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Julia looked at the city and couldn't help boasting: "Shillong! To be honest, I never thought before that the city governed by the dragon could be so prosperous, and it is no worse than the Star King City! Many places have surpassed each other.

You deserve it! The dragon I fell in love with! "

"Ah~Lord of Dragon! Your power is as powerful as the gods!

Ah~ The Dragon King! Your wisdom is as deep as the sea!

Ah~ The Dragon King! My love for you is like a tide!

Ah~" The mother blue dragon couldn't help groaning again.

Shillong frowned and stopped quickly.

Then look at everything in the city.

Julia looked at Shillong's appearance, and was a little puzzled: "Shillong, looking at you, it seems that you are not satisfied with the present? This makes me wonder, the city has developed so well? What else is there to be dissatisfied with? ?"

"The development of the city is indeed good, but this is far from what I want!" Silom replied.

He remembered his original desire to come to this world, he wanted to change this boring world!

He wants the world to be full of entertainment, where the people have surplus money, have food to eat, and can participate in entertainment.

Now in his city, 95% of the residents are in good condition.

The prosperity of the city can be seen from the increase in vendors, the increase in stalls, the various shouts at the entrance of the store, and the casual people who like to go shopping.

But there is still the most critical game that hasn't come out!

This is the key to entertainment, a world without games is incomplete! It's boring!

After these five years, Shillong has paid more and more attention to this aspect, and the idea of developing the game has been lingering.

Until today, it broke out!

He flew back to the palace again and asked the guard on one side to call the dog Zhan Shiqi.

This guy has been spending time around the garden. There are many little **** there. Although they are of different breeds, they are senior hellhounds that can be reduced in size.

Originally, as a three-headed **** dog, it was a very shameful behavior to mate with a dog with a low IQ in the world.

But Zhan Shiqi had long since returned to the heart of the abyss.

But unable to restrain his physical instincts, he can only let go of himself and start a happy life with the little bitches.

Not to mention, this guy is now a complete breed of dog.

In the past few years, three female dogs have been pregnant and three puppies have been born.

Every **** can only give birth to one puppy after pregnancy.

This may also be because Zhan Shiqi's blood is relatively strong.

These three puppies were called Ah Da, Ah Er, and Ah San by Shillong.

Ah Da is a four-year-old male dog, Ah Er is also a male dog three years old, and A San is a female dog one year old.

The age is relatively young, but the body is not young.

Ah Da's shoulder height is about three meters, and his whole body is red, looking very handsome.

A two-two-meter-five, A three-one and a five-meter. Although the combat power of the three dogs is incomparable with their Laozi, they are also the best among dogs!

Referred to as dog bully!

I was sent to be a security dog a long time ago.

This is why their Lao Tzu, Zhan Shiqi can have fun so much!

That's right! He didn't chew old! But he gnawed his son!

Because the children's intelligence is not high enough, Zhan Shiqi, the father, naturally stood up and said that he would keep the gold coins for them!

Ok! Very reasonable!

If Zhan Shiqi's IQ is an adult, then his beloved dogs are only about four or five years old at most. His sons and daughters will be smarter because they inherited his genes. They are probably eight or nine years old.

But this is obviously not enough.

Although there is no need to work, in order to get along well with them, Zhan Shiqi has to reduce his intelligence every day...

Its sunny, and Zhan Shiqi is playing an eagle-and-chicken game with his beloved dogs.

Standing in the center of the garden, Zhan Shiqi closed his eyes and let some dogs hide.

Then after a minute of silence.

He opened his eyes directly, and the eyesight of the **** devil allowed him to see the dog's tail exposed outside a flower bed 100 meters away.

He cracked the corners of his mouth.

Quickly ran over.

The moment he found his dog, his dog made a whining sound.

Zhan Shiqi knew instantly, and then ignoring a soldier who was patrolling on the side, directly under the soldier's nose, pounced on the bitch...

The soldier raised his eyebrows slightly and glanced at Zhan Shiqi.

But Zhan Shiqi returned a provocative look.

Ten minutes later.

Zhan Shiqi showed a comfortable expression on the dog's face.

Just as he was about to end, a soldier's shout suddenly came: "Your Excellency Zhan Shiqi! Your Excellency Zhan Shiqi! Your Majesty calls you!"


This shout directly scared Zhan Shiqi to stop, and his whole body trembled.

Get off the dog immediately.

My dog was also taken aback, and ran away as if to escape.

"Wang!" Zhan Shiqi was a little annoyed, walked out from the back of the garden, and yelled at the incoming person.

The corner of the soldier's mouth was slightly raised while watching him, and he said nothing.

"Your Excellency Zhan Shiqi! Your Majesty Silom is looking for you for something!" the soldier said again.

"Damn it! It's just this time." Zhan Shiqi said directly.

It was a surprising thing for a dog to speak human words, but the soldiers here are used to it.

There are too many abnormal guys in the whole city!

Many variants radiate the appearance of people, and they can definitely challenge people's bottom line!

"Come and go! Take me there quickly, I can get back and continue after solving the problem!" Zhan Shiqi muttered.

He and the soldiers came to Silom's palace.

As soon as he arrived at the palace, Zhan Shiqi's entire dog face immediately changed color, showing a flattering appearance, and he breathed out his tongue.

"My most beloved master! Is there anything I can do for you? As long as I can do it! I will do my best!"

"I remember, you are an abyssal species, right?" Shillong's huge body stood on the ground, looking down at the other side.

"Yes! My dear master, although my race name is Hell Three-Headed Dog, I am an Abyssal Species!"

"Very good, now it's useful to your place~wuxiaworld.online~ Shillong nodded: "I am going to the abyss and capture some monsters. I need your lead, is it okay?"


Shillong said this.

The four female dragons in the palace, Arman and Zhan Shiqi were all slightly surprised.

How can you go to the abyss?

There can be different from the main material plane.

The combat power of the monsters inside is far beyond the main material realm.

Every level of the abyss lord has the power of a demigod for the last time!

"I... my lord... are you serious?" Zhan Shiqi said.

There is excitement and excitement in his heart. Could it be that in his lifetime, he can really return to the abyss and breathe the air there?

Zhan Shiqi missed the active volcano in the abyss and the sulfur smell of the lost dog.