Although they are also mutated radiators, these guys have been forced to reform themselves, but there is a danger of death at any time in the middle.

Naturally, they can't do the same as Danny, who adores their own power.

Fortunately, the next thing gave him a little peace of mind.

That was Danny. After living outside for a while, he couldn't stand it anymore.

He must return to the radiation zone and live for one night, otherwise he will be uncomfortable.

According to Danny's dictation.

My heart is like being bitten by thousands of ants, and my body seems to be put on a thick shackle.

If this continues, the mind may collapse!

Shillong was relieved now.

These radiant people cannot leave him for a long time. There must be a radiation belt to supply them!

This is good, as long as they are still on their own chassis, is it not easy to kill them?

Later, Shillong also deliberately created a residential area covering tens of thousands of square meters in the distance, and created a radiation belt for them to live in.

Then, he began to perform radiation transformation on other servants.

Of course, this time it was impossible to do the same to the prisoners before, Sillon asked them to volunteer.

This is because the risk of evolution is indeed not low, even if it has the highest success rate at the first level, he is fully capable of saving people back before he fully enters the process of evolution.

But as long as he evolves halfway, he still has a high risk. If something goes wrong at this time, he has no ability to treat it, and he has a mortality rate close to 40% to 50%!

He told the team leaders of the different races and asked them to choose volunteers.

The result is much more than expected.

These guys seem to be particularly obsessed with power.

Among them, orcs and demons are the most.

Puppy is the race that is least willing to accept radiation, and there are not many who signed up.

This may also be due to their nature, bullying and fearing hardship, cowardly and cowardly.

Of course, there is also Kusk among them, this guy wants to become a radiation mutant even if he faces a 40% death rate.

However, he was rejected by Siro. Just kidding, he was the leader of the orcs controlled by Siro by the devil contract. If he died, it would be very unfavorable for him to control these servants.

This is a subordinate who is already familiar with the business and very capable.

Shillong didn't dare to let him evolve without a high success rate.

As for the others, it just started.

The result is not good.

The success rate of these servants is not even as good as that of ordinary humans.

Perhaps only a 50% success rate.

Therefore, out of a total of four to five hundred orcs who signed up, only more than two hundred passed the first mutation.

After witnessing the tragedy of the losers, half of the orcs gave up evolution.

In the end, there were only eight of them that had completely evolved to level three.

But the demon descendant is a bit miserable. These guys seem to be more determined than the orcs in seeking power. They, who have no more than dozens of people, all demand evolution.

Only three third-level demons were left to die in the end.

However, the strength of these guys has indeed improved a lot.

Fortunately, the three third-level demons changed their fighting direction.

If you calculate according to the challenge level, they are definitely raised to the level of 16-19.

Among the third-level radiant orcs, five have reached this level.

The Cusk Orcs' first position is not guaranteed.

For this, he begged Shillong several times, and finally even forced him to death!

This made Silom a little surprised. He didn't expect that this guy's obsession with strength was so heavy, there was no other way but to radiate him.

But unexpectedly, the relationship between radiation and him does not seem to be very good.

The progress of the fusion was too slow, which was a sign of failure, and Sillon rescued him directly.

For this reason, Cusk had no gratitude to Shillong, he began to beg to die!

For him, it is unacceptable for him to change from the strongest orc leader to a weak chicken who can't even make the top five.

Shillong had a headache, he didn't want to lose such a tool man who was already familiar with the business.

Thinking left and right, suddenly thought of the water of the World Subtree given by the elves before.

Doesn't this thing mean that it can increase human vitality and physical potential?

It is definitely a secret water that changes the human body.

Maybe you can give it a try.

Shillon gave Cusk a tenth.

Then continue to radiate, this time it was a direct success, and Kusk also entered the mutation stage.

It took about ten days.

This guy finally entered the first stage.

From a two-meter-five orc to a huge four-meter-high orc!

The body has also become stronger.

Strength has been greatly strengthened.

The strength has also reached the 19th professional level from the previous 18th level.

Then he asked to accept the second mutation.

His size has also changed from four meters to six meters.

But the strength still has not reached the legend.

The occupation level is still 19, divided by the challenge level, it is definitely close to the existence of legend.

This made Cusk a little depressed, but fortunately there was another mutation.

However, his luck was not so good. On the way to mutation, he once again failed.

Silom could only feed him the water of the child tree of life again, and then amazingly, this guy survived again.

The body has also changed from six meters to ten meters!

A very huge orc!

His muscles looked like blue rocks.

Both strong and powerful.

This guy is now more like a giant than an orc.

The power was also very great, and Shillong made Zhan Shiqi appear to fight him.

The result needless to say is the whole journey!

The challenge levels of the two are too different!

Zhan Shiqi, who weighed several hundred tons, was directly grabbed by Cusk's hind legs and hit the ground right and left!

Let this stupid dog keep begging for mercy and barking incessantly.

Finally got rid of Cusks claws, holding Shillons forelimbs and sobbing...

At this time, Kusk's combat power definitely has a legendary level.

It is also the first legend in the city of tomorrow, except for Shillong.

Of course, this is the result of excluding several five-color female dragons. These female dragons have sinister purposes! Shillong couldn't count them into his own power at all.

Cusk belongs to the top combat power.

If you say that before, Shillong had a unique combat power.

Then the top combat power below ~wuxiaworld.online~none.

Advanced combat power, professional level 15 or higher, Cusk alone, and Zhan Shiqi.

As a result, there are only two.

Intermediate combat power, from 10 to 15, there are only hundreds.

Among them, level 12 or above is not available in Sancheng District.

The lower-level combat power, 5 to 10, then there are more than a thousand people. Most of them are grade 5 to 6.

Excluding Shillong himself, his combat power was very low in Shillong's view, at most rivaling the kingdom's earl.

But now it's different!

One top combat power.

High-level combat power has become a dozen people! Close to the point of twenty people, and these combat power are high-quality combat power.

There are a lot of combat power close to the legend!

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