"I have used it! But it is useless! The terrible Dragon King... even the power of the curse is afraid of him!" said the dwarf warlock with sweat.

Just now, after the great day of the Dragon King incarnation, he felt that his curse had been eliminated!

After that, two ninth-level curses were cast again, but they were of no use.

This made him sweat profusely and his spell failure made him feel that he would be underestimated!

This is unacceptable to all magic masters.

The battle can be defeated, but your own spells must never fail! Be underestimated!

"Damn trash!" The legendary mage who had spoken before cursed.

Know you can't count on this guy!

So quickly chanted the spell.

Several wizards around him have already started chanting spells, ready to use legendary spells!

Only legendary spells can change the game!

Several legendary spells are used in the same area.

The elemental tides within a few kilometers around began to burst!

The rich magical elements even converged to the places where the mages stood in a way that was visible to the naked eye.

From a distance, it looks like a piece of colorful curtain floating in the sky.

The Dragon Kings eyes full of golden particles swept across these screens and sneered: "You fleas, using magic so much movement, do you think Im blind? Or do you think you can resist my attack? Have enough time? Casting?"

"Black Dragon Hybrid! I will let you know how powerful the ancient dragon lich has survived thousands of years!"

At this time, the ancient dragon lich, who had surpassed the dragon king in size, let out a low roar.

Inciting the huge dragon wings, slammed into Shillon first!

"Does the stupid and arrogant undead creature think that he has the power that rivals me with a layer of membrane?

I will let you recognize the cruelty of reality. "

Shillong's voice fell, and a golden flame lit up at the end of the slowly inciting dragon wings.

In the next instant, Chijin's light flashed before all the legends.


All legends, only heard a violent impact.

The Ancient Dragon Lich, who was bigger than the Dragon King, was knocked out like a toy.

Its entire chest was crushed!

Exposing the body of the ancient dragon lich inside, the pale ribs are particularly conspicuous!

When he was knocked into the air, there seemed to be a trace of disbelief in the eyes of the soul fire!

After the Chijin beam hit the ancient dragon lich, the speed did not decrease.

Flew quickly to the mage group two kilometers away.

These wizards reacted swiftly, and immediately stopped casting spells, and quickly disappeared one by one using Blink.

But one is more ironic, using a nine-level refrigerator technique in place.

This is his instinctive reaction. The ninth-level refrigerator technique has a very good defensive ability, enough to defend against tenth-level legendary spells!

In most cases, mages like to use defensive skills!

The pale Bingling emerged from the mage, quickly turning him into a five-meter-high ice sculpture.

When Silom flew past it, Chijin's dragon claws probed and copied the ice sculpture in his hand.

The golden streamer flashed by.

Until flying out of kilometers.

The violent wind started to blow the earth!

All the rubble around was lifted off.

The wizards who had just appeared elsewhere were blown to the ground before they could stand firmly.

Some were lifted directly by dozens of meters...

Shillong's figure appeared thousands of meters away.

At this time, the blazing high temperature on his body met the ultra-low temperature of the refrigerator.

Shit la la, a large white mist appeared frantically.

The claws suddenly increased, and the ice sculpture made a creak.

Strands of cobweb-like cracks began to appear.

The mage in the refrigerator showed horror in his eyes.

He felt the refrigerator shrinking!

The all-round super pressure definitely exceeds the grip strength of 20,000 tons, and it is ruthlessly acting on that little ice sculpture! Let the entire ice sculpture be slightly compressed.

The huge power indirectly fell on the mage.

Streaks of red blood spilled from his body...

Soon, with Peng's cry! The ice sculpture suddenly shattered! Become hundreds of thousands, millions of small fragments.

And the mage inside has also become one of these hundreds of thousands, millions of pieces...

"Damn it! This battle can't be fought at all!" A legendary soldier already saw the problem and roared in despair.

The power of the Dragon King and them are not at the same level!

"We still have a chance!" A mage roared wildly, and instantly exchanged eyes with other mages.

When the golden meteor formed by the Dragon King dragged the long tail wing, it rushed towards them again.

A legend instantly took out a diamond spar from the ring of space.

Then it exploded and several legendary wizards sang together. In an instant, the air in front of them was distorted and the ground sank several meters!


The extremely fast meteor formed by the Dragon King immediately slanted into the ground, ploughing a huge ditch with a length of kilometers!

"Everyone! Get on together! Take this opportunity! Kill the Dragon King! Fragments of Godhead are in sight!" a legend roared wildly.

The Modri spirit warrior finally made another move. He turned into a **** lightning, and he arrived in front of the Dragon King almost in the blink of an eye.

When the Dragon King was a little embarrassed about getting up from the ground, the light from the corner of his eyes reached the red ant.

The terrifying repulsion broke out!

Shapeless power bursts from all directions! Large stocks of mud and rocks were blasted away and slammed into Modri!

"God of trolls! Give me strength!" Modri roared and punched out.

The repulsive belt shattered like a mirror!

The blood-red humanoid headed straight to the door of the Dragon King!


The powerful punch with a heavy blow was slammed on the faceplate of the Dragon King in the surprised eyes!

A terrible wave of air erupted. UU reading www.uukanshu. com

The figure of the Dragon King was hit and flew a hundred meters away! Fall to the ground!

But it's only 100 meters!

No one can predict that the weight of the Dragon King at this time is more than 100,000 tons!

A normal dragon, in the size of the Dragon King, doesn't even have half his weight!

For ordinary people, 100 meters is a long distance.

But for the Dragon King, who was originally huge in size, a hundred meters is only one or two body distances!

It's a concept to be beaten back by two steps with ordinary people!


After Modri succeeded in a punch, he did not show excitement or joy.

He felt a sharp pain in his finger bone!

Even with the protection of legendary hand armor, it is completely impossible to eradicate the damage of this counter-shock!

Without the protection of the legendary hand armor, Modri felt that his fist bones would be crushed directly!

Is this the Dragon King? The defense is much stronger than he thought!

Immediately after Modri, is the nine-level magic of the blockbuster.

The ancient dragon lich roared, and a dark torrent of energy spewed out of his mouth with resentment. This torrent was much thicker and bigger than the last time! Shoot the direction where the Dragon King fell!

A mage gritted his teeth and took out a green orb from his spatial ring.

The magic converges on it.

The legendary wind spell was launched instantly!

The hurricanes in the sky stir up the night sky.

Thousands of invisible wind blades fell from the sky!

The fierce air current cuts the earth!

This is a super wind magic that can cut a legendary dragon to death!

For a time, the tide of the elements flooded the hole where the Dragon King was.

The roar was endless, and the entire explosion center burst out with bright light. , The surrounding land has long been incomplete.