They are still struggling to resist, looking forward to the arrival of rescue.

And here is the Dragon King.

A group of legends have seen something wrong.

One of the legends yelled at a small legend: "Old thing! What about your spells! What about the powerful spells that you bragged about before! When can you use it?"

The warlock with a short clown figure was the same guy in the meeting room who had said that he would restrict Shillong.

He is very proficient in curses, shadows, and other spells.

At this time, he was swinging a pair of short arms with a gloomy and serious face.

Paddling in the void, bringing up a series of dark energy.

He didn't reply when he heard the scolding him, one second later.

His arms stopped swinging.

An illusory goat head appeared from the void.

There are four tentacles growing on top of its head.

There was a grinning smile, and his mouth was full of vicious jagged teeth.

The pupils shone brightly.

A quacking laugh came from the goat's head, and then disappeared with a swish.

Originally, flames were still spraying in his mouth, and the figure of the dragon king who was like a flea-catching dragon suddenly stopped, and the whole movement fell into a stiff state!

A legend like a flea dodges from the edge of flames.

The Dragon King turned his head, wanting to continue to burn the flea with flames.

But his movements are like slow motion, in the eyes of outsiders, the meal after meal is very unaccustomed to watching.

But when those legends saw it, they all showed great joy!

The legend who used to scold others even laughed loudly: "Damn dwarf! I blamed you! You really are a great shadow warlock!"

"Idiot! My greatness does not need your recognition by a foolish man!" The dwarf warlock cursed.

But what followed was a jealous laugh.

Obviously very proud of it!

A group of legendary dragon kings who have won my legendary spells, dont they still have to stop.

"Go! Now is a good opportunity to kill the Dragon King!" the legends roared.

All kinds of gas brilliance on his body, colorful light shining throughout the night sky, illuminated within a few kilometers.

Several wizards quickly cast several earth-bound spells.

The soil under Shillong seemed to have a soul, turning into layers of shackles and looping around him, quickly submerging his entire body.

The legends triumphant stunts are even more money-free and fettered, just like a clay-carved dragon king!

Just when it was about to fall on the mud sculpture.

The gray surface of the mud sculpture is rendered in red gold.

Layers of red golden light penetrated the mud sculpture and radiated outward!


In the next moment, the mud sculpture was instantly melted! A huge golden fireball with a diameter of two to three hundred meters appeared out of thin air!

It is like a red golden sun! The void was distorted in a large area, sparks ignited, and the earth under the sun melted instantly.

Turned into a huge lava lake with a diameter of one thousand meters!

The magma rolled inside.

The temperature of the golden sun transformed into by the Dragon King was extremely terrifying, and the endless void twisted into twists.

The few legendary fighters who rushed the fastest were caught by the terrifying heat before they had time to brake!

Even if they are still tens of meters away, they cannot withstand this temperature!

It definitely exceeds 100,000 degrees!

The legendary armor on his body softened in an instant, turning into drops of juice dripping down.

A breath of air is sucked into the lungs and the liver in the body is also burning!

The blood seemed to burn violently as fuel!

Everything in the body is burning.

Large expanses of fireworks spew out from the mouth, nose, ears, eyes and other parts of the body!

These legends let out a roar of pain.

They screamed and turned into a ball of flames, losing control of their bodies!

Then because of inertia, it rushed into the sun falling into the world like a moth to a fire!

The temperature here is more than ten times higher than outside!

In just an instant, the armor on their bodies completely turned into juice, and the fighting energy of their bodies was ignited.

The skin instantly turned to ashes like burning white paper!

The white smoke of sneered lala came from all around Chijin's sun. In the next second, the bodies of the legends turned into bones, and then turned into bone meal and mixed into the Chijin **** of light.

Let this flawless and perfect ball of light appear a little variegated!

But this beauty, no one has the ability to appreciate it!

All legends have only endless fear in their hearts!

The few who were far away even fled far away.

"Damn it! What kind of spell is this? Or is it bloodline ability!"

how is this possible! What kind of bloodline creature can create this terrifying high temperature!

Even the elemental demon lord of **** can't do it!

