The old mage turned around.

Just to see a group of legends admiring him, they all seemed to admire his spells.

"Stupid guys! Have you seen it? This is me! Legendary Archmage! Anda Hops! The perfect concealment spell developed! No one can see through! The same is true of the Dragon King! After all, he is stupid! Incomprehensible! The mystery of magic!"

The old mage was so proud that he turned his old man waist back to Xilong again.

The **** is still pouting.

Very proud of it!

But suddenly, the old mage saw the legends on the opposite side change their colors in an instant, all of them were shocked, which made him a little surprised!

What did they see? Why is there such an expression?

But the next moment, the wind howled!

Pour into his ears, and then, a heavy object fell from the top of his head with lightning speed!

While feeling the pressure of the wind, the old mage seemed to think of something, his expression changed from the previous doubt to horror! There was magic light on his body, but it was too late, his expression frozen...


The whole body of the old mage was instantly driven by a huge force and smashed to the ground!


A loud noise erupted from the entire ground.

A huge dragon claw drove the old mage's body into the ground.

The whole earth is groaning! Howl!

Under the huge dragon claw is a pit seven or eight meters deep!

Spider-web-like cracks spread quickly to the surrounding! Up to a few kilometers away!

Slowly raising the dragon's claws, Silong glanced at the old mage who had lost his breath of life and turned into a mass of red and white mud. He slowly opened his huge mouth and said: "Stupid ants! Are you provoking me just now? ?"

To be honest, he couldn't understand this mage at all.

Bring a group of "people" to perform acrobatics?

At first, I ran over to Julia, doing all kinds of provocative moves, but now I dare to run in front of him?

Is he really as blind as Julia?

His pupils were full of dangerous auras, and he looked at the "clowns" one or two kilometers away. The atmosphere of these guys just like watching a performance has completely disappeared.

At this moment, he looked at Shillong nervously.

A "clown" roared loudly: "Exposed! Hurry up!"

"Roar!" A dragon roar from the soul sounded, and the old lich's body, which was originally petite, quickly swelled and roared, "Fool! I've already said that direct attack is enough! What a stupid thing!

In the end, he was slapped to death! "

The ancient dragon lich's body quickly swelled to more than 30 meters high, and a pair of dark blue dragon wings covered with frost and death force spread out.

Inside the huge white bone dragon head, there are two faint blue soul fire floating.

A legendary knight summoned his death horse.

Stepping on the flames of darkness, holding the soul-devouring spear. The death horse supported him and ran towards the sky.

Several wizards quickly opened the summoning circle.

One by one "huge" elements over five meters tall, brought up bursts of flames, ice, and ground movement, and thunder appeared on the earth!

The mages even opened their own space doors and attracted a demon from a distant place.

The dark circle representing **** appeared from the ground.

One by one, monster bees from **** pupae emerged from it.

As soon as these monsters came here, they made a happy scream.

Originally there were only more than 20 enemies, and the increase in an instant increased to hundreds!

The anomaly here naturally attracted the attention of the four female dragons. Before they thought about whether to support Shillong, the three legends rushed towards them with a few earth elements and a few golems!

The leader is a Titan Warrior.

His height is more than 25 meters!

Wearing a set of giant armor, holding a huge iron axe in his hand, he rushed towards the four dragons!

Before he was reduced by the magicians' transformation technique, and he was suppressed for a long time.

This time it finally showed its true shape, and let out a thunderous roar of joy!

Every step he fell while running wildly would cause a small shake on the ground!

Behind him, followed by a dark elf ranger hunter and a mage.

The ranger hunter quickly shoots an arrow, then shoots an arrow glowing with blue light, and shoots it towards the neck of the female black dragon!

The light speed is extremely fast, almost in the blink of an eye, it will shoot into the neck of the female black dragon.

If this arrow is implemented, the female black dragon may be killed!

The female blue dragon on one side also reacted swiftly, opening her mouth to spray out a large blue lightning, smashing the arrow down.

Then the faucet was turned, and the blue light flashed in the Longkou.

Thousands of thunder bursts out, turning hundreds of meters ahead into a pond of thunder!

The darkness within a kilometer radius has been driven away!

The Titan Giant who took the lead was a bit unstable with the axe that was smashed, and shook in place.

A series of tiny thunder lights ran across the giant's armor, scorching his naked body into black, and wisps of blood flowed out of it...

Those golems, elements and other creatures were mostly wiped out by a breath!

The breath of the blue dragon is recognized as the strongest among all colored dragons! The lethality is amazing!

Those who were lucky enough to not die, also temporarily lost the ability to act!

But then, a golden light fell from the sky, completely covering the Titan Giant.

His body began to swell and his muscles bulged.

A layer of pale golden brilliance enveloped him.

The physical injury is quickly repaired.

The trembling body instantly regained control, and he let out a roar that shook the sky, and thunder struck him. The golden brilliance flickered like ripples, but it neutralized the thunder!

The giant kept walking, quickly approaching the dragon, and smashed it with an axe!

The female blue dragon's body instantly turned into thunder, flashing hundreds of meters away.


The giant axe fell on the ground and cut a huge crack hundreds of meters long straight ahead!

An unlucky earth element working in the city of tomorrow wriggled on the path and fell directly into the crack when trying to escape.

The debris flow element saw that the situation was not right, and quickly escaped into the ground under him and disappeared.

After avoiding the attack, the female blue dragon directly inflamed the dragon's wings and flew into the sky. The air kept spewing thousands of thunder. The remaining elements and golems were quickly destroyed, and the golden brilliance on the giant's body was constantly decreasing.

At this time, the female black dragon and green dragon, they also flew into the sky.

Poisonous gas and acid were sprayed from the mouth to the element and golem.

But the effect is not good, and it will be shot by ranger hunters on the ground!

The arrows of the ranger hunter were so powerful that each arrow was enough to shoot into the bodies of two female dragons, and the blood flowed down the arrows.

This made the two little females scream.

At this time, the Titan giant ~wuxiaworld.online~ who lost its target can only target the huge red dragon.

He roared and launched a meaningless charge towards the red dragon.

Facing this target that is bigger than him, there is no fear at all!

The giant axe set off a gust of wind, roaring and slashing towards the red dragon's head.

The huge red dragon was also unwilling to show weakness. She let out a roar, and the person stood up, two forelimbs protruding out, grabbing the giant's wrist.

The tremendous power of the Titan made the red dragon's body back a few steps! Stepped on several pits two to three meters deep.

Then under the unbelievable gaze of the Titan Giant, the Red Dragon stopped going backwards!

Titan seems to be unable to believe that the power he is proud of has returned without success!

You must know that giant dragons and giants simply compare power, giants are far superior to giant dragons.

Even if the body of this giant dragon is bigger than him!