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"Cut! The strength is only a little bit stronger than us, and I dare to say that I am qualified to be together with Shillong? Don't be too arrogant! Julia!" Katis was not outdone.

"Strong?" Julia sneered, "Would you like to see how strong I am? Even if there are a hundred dragons of yours, I can kill you all! Then grind your corpses to powder Sprinkle the flowers and trees in the garden!"

"You fart!" Katis scolded.

The two female dragons quickly quarreled.

Until it immediately evolved into hands-on.

Silom had to spread out the dragon wings and stand between the two female dragons: "Okay! Don't quarrel, you guys and I won't take any of them, stay in the territory, of course you want to go freely, but do not Don't mess with the territory, otherwise I will never be polite to you! You know?"

Shillong was an exhortation at first, but in the end it was already a warning.

The eyes full of golden particles are full of majesty.

"Understood..." The female dragons each responded. Although a little unwilling, they also knew that they could not defy Siro's order. One after another dropped their heads.

Their purpose has not been achieved, how can they leave as a loser?

"No! I don't want to train! No matter how you train, even if you become a legend, you are still a weak one! I don't want to!" Arman screamed and ran away.

Shillon winked at Julia and the dragons, and they quickly followed.

The entire palace suddenly became quiet.

Except for a few guards, there are only Shillong and Zhan Shiqi.

After waiting for a while again, when Cusk arrived, he told him about Arman and his journey into the abyss.

And ask the other party to manage the city well.

Kusk naturally had no opinion, nodded and said yes, and finally left.

"Okay! Let's go!" Silom prepared everything, and finally, after speaking, he grabbed Zhan Shiqi with his paws and flew into the sky.

Use your huge claws to manipulate magic power to portray the magic circle in the air.

As an arcane master, it is not difficult to portray the door to the abyssal world alone.

The magic circle he portrayed is very huge, which can perfectly contain the current body.

When the entire magic circle was portrayed, the fiery red and gray light gate appeared.

Shillong fluttered his wings and got in...


The bottomless abyss, the first floor. Wanyuan Plain.

There is no grass here, barren and desolate, covered with thick dust.

Above the sky, a huge ball of fire hung like the sun, burning the entire plain.

The entire Wanyuan Plain is divided into three distinct parts.

A place is naturally barren and extremely barren. There are all kinds of low-level demons fighting together, like ants, full of wasteland.

A dirty river runs through the entire wasteland. The river is floating with trash. Disgusting creatures with human heads and white worm bodies are wandering inside. Some of them are fighting each other, devouring each other's body, and some are separated. Once the river is over, the body will instantly change and become a real demon...

There are also some demons squatting by the river, reaching for these worms, and then devouring...

There is also a strange steel fortress.

It is hard to believe that these magical steel fortresses will exist in the abyss.

Thousands of them stand in the wilderness.

Every fortress is filled with all kinds of demons.

The outermost periphery of a steel fortress.

Two cowardly physiques are red, strong and not as strong as cowardly, crouching outside a fort, doing daily patrols.

Suddenly, one of them stopped moving forward, straightened up and started to hush.

The yellow liquid whizzed out.

The other coward glanced and waited without saying a word.

The shushing coward suddenly said, "You said... the next **** battle, will we die?"

The standing coward was taken aback: "I don't know."

"You said... why are we participating in the **** battle?" the shy timid asked.

"Why?" The standing timid was a little puzzled: "Because Barrow? Lord Rage's order."

"Why do we listen to Lord Barrow?"

"Why don't we listen to him?" the standing timid question asked.

"We should be free, right?"

"Freedom? What is that? Why do you have so many questions?"

"I don't know.... I have always had a lot of doubts in my mind." His timidly said.

"You are very strange, listen to Barrow? Lord Fury, participate in the **** battle, isn't it the meaning of our lives?"

"Oh..." the shushing coward responded.

The doubts in his mind did not diminish, he began to become dumbfounded, as if thinking about something.

Suddenly a shadow covered him, making him look up with some doubts.

I saw the sky above the cloudless abyss.

A huge dark black portal suddenly appeared in the sky hundreds of meters away.

A huge, pitch-black dragon, with occasional golden light and streamer behind him, slowly drilled out of it.

His body is huge, just one eye is bigger than his body!

While looking at the giant dragon, the other party also glanced at him with his eyes.

There was no emotion in the eyes full of golden particles, and the eyes looking at him were strange.

The shy timid thought with his inexplicable knowledge that was much richer than the average timid. This look, and the eyes of the noble Lord Barrow looking at them like...

What does it represent?

Suddenly, his body trembled slightly, which was an instinctive tremor. He was a little puzzled, and looked to the side of the cowardly.

This guy was shaking much more than him.

"Do you know what this is?"

The shushing coward asked.

"I... don't know... but it feels terrible..."

The two timids have insufficient IQ, insufficient experience, and insufficient knowledge of the abyss.

They are just born, perhaps less than a year, and they are going to be sent to the poor for blood war.

At this time, the demons on the war fortress were also shocked.

They yelled in panic~wuxiaworld.online~ The voice was very messy.

Among them were a few low-level demons, although they were shaking.

But they still bravely attacked the dragon not far from them in the sky. They roared and threw the spear in their hands with brute force.


The spear shot on the scales of the dragon, with a crisp sound, and fell weakly.

After throwing this blow, the other demons seemed to have received a signal, and they all screamed, magic, crossbows, and spears were thrown into the sky.

From a distance, like a rain of hundreds of thousands of arrows, densely flying together shot into the sky.

Facing this huge dragon, they are not afraid of it!

The young blood war demons are fearless of everything! They dare to attack any existence!