slightly reduced, and she cautiously said: "You deserve to be the king of dragons! Even the red dragon of the ancient dragon level surrenders to your command!

Your stalwart will not be inferior to His Majesty Tiamat!

As dazzling as the sun rising in the sky!

what! Dragon King!

what! Shillong! Soderberg!

Your strength is extremely strong!

You look handsome and domineering!


"Stop! Shut me up!" Silom hurriedly stopped.

This female blue dragon, as it was before, started various raps without saying a few words with her.

It was okay at first, but later called Xilong I couldn't stand it, so I quickly sent here to work!

"You female dragon belong to a bard? You like singing so much?"

"Your Majesty the Dragon King! You are really smart!

Can actually guess my former career!

what! Dragon King!

what! my love!

what! ..."

"Shut up!" Xilong shouted angrily: "I know! Get out of me to the other two dragons, UU reading www.uukanshu.com and work with them! If you don't want to do it, get out!"

Then Silom shouted the mudslide element, pointed at it, and said to the mother blue dragon: "Is it true that I will work here in the future and listen to it. If it doesn't do well, it tells me, you too !"

"Ah... I know! Your Majesty the Great Dragon King!" The female blue dragon still wanted to sing, but looking at Shillong's gloomy complexion, she finally shut her mouth obediently, turned her head to look at the debris flow element, and responded.

The mudslide element laughed and said to Silom: "Your Majesty the Great Dragon King! Leave it to me! With this legendary blue dragon, our efficiency will definitely increase a lot!"

The debris flow element knows that most blue dragons are proficient in earth spells.

This has something to do with the desert area where they live.

These guys often hide in the sand after changing the environment, ambush the passing travelers!

