Shillong was assured and left.

The female blue dragon Sulim came to the two female dragons and said to them: "Hello~ I am the future heroine dragon here. You two are Shillong's subordinates, right?"

"The heroine dragon? You deserve it too?" Julia's voice was angry.

"I am the real heroine dragon here! Blue Dragon! You better behave! Otherwise I will tear your head and put you on the top of the mountain for barbecue!

After you are cooked, distribute it to the monsters to eat! "

"Scared!" The female blue dragon was startled by Julia, and took a step back unconsciously.

The other party is much bigger than her, can you not be afraid?

"You don't have to be afraid of this red dragon! In the territory of the Dragon King, she dare not mess around, otherwise she will be driven away directly." Katis reminded.

"Ah~ I'm not afraid, but my heel is a little itchy!" The female blue dragon defended.

"I think you have also received the oracle from His Majesty Tiamat, and the target is all directed at Shillong's egg?" Katis asked.

"Yes! Your Majesty Tiamat, tell me that there is a Dragon King who has the resources of the Dragon God!

what! He is very handsome!

what! He is mighty and strong!

Seeing today, His Majesty Tiamat did not lie to me!

really! His powerful aura, even if he shrinks his body, I can clearly feel it!

That black and gold look, domineering! Handsome!

Ah~" Mother Blue Dragon said.

"You two, it is best not to pay attention to Shillong! He is mine! Otherwise, sooner or later, I will kill you!"

Julia said coldly as she worked.

Just when Blue Dragon wanted to refute.

The mudslide element in the distance noticed everything here, and saw that the mother blue dragon was not working, and finally couldn't help but roared: "That blue dragon! What are you doing? Hurry up and work for me! Follow your side. Two dragons do it!

Will it do?


Fuck me if you don't! Immediately! "

"Huh?" The female blue dragon was stunned by the elements of the mudslide.

Katis on one side suddenly reminded: "Hurry up and work, remember not to refute the earth element, otherwise you will suffer."

Katis remembered that she had been scolded by the other side for two hours because of a backlash! That dirt arm, can't wait to poke her nostrils!

"Oh..." The female blue dragon finally started to work.

She can get started much faster than the other two dragons.

At work, I suddenly received a mental call.

It's Katis on one side.

Just listen to her saying: "Our purpose is the same, so we can work together and everyone will be pregnant with Shillong's egg!

But the red dragon over there, do you know?

She is Flaming Mountain, Julia with the blood of Ancestral Dragon? Flame of Hell.

She doesn't want to share Shillong with us, so we have to unite and fight her! "

Hearing this, the blue dragon silently glanced at the fierce Julia, and then at Katis, nodded.

The two dragons form an alliance!

Three more days passed.

Silom brought a female black dragon to come again.

This female black dragon is about the same height and body length as Katis, and has not entered the legend.

In this regard, Julia and Katis no longer have any surprises.

It must have been sent by Tiamat again.

Julia didn't like the female black dragon, and she didn't want to talk to each other much.

But Katis was quite enthusiastic about the female black dragon.

Since then, Julia has seen the three female dragons often go in and out together, and they are close to rest at night.

Julia also ignored it, just secretly said in her heart.

The three **** dragons, dare to stare at Shillong's body?

I will kill you all sooner or later!

In the next few days, no other female dragon joined.

Danny's variation became more obvious.

But just when Shillon felt that he only needed the last few days to complete the mutation.

Neferu came here and found Shillong.

This little female dragon came carrying a silver-white dragon statue.

Shillong greeted her outside the basement.

"Is there anything wrong with you coming to see me this time? Don't the people of Starland Kingdom dare to embarrass you?"

Shillon asked.

If this is the case, it is necessary for them to recall the fear of being dominated by the Dragon King!

"That's not the case, people in the Starlane Kingdom don't dare to gasp loudly in front of our Soderberg Chamber of Commerce..." Neferu shook his head, his expression a little hard to say.

"His Majesty Bahamut is looking for you for something.


Unimaginable, Shillong! What did you do? Surprised your Majesty?"

Neferu's dragon face was full of shock.


Shillong frowned slightly, already a little guessing in his heart.

at this time.

The silver-white dragon statue that Neferu was holding finally lit up for a while.

It looks very soft.

The statue gradually broke away from Neferu's claws and hovered in the air.

An old but soft voice came from it.

"Child! Hello! I am Bahamut. I am glad that our metal dragon clan has such an outstanding dragon as you."

At the moment the words came out, Neferu's face immediately showed respect.

Shillong's face also showed respect.

Bahamut, a kind god.

It's different from the extremist kindhearted person like Luoshanda, Lord of Dawn.

Bahamut is a kind and innocent person.

This **** deserves Shillong's respect.

Not to mention that he is the head dragon **** of the dragon clan that Shillong belongs to.

"Hello, Your Majesty Bahamut! It is my honour for your consciousness to come here." Silom said.

"Child, don't have to be so polite, just call me Grandpa Bahamut." The God of Dragon smiled.

"Okay, Grandpa Bahamut."

"My boy, I heard of you a long time ago. Kama said you are a legendary dragon breed with the power of the dragon god.

It seems that what he said is true.

You are indeed a powerful dragon.

But you have caused a lot of things recently.

But these are all stances and misunderstandings caused by different races. I don't have much to comment on.

But I am here today because of the misunderstanding between the Lord of Dawn and you..." Bahamut said.

Not long ago, he knew that the Lord of Dawn had descended the clone, but was killed by Silom!

This had to make Bahamut sigh.

With the title of the strongest dragon, the plutonium dragon is powerful!

That is a clone of powerful divine power, even if it is restricted by the enchantment of God God Ao.

The strength of the avatar of the gods is greatly reduced ~ wuxiaworld.online ~ is far from what ordinary things can match.

At least, when he was his age, his combat power was far inferior...

Because of being defeated, Luoshanda, who lost the Fragment of Godhead, suffered a heavy loss.

Returning to the Temple of Nature, Luoshanda's abnormal nature was discovered by the Mother Earth God who had been with him day and night, and was finally asked about the causes and consequences.

This is naturally unavoidable to be blamed by the Mother Earth God.

Finally, the Mother Earth ordered him to go to Bahamut and asked Bahamut to intercede on his behalf.

But Loshanda is a **** with great face.

How could you do such a shameful thing?

He rejected the proposal of the Mother Earth God.

In the end, the Mother Earth dearly felt sorry for her, so he could only go to Bahamut to intercede.