The fastest update of the latest chapters in the field of plutonium!

This elven-looking guy is Arman. He watched the four female dragons turn into human females, and his teeth tickled with hatred when he wiped the scales on his brother.

After watching for a long time, he couldn't help saying: "You stupid female dragons! Why do you do such a troublesome thing?

Clear the scales, obviously just a clean spell. "

"That's different!" Katis retorted: "The use of magic is different from manual cleaning!

I used to like to let my servants clean up slowly like this!

The moist flannel, the feeling of gently wiping the scales, like a human-shaped self, when tired, a pair of gentle hands gently knead it for you!

This is the most advanced enjoyment!

If you want to come, you will not understand! "

"Crisis! Everything is false!" Arman aired.

"Where is it?" Katis dissatisfied: "You can see how comfortable your Majesty is!"

Arman looked at Shillong's huge dragon face with a gloomy expression, which is the ultimate comfort that can only be achieved when he is fully relieved.

He seems really comfortable.....

This made Arman even more upset. He smacked his lips: "Damn! Even so, you can call someone else's! Why do you let the four female dragons do it!"

"Because we are free! Hehehe~" Katis laughed triumphantly.

Since the construction of the City of Tomorrow was completed five years ago, Shillong has also given gold coins to his servants to improve the rules of the city.

This is definitely a huge expense.

He had to let many servants regain their freedom and let them make money on their own, but the entire palace and the maintenance of public order in the city still require a lot of labor.

In order to save resources, Shillong will naturally not hire too much. The labor force in the entire city is tense and scarce... and the four female dragons, as free labor, will naturally be fully utilized by Shillong...

"Damn it!" Arman hated it.

These female dragons rubbed Shillong's scales. Suddenly, a maid with black hair and dark eyes, wearing a maid's uniform, with a weird ring under her eyes, unconsciously stuck out her tongue and licked Shillong's scales. A bite.

"Damn black dragon! What are you doing?" Arman scolded with sharp eyes.

Several other female dragons turned their heads one after another and looked at the human being transformed into this female black dragon.

"Hehehe...no...I'm sorry...I can't help it...I can't help it..." she said, actually sticking out her tongue and licking again.

No sincerity at all!

"Asshole thing! You are not allowed to lick Shillong's scales! Only I can lick it!" Julia, wearing a red maid's uniform, was furious and jumped directly to the female black dragon, ready to beat her.

But suddenly, he heard Arman's cry again: "Why do you **** the green dragon also lick it? Get me off my brother quickly!

and many more! And you female blue dragon! Shut up! Don't lick it! "

Julia grabbed the female black dragon's collar in one hand, turned around and saw that the other two female dragons also licked.

This made her furious in an instant, grabbing the black dragon's collar, using her as a throwing weapon, and smashing at the emerald dragon!


"Ah~" The smashed female green dragon screamed, and the two female dragons instantly fell from Siro.

Julia jumped to the mother blue dragon again and fought with her, and knocked her down again after a dozen tricks.

The three-headed female dragon glanced at the ground, divided into three directions, jumped on Shillong's scales, and licked it, angering Julia and Arman to an explosion.

The whole palace is noisy.

This made Shillong frowned, his whole body moved slightly, his forelimbs resting on the ground.

Use a little force.


The huge gravity caused two huge claw marks to appear on the originally sunken ground.

The body that was originally a low hill began to slowly rise.

The four female dragons quickly jumped from him to the ground and looked up.

The palace that was originally more than seventy meters away would be topped by the giant beast.

From head to toe, Shillong was almost forty-five meters tall at this time! The huge dragon wings converged behind.

The Four Dragons and Arman looked at him as if looking up at a mountain.

Silom's eyes were full of golden particle streams, and he glanced at Wulong faintly, and said, "You guys, it's really noisy enough."

As he spoke, he stepped out of the palace without waiting for a few dragons to reply.

At this time, there was already a weight of about 110,000 tons, making every step down, the ground of this palace covering an area of seven or eight football fields was shaking slightly.

The marble floor is shattered! Sag.

Slowly came outside the palace.

Oncoming is a dazzling sun.

The brilliance filled the earth.

In front of the palace is a fountain.

In front of the fountain is a high platform with a giant dragon statue about ten meters high.

The statue was completely black, and gold powder was smeared in the gaps between the scales.

When the sun shines, the place smeared with gold powder will reflect light.

This is the statue of Sillon Soderberg, the owner of the city.

Coming outside, only a few servants were trimming the flowers.

When they saw Shillong, they bowed slightly and continued their previous work, and were not afraid of Shillong.

After five years of getting along with each other, many ordinary people know that their city lord, the terrifying dragon, is actually very easy to get along with.

Of course, the premise is that you have not violated the laws of this city.


Silom glanced at the beautiful garden, the hardworking servant.

Afterwards, his body floated slowly.

He used his ability to cancel the gravity of his body.

Here, he dared not fly with his wings.

To be able to achieve the goal of flying with more than 100,000 tons of self, the strength required is immense.

If the dragon's wings are stirred in the garden of the palace, it will directly cause all the flowers and plants in a radius of thousands of meters to fly away and die instantly!

Ordinary mortals without power will be blown away tens of meters! Facing their respective crises!

Here he dared not fly with his wings.

The body floats slowly, suspended in the air of several thousand meters~wuxiaworld.online~Shillong looks at the whole city.

People came and went on the street, and the carriage walked on the wide road.

Pedestrians wore beautiful clothes with satisfying smiles. They either went shopping or talked and laughed.

Occasionally, security officers pass by. They wear green clothes with the word security written on them, and many of them look weird.

The pedestrians on the side didn't care.

There are various shops on the street.

Some clerk yelled, and some had a magic prop at the door.

The prop is a speaker with certain words repeated in it.

Occasionally some griffins or strange characters fly by in the sky.

The whole city is prosperous and peaceful.

Silom watched silently, until the four female dragons flew behind him in human form.