That ball of light! The temperature is definitely over one million degrees! ! ! "

A mage had escaped from the ball of light in the center for two to three kilometers.

That red golden ball illuminates everything within a radius of more than ten kilometers!

He is like the original fire of the whole world!

Bring people endless light and fear!

Two or three kilometers away, the mage felt a big heat wave beating his face.

Make his face flushed hot!

A few kilometers away, the walls of residents close to the Chijin Sun appeared a lot of scorching black, some muds and rocks even carbonized, and large tracts of houses collapsed! The giant tree was instantly ignited and turned into a burning flame tower! Especially obviously in the dark!

Seven or eight kilometers away, the citizens have fled under a group of alien organizations.

But not long after they ran, they were attracted by the far-beautiful day like the dark night.

The red golden brilliance is so dazzling that it forms a beautiful picture with the surrounding darkness.

It's so beautiful! They are sincerely amazed.

Just when they wanted to appreciate, they were rushed by some calmer people, and they reluctantly continued to flee.


The red dragon on the other side spit out flames for a while, then turned his head to look at Da Ri.

There was enthusiasm in his eyes.

"I feel it! There is endless flame energy there! It's Silom! It must be him!

Only the strongest dragon has this kind of flame!

Only to be me, the spouse of Julia Hellfire! Let me lay eggs for him! "

The ranger hunter who lit his feet didn't understand what was happening, but he was a little relieved in his heart.

The soles of the feet are running wildly, trying to distance themselves from Julia...

After the red golden sun had bloomed its brilliance, it finally slowly disappeared.

What reappeared in the eyes of the legends was a sunken lava lake nearly one kilometer in diameter.

Large stocks of red lava rolled inside.

There was a thick mist coming out of it.

Let them have an illusion, as if they have come to an underground magma lake!

The Dragon King flapped the huge dragon wings and slowly flew out of the lava lake.

Large swaths of fiery red lava splashed out, bringing sparks in the air.

The scales that were originally pitch black have become red gold.

It's like a red iron block.

Large swaths of thick fog rose on the scales.

With the white mist underneath the lava lake, it is like a fairyland, which makes people mistakenly believe that there is a holy dragon out of dust!

"Ats! The warm-up is officially over! Let's start the real battle!"

The dragon king roared like thunder!

"Damn it!"

Many people have discovered that the situation is not right. Before, four legends were killed because they couldn't stop the car. Now there are less than twenty left!

Many people who are weak-willed have already retreated.

The wizard who organized the manpower saw this situation and knew that he could not continue to delay.

So he shouted loudly: "Everyone! It's time to get real skills! If this continues, I am afraid that the fragments of the godhead have nothing to do with us. We will all die here!"

"Humhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh..." The ancient dragon lich sneered.

"What you said is very reasonable! Black Dragon's offal! You are qualified to let me use my full strength!"


Suddenly, the ancient dragon lich let out a roar that seemed to shatter the soul.

Within a ten-kilometer radius of the earth, wisps of dark gray gas floated from the ground and gathered towards the body of the ancient dragon lich.

From a distance, it looked like a gloomy curtain.

Soon, the ancient dragon lich looked like a layer of armor.

The black-gray energy is like a ribbon, entangled with threads on its body.

Turn it into a black-gray monster dragon!

The body expanded rapidly ~wuxiaworld.online~ and turned into a monster with a height of more than 50 meters, a length of 100 meters, and a wingspan of nearly 140 meters!

Its size even surpasses the Dragon King!

Modri also narrowed his eyes slightly.

Roared: "Oli here! The **** of trolls gives me strength!"

Then took a sharp breath.

The muscles all over his body shook and the skin began to hemorrhage.

The whole person was quickly watered by blood and turned into a **** person!

There is only one pair of eyes that are not bloody, but bright and scary!

Throughout the body, the blood-colored particles have been flying towards the sky, extending for hundreds of meters!

"Bobu! What are you doing in a daze? Hurry up and limit the actions of the Dragon King!"

A mage shouted angrily at the little warlock who had previously used the legendary weakness spell on the Dragon King.

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