, The fastest update of the latest chapters in the field of plutonium!

Weng~ The light in the sky was distorted, and the thrown arrows were all crushed and exploded when the magic distance was less than ten meters from the dragon!

Become a blossoming firework!

The sky was completely covered, and just when they thought they had hit the dragon, perhaps they had already wiped out the opponent, a huge wind instantly blew away the clouds, exposing the unharmed dragon.

This made the demons a little angry and roared and roared.

They didn't give up. Several demons stood directly on an operation platform of the fortress and pulled down a valve.


At the forefront of each fortress, muzzles with a diameter of nearly two meters lit up with dark red energy, and the flow of magical power around them quickly converged.

This is a demon cannon. Each shot needs to be filled for about a minute. Correspondingly, their power is also great, with power close to legendary spells!

Click, click~

The muzzle began to align, aiming at the dragon in the sky. Just wait for the recharge to complete! Kill the dragon who dared to enter the abyss at will and appeared in front of them!

There are some demons who can't wait to fly into the sky, holding harpoon-like weapons in their hands, roaring towards the dragon!

"Heh~" Silom smiled slightly and said to Zhan Shiqi who was caught in his paws: "Look at these demons. Compared with you, they are really brave."

He teased Zhan Shiqi. This guy is also a demon species, but he is very timid. He was scared to death before seeing his real body. Remember to pee directly? Immediately initiated a surrender...

And Zhan Shiqi also heard the meaning, and awkwardly laughed: "My lord! I am aware of the current affairs, these low-powered idiots who are overpowered! I don't understand what a great existence they are facing now!

If they knew the power of our lord, they would definitely kneel down and beg for mercy! "

"Hmm~" Silom just smiled and glanced at the flying demon that was getting closer.

The surrounding air suddenly sank.

A group of flying demons screamed and fell from the sky. Some are more powerful, and they can stabilize their figure without gravity after descending 100 meters, and some of the weak ones fall directly to the ground and become a pile of mud.

Shillon glanced at a group of demons who were still clamoring underneath, and frowned, "It's so noisy! Demons, these creatures are just like flies, they only know that they keep buzzing in your ears... ...

It really annoys the dragon! "

As he spoke, he flew towards the sky while his body, and soon disappeared in front of the demons.

The demons underneath suddenly let out a weird laughter, seeming to be celebrating that they had driven away a giant dragon that was too helpless.

Because it was too noisy, some imposing high-level demons emerged from many forts.

One of them was four or five meters tall, a sturdy figure, a red-blooded bullhead demon in leather armor, and he slowly walked out carrying a giant stick about the height of his body.

With his appearance, most of the demon clamoring around stopped their voices, but there were always a few heads that were particularly ill-fated.

Still jumping and jumping there.


The bullhead devil stared at a strong little coward who was only six meters away from him.

Two thick smoke erupted from his nostrils, and he slowly came to the little coward who was still jumping, stretched out his arm thicker than the opponent's body, and slowly put his palm on top of the little coward's head.

Then suddenly photographed!


With a crisp sound, the little timid stopped beating instantly! The body fell stiffly.

His head was completely shot into the chest cavity!

"Stupid thing! You don't even have the qualifications to go to the **** battle to die!" The bullhead devil cursed and asked about the situation.

A few better-minded demons said the matter immediately.

"What? Just rely on you? Can also kill an ancient dragon?" The Bull Head Demon doubted.

"Captain Kazzorn, we have a powerful demon cannon! The dragon is certainly not our opponent!" said a clever demon.

"Tsk!" Tauren, Kazzon smashed his mouth and glanced around, dozens of demon muzzles had been lit up.

It seems that the energy has been gathered, and then the muzzle roared, dozens of dark energy beams shot straight into the sky, shooting above the zenith, and the demons who were at least tens of kilometers away from the zenith could only see a burst of smoke. .....

The Tauren groaned, and there was some truth in what he said, but one Taigulong didn't fight back, so he was scared away by this group of garbage?

This is a bit unexpected.

Forget it! As long as I can fight away, it will be a **** battle in a month. I just need to send these idiots to death.

Just when he wanted to return to the fortress, red golden rays of light suddenly appeared in the sky, attracting the eyes of all demons, including the tauren.

He looked at the sky in a puzzled manner.

Good thing, how can there be light of this color?

In the abyss, free dark red sunlight since ancient times...

He squinted hard to see the light source.

There... seems to be a dragon?

Could it be the dragon that was said to be beaten away?

The tauren is puzzled, what is his magic in the sky? Super lighting?

It's really interesting.

The Tauren couldn't help being amused by his own thoughts, forget it, no matter what he wanted to do, it had nothing to do with him anyway.

Just when he turned around, ready to go back.

Suddenly found that the golden light became prosperous!

It seemed to light up just behind him, he felt that the world had turned red gold, just when he wanted to turn his head to see what happened...

boom! ! ! ! ! ! !

It was a super explosive sound that deafened the devil's ears.

His thoughts stopped at this moment.

He didn't know why, he stopped thinking, didn't know what was wrong with him, his consciousness had disappeared!

Behind him, the huge flawless white light instantly expanded!

Over tens of millions in an instant, reaching a high temperature of hundreds of millions of degrees, gasifying everything!

The lives of the demons seem to be illusory, as long as they are swept by the white light, they will be completely wiped from the abyss!

There is no trace left...

The original strong steel fortress ~wuxiaworld.online~ disappeared without a trace!

Swallowed by the white light, everything within a few kilometers was reduced to nothingness.

Those demons who were a little farther away, only felt a huge shock wave, mixed with fire waves!

They felt a sense of fear from it!

This is a panic that reaches the soul!

They whimpered and turned around to escape, but they were swallowed by the fire wave before they got far!

They were like pieces of white paper, and their bodies turned into ashes the moment they were swept by the fire wave! Then continue to spread with the fire wave!

The rumbling sound continued.

The shock wave and the fire wave swept everything with the momentum to destroy everything.

Until the outer edge, the flame temperature here is far from the horror before, but there is also a terrifying high temperature close to ten thousand degrees.