
The red dragon roared and opened its huge mouth. Under the horrified gaze of the Titan giant, fiery flames surged between his mouth.

The firelight illuminates the horrified eyes of Titan!

Soon a large group of flames spurted out, covering the giant's body in a fan shape!

Thousands of degrees of high temperature sandwiched the magical terrifying flame and collided with the golden light on the giant's body.

There was a crackling noise.

The golden light faded quickly, and within a few seconds, the Titan was about to accept the baptism of flames.

With all his strength, he kicked the red dragon directly into the air.

But the red dragon's claws had firmly grasped the Titan's arms, and this huge power caused both to be lifted off, and the two behemoths fell heavily to the ground at the same time.

The ground shook again.

The flame of the red dragon never moved away from the Titan, and the golden brilliance burst.

The crimson hot flame poured on the giant.

Let him let out a painful roar, desperately trying to break free from the **** of the dragon, kicking the dragon fiercely with both feet, and rumbling on the ground, but he couldn't ask the red dragon who had decided to kill.

Seeing that the giant couldn't get rid of the flames of the dragon, the skin on his body began to turn black and zoom, crackling, and the skin cracked...

The ranger hunter quickly moved the target away from the three dragons in the sky and aimed at the red dragon.

An arrow turned into a streamer, and suddenly shot at the scales of the red dragon's eyelids.


The arrow hit the red dragon's closed eyelid, and the huge kinetic energy shot down a scale on the eyelid.

The beautiful bright red scales were impacted and fell off the red dragon's eyelids.

This made the red dragon feel a slight coolness in his eyes, and the action of breathing out the flames was just a meal.

Then from the corner of her eye, she saw her beautiful scales slowly falling to the ground...

The red dragon stopped spraying instantly. At this time, the giant was completely scorched, with rotten flesh rolling and cracking everywhere, but his vitality was so tenacious that he was still kicking the red dragon with his legs.

Suddenly, he found that the red dragon clutched his paw and loosened it.

A terrible red glow flashed in his eyes!

Both eyes were red, staring at the ranger hunter in the distance.

As if to swallow the other side a glance.

"Roar!! Damn ants! How dare I let my beautiful eyewear fall off! I'm going to bake you! Feed the trolls in the city!"

The red dragon let out a terrible roar, its huge wings violently incite, and after rushing into the sky, it brazenly attacked the ranger hunter!

Seeing this, the giant was slightly happy and grateful to the Ranger Hunter! Unexpectedly, among the teams that have never met, there will be such a generation of sacrifices!

The huge red dragon stirred its wings, brought gusts of wind, and rushed toward the target.

This directly scared the ranger hunter to death! He couldn't understand why the other party suddenly transferred his hatred! And directly produced an endless hatred of him!

He was just an arrow, and it was just an idea!

But what is it in exchange for now? That look is too scary! The Ranger Hunter has no doubt that if he falls into the hands of the place, he will be swallowed alive!

When he moved his feet, a slight green light appeared, and the soles of his feet were greased, turning into a green light and rushing towards the distance.

As a ranger! He is more confident of his speed than archery!

As he fled, he yelled wildly: "Quick! Give me the spell! If I get caught up, she turns around to find you, everyone will die!"

As soon as the voice fell, this guy had already run a hundred meters.

Then the red dragon flew by from a low altitude, under the huge dragon wings dancing, the huge wind pressure almost lifted the mage who was less than 100 meters away.

His body flashed quickly and appeared 100 meters away.

Then looking at the red dragon and the back of the ranger hunter, he quickly cast a spell.

A white light quickly shot towards the Ranger Hunter who had run hundreds of meters at this time.

This caused electricity to be generated under his feet, and his legs danced into afterimages. Because of the excessive speed, the sparks appeared particularly conspicuous in the night...

call out! The ranger hunter and the huge red dragon pulled away from the position they had been overtaken immediately.

"Roar!" The red dragon who followed behind and ate ashes roared again.

She couldn't get the distance of 100 meters left, which made her a little anxious.

Opening a huge mouth, the raging crimson flames surge down!

The ranger hunter felt the flame behind him, and jumped quickly to avoid it.

The scorching heat rushed to the ground from his side.

Instantly burned the ground red.

The flame exploded, splashing around.

