In the mid-level combat power, there are a large number of two-level radiation mutants.

The same is true for low-level combat power.

That's how powerful it is.

Only barely able to pass Shillong's eyes.

Although he excluded himself, the power of the City of Tomorrow still lost to the power of a kingdom.

But it is enough to match the duchy's territory.

Strength can be said to have advanced by leaps and bounds.

Shillong also spent more than two to three months for this.

It's also good value for money.

The remaining 1 million humans are not as bold as these aliens.

The same goes for the determination to pursue strength.

They still live honestly.

But for Cusk, the body has grown bigger, but there are some disadvantages.

In the process of evolution, in fact, he never went home, but nestled in the basement of Shillong.

So when he came home for the first time, it was a night.

He just finished some tests under Shillong's orders.

Then an orc informed his lover that he would go home tonight.

That night, a "luxury" bungalow covering at least four to five hundred square meters.

Here is a special commendation to Cusk, the orc leader.

Only inhabits him and his lover.

The two orcs are both sturdy adult orcs. They are not young, but they have not given birth to little orcs.

And recently, Mrs. Cusk's heartbroken over this issue.

I have always wanted a little orc. Some time ago, Cusk didn't know what he was going crazy, but he wanted to accept evolutionary mutation!

This frightened her! Don't look at how many orcs died before they failed!

But Cusk repeatedly promised that he was finally able to get this opportunity to go to Shillong's research room.

Then she stayed there for more than a month, which made her extremely anxious.

It will be hard to know that Cusk will return soon.

The orc lady immediately dressed up and prepared to meet Cusk.

Just when she was sitting on a chair, humming a folk song peculiar to the orcs, a knock on the door sounded.

The orc lady was overjoyed in an instant. She straddled cheerful steps and came to the door, gently opened the wooden door. Before she could see the people coming from outside, she shouted: "My dear! You are back! Come on! Get one with me. Strong baby!"

Her voice is thick and loud, like a barbell, but this fits the aesthetic of an orc!

Then, she saw the door clearly, and then she was a little confused.

It turned out that the one outside did not seem to be his lover.

But a huge giant?

Cyan skin, some bark around the waist...

But from her angle, she seemed to see something under the bark.

Gudong, the orc lady swallowed hard, and then raised her head to look at the giant.


Why are you familiar? As if I have seen it somewhere.

Impossible, I have never seen such a green-skinned giant!

The orc lady shook her head, still smiling: "Mr. Giant, are you here to find my lover? I'm sorry, he hasn't returned yet."


This "giant" is naturally the mutated Kusk, he was slightly silent, looking at the female orc at this time, feeling a little headache.

The female orc is more than two meters tall, has a sturdy figure, **** fangs, and is wearing a red **** dress.

Cusk knew what this meant.

This is a signal of passion! It must be worn to celebrate the absence of a month!

It should have been charming, but it made Cusk a little bit helpless.

he! too big!

"Cough!" A cough slightly, like a thunder in the female orc's ears, made her frown.

"Mr. Giant, what can you do?"

"Liv! It's me! Cusk! Can't you recognize me?"

Cusk finally spoke.

This directly stunned the female orc.

"You...you are actually Cusk! Oh my God! How could you become so big!?"

"You know... Mutation evolution is uncontrollable, and other evolved orcs are also very strange... I am like this, is it normal?" Cusk said embarrassedly.

"Although they are strange, at least their height has not changed much! What you are now! How should we live in the future!" The female orc exclaimed crudely.

The first reaction is this.

"This...I...I don't know either!" Cusk scratched his head.

"Damn! I knew you shouldn't be allowed to evolve! You are now like this! How can I chat with other ladies in the future! They will laugh at me! They laugh at me!"

"Evolution is a good thing! My current strength, even in the legend, is not a weak one! The current me! Can easily pinch me before evolution!" Cusk retorted.

"Shut up! I'm telling you! If you don't want to think of a solution, we'll be over! I will never stay a widow for you!" The female orc roared, and finally went straight back to the house, and Peng closed the door.

Cusk was left alone, blowing in the cold night wind.

He was speechless and slept outside for one night.

The next day, he started to resume work, and all the orcs were envious of Cusk's mutation!

Be higher and stronger! But the mutation direction that all orcs like!

But Cusk was very worried at this time.

An old shaman found out about Cusk and asked questions very intimately.

Cusk answered honestly, and the old shaman laughed and said, "This is not a problem at all! Have you forgotten what our shaman is proficient in? Transfiguration!

How do you want to learn? As long as you learn, there will be no difference in body shape, and you and your lover can continue to live! "

When Cusk heard the words, his eyes brightened, and he picked up the old shaman and burst into tears: "Elder! I want to learn Transfiguration!"

"Very good!" The old shaman nodded with a kind smile.

From then on, Cusk would set aside a few hours every day, no matter how busy he was, to learn Transfiguration.

It wasn't until half a year later that he finally took control of this spell and reunited with his lover...

Of course, this is something.

The topic returned to before. After Shillong solved the radiation mutation problem, he reinvested in the construction of houses.

The entire construction site cannot do without him! Once he leaves, even with dozens of earth elements and four female dragons, the construction progress will drop by about 50%.

Fortunately, Shillong was put into construction again, and the speed returned.

No, it should be said that it is faster than before. This is mainly due to the new mutants, some of which are related to soil...

Shillong pulled them directly to be strong men. Many of these newly emerged mutant radiators have very special abilities.

Others can speed up the growth of plants. This was sent directly by Shillong to farm...

The City of Tomorrow is back in high-speed expansion again.


At the same time, dozens of kilometers away.

A dark basement.

There are more than twenty "people" gathered here.

More than 20 weird "people".

Several of them were wrapped in armor and had different shapes.

Some skin rotted like a rotten corpse.

Some wore robes and were made up of bones, with purple and black light covering the whole body. They were a lich.

Others have long beards and appear to be human mages.

There are also some strange animals with a size of two or three meters.

They sat together.

The atmosphere seemed very depressing.

"Are the people... all here?" a "little" dragon made up of white bones asked using the voice of soul.

"Not yet...the last one..." said an old mage wearing a robe.

His voice was low and full of a strange sense of wisdom.

He was one of the people who went to heaven with the old death knight before, but escaped last.

"Who is so bad? We are such a great miracle waiting for him here... what a patience..." said the decaying monster.

The sound was extremely ugly, like an old bellows.

"Mordry Keys! He is still missing," said the mage old man.

"Mordry Keys... the legendary warrior of the gods?" The rotten man's bellows-like voice became a bit heavy~wuxiaworld.online~Yes...it was him! "The mage affirmed.

"That's great! With such a powerful legend as him, I want to come to this battle will be successful!" said a strong bear man.

The tone of his words, with traces of worship.

Other "people" are also a little calm.

However, the previous "little" bone dragon sneered: "You bear is really ridiculous. As a legend, you actually worship other legends."

"That's not the same!" The legendary bear said with a stern face: "Modry Keys is a strong man worthy of my respect! Also as a legend, I know the gap between me and him!

He is definitely the strongest in our existence! "

"The strongest? The joke you said is very funny, Bearman!" The ghostly blue soul fire in Xiao Bonelong's eye sockets throbbed: "In front of a great ancient dragon lich, there are small mortals who dare to be strong?"