"I don't think you are necessarily his opponent, the respected Lord Ancient Dragon Lich." The Bear Man was not to be outdone.

Looking directly at the blue soul fire of the ancient dragon lich.

"It seems necessary for you to understand how powerful the great existence of the dragon and the lich are after the perfect combination..." After the ancient dragon lich said, the soul fire in his eyes dimmed slightly.

The temperature of the surrounding space began to drop sharply.

"You can try! Bearman! Fearless!" Legendary Bearman's thick arms slowly eased the button of the weapon behind him.

He held a two-meter-long axe engraved with strange patterns on his back.

"Two! Please stop! Don't forget the purpose of our existences gathering together, now is not the time for infighting." The mage old man looked gloomy.

"You little thing, are you sure you haven't lied to us? Are you sure that the dragon you mentioned has a fragment of the godhead?

I don't want to hear lies, you know, if you dare to deceive me, then I will take your soul out of your body!

Pour it into the **** of a little dog!

You can't survive, you can't die! "The Ancient Dragon Lich threatened.

The old mage who said this was angry, especially that little guy!

As a human being, he is now more than 130 years old.

In the entire human society, it definitely belongs to the first-class existence.

Everyone respected him very much.

Ever been ridiculed in this way?

Unfortunately, he still can't refute it! Because compared with this ancient dragon lich, he is really a little guy!

Suppress the unhappiness in my heart.

The old mage said solemnly: "Naturally there can be nothing wrong! That evil dragon defeated the clone of the Lord of Dawn, and definitely got the godhead fragment!"

"The fragment of the godhead of the Lord of Dawn...Although it is extremely tempting, how powerful is his clone... We seem to have no way of knowing... and the King of Dragon, the specific combat power is also unknown...

We only know that he used his own power to persecute the King City of Xinglan, as well as the horrible giant pit outside the King City. It is said that he was caused by it. "

One legend is more cautious.

The number of fragments with the godhead will affect the combat power of the **** clone.

This is a kind of lower limit legend, upper limit demigod creation.

But there is also a huge gap between legend and legend, demigod and demigod.

It is difficult to estimate how powerful it is before a formal fight.

"Even if his strength reaches a demigod, so what! We, more than twenty, can't beat him?

Forcing a Starland Kingdom, just pick ten people from us, can you do it?

This kind of garbage kingdom, if it were not for the threat of the Kane Empire, all nearby kingdoms had united and would have been destroyed long ago! "A legend expressed disdain for the combat power of the Star Lan Kingdom.

"Yes! Even if the dragon king is a demigod, we will never lose together with these legends!

Moreover, outside of Xinglan City, the kind of attack that destroys the world and the earth is definitely not easy to cause! As long as we don't give him a chance, he can't use that kind of attack! "Another legend said.

This is a mage. In his concept, the greater the power and the better the effect of spells, the greater the price paid.

"But... haven't you seen the sinkhole... I heard that it was caused by the battle between him and the clone of God..." a legend reminded.

The other legends that were still talking about were instantly splashed with cold water.

But soon, another legend said: "That's just brute force! It's the lowest power! Do we need to be afraid of those forces? I believe that our mages, priests, and warlocks have the ability to make those who only know how to use brute force The dragon king knows the greatness of spells, doesn't he?"

"That's right! With me, I will make him weak like a newborn young dragon! Kaka Kaka~" a short-looking warlock laughed.

He is proficient in various curses and dark magic, and once cursed a powerful orc legend to death!

The legendary strong man who could break the rock and open the mountain was originally cursed by him like a dead old man, unable to even take care of himself! Finally, he stepped on the air while walking and fell to death on the spot!

Become a laughingstock legend!

Others knew about this, so they followed with a knowing smile.

All of you are legends.

They are all strong men with confidence in themselves.

How does the legend exist?

Millions and tens of millions, only one peerless genius will appear among people!

Each of them is the most outstanding in their own ethnic group since childhood!

Their self-esteem and pride have been accumulated since childhood, and most of them have an invincible heart!

Few people think they can't do it before they fight.

What's more, there are now more than 20 legends who have shot together!

More than twenty legends! Together, no one believes it!

It's not enough to add up all the legends in the Starland Kingdom now!

Not to mention gathering together?

But now these great beings are all gathered together!

Just to deal with one goal!

They are the powerhouses in the nearby countries that suddenly disappeared from people's vision, and some have disappeared in people's memory.

There is only the desire to make progress in their hearts!

Not interested in all the illusions in the world.

The youngest have survived for more than a hundred years! Those undead creatures have even survived for thousands of years, thousands of years!

Is the real strong!

This is even less likely to have the possibility of failure!

Of course, this is also the reason for the insufficient assessment of the demigod's strength.

In the entire continent, demi-god powerhouses are extremely rare.

Ordinary couldnt see them make any move...

A group of legends discussed for a long time.

Finally, with a squeak, the heavy iron door in the basement was pushed open.

A sturdy troll appeared.

He wore a green tights ~wuxiaworld.online~ completely exposed his figure, his limbs were extremely strong, and his height was close to three meters.

The hair was cut short, upright, and the long fangs were thick and big.

The divine light in his eyes is very bright.

"Mudri? Case!" The Legend of the Bearman exclaimed after seeing the troll.

"Oh~Hello! Hello! This is Modri? Keys! A troll! Nice to meet everyone." The troll seemed very polite, with a smile on his face.

"The legendary troll, the **** warrior, doesn't even wear a piece of armor? It's really like a layman, and it makes people laugh." The ancient dragon lich looked at Modri's attire and laughed.

"Huh?" The troll looked for reputation, and saw the ancient dragon lich whose body had shrunk.

He scratched his head and said: "As a **** warrior, troll warrior, I don't have the habit of wearing armor. The more we fight, the more blood we bleed, the stronger our combat power...

Armor or something is too cumbersome. "