As soon as his feet landed, he felt the soles of his feet hot!

Damn it! I dont have hot kang shoes!

The ranger hunter cursed secretly in his heart, and rushed forward with all his strength.

The mage watched the red dragon flying and breathing fire from a kilometer away.

The ranger hunter was like a flea, flickering left and right, drifting away, slightly relieved.

Fortunately, the red dragon ran away!

Otherwise it's really hard to fight!

Now he was fine. He glanced at the giant who had just escaped from the flame and was madly charged by the blue dragon in the sky, and quickly applied a few treatments to the giant.

Afterwards, the magic light of his hands surged, and the power of flame, thunder, frost, and wind blade revolved around him.

Begin to cooperate with the giant to put pressure on the three dragons in the sky.

Not to mention, after there was no red dragon, the three female dragons were quickly suppressed.

However, they are air combat units, and the giants and wizards on the ground are difficult to limit, and the two have begun to stalemate.

In the distance, Shillon looked at the ancient dragon lich, warrior, element, and demons rushing towards him.

Knight flying from the sky.

There were even some wizards and sharpshooters who cast spells hiding behind them, and the arrows and magic they shot showed a disdainful sneer.

Colorful arrows and dark magic arrows flew towards him, but they were crushed and exploded by a layer of invisible power tens of meters away and turned into fireworks.

That invisible force pushed a thick layer of earth and rock on the ground and continued to grind towards the ancient dragon lich rushing forward.


The ancient dragon lich was pushed back ten meters by this huge force.

The limbs plowed the ground into two ditches three to four meters deep and five to six meters wide.


It roared, and a faint blue light appeared on its body, and it suddenly broke the huge force in front of it.

The skull, full of bones, suddenly opened a huge mouth.

"Stupid black dragon bastard! You don't deserve to have Godhead fragments! Go to death!"

The ancient dragon lich roared, the soul fire in his eye sockets filled his skull instantly!

The faint blue energy gathered from the mouth and instantly turned into a faint blue pillar, blasting towards the Dragon King a hundred meters away!

at the same time.

The **** warrior also turned into a red light.

Enter from the other side.

Leaping up in front of Xilong, a fist the size of a casserole shot at Xilong's forehead.

His fist was covered with a thick layer of blood, like wolf smoke, floating upwards for a hundred meters!

Facing the siege of two powerful legends, the Dragon King did not see the slightest panic, and a pair of huge dragon wings spread out.

Instantly blocked the attack of the two legends.

A dragon wing resisted the breath of the ancient dragon lich.

The faint torrent of energy seemed to blast on the extremely hard iron.

Light and shadow intertwined, large swaths of energy particles sputtering around.

When these energy particles fall on the ground, they will turn large areas of land into grayish white and lose their breath of life.

Become dead!

Such a terrifying torrent of energy did nothing in front of Shillong's dragon wings!

The color of the black metal scale armor that is so dark to non-reflective has not changed a bit!


The iron fist of the troll **** warrior hit Shillong's dragon wing.

That huge power burst out instantly, and a huge roar that was enough to blast the eardrums of a mortal rang out.

A burst of air bursts from the intersection between the two!

Directly smash the small gravel on the ground into powder!


The troll **** warrior is like a speeding car, hitting the indestructible steel and flying back hundreds of meters in an instant!

Several legendary knights in the air, riding on their mounts, were suddenly crushed and crashed into the ground by the sudden gravity before launching an attack!

Appeared in front of several legendary warriors who were still charging, several human-shaped and horse-shaped pits appeared on the ground!

This forced several legendary fighters directly to the brakes. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com

Even the ancient dragon lich, who had been breathing out dark breath, was blasted into the ground with a roar.

The monsters and elements that followed were even more tragic. They were pressed into the ground by huge gravity, and their defensive capabilities were far less powerful than legendary.

Soon they screamed. Under the pressure of gravity, their internal organs and bodies kept bleeding...

The dust in the sky has been suppressed!

All the legends on the battlefield fell into a strange silence.

The first wave of offense was beyond all legendary expectations! In an extremely unfavorable state!

The Dragon King is much stronger than expected!

Is this the power of a demigod? All the legends ask themselves, today you can finally learn about the most powerful force in the mainland!

Among these legends, there are excitement, fear, and confusion.

