, The fastest update of the latest chapters in the field of plutonium!

The steel is melting. Although the devil was not vaporized in the first time, it was also torn apart by the shock wave!

This huge fireball swallowed everything within ten kilometers.

The impact of the flame spread around twenty to thirty kilometers.

When the fireball turned into a mushroom cloud, it slowly lifted into the sky and disappeared.

Among the demons who were lucky enough to survive, those who were hit by the shockwave before fell to the ground. At this time, most of them broke their hands and feet, wailing in place...

A few lucky ones, quickly climbed up from the ground without damage, looked behind them, there were steel wrecks everywhere, and a few white demon bones...

Flames burned on the wreckage, and the original red earth had been scraped off with a thick layer of skin.

At a glance, you can't see the huge pits on the side and the debris of the world!

Those demons with low intelligence who were closer, screamed and hurried away.

The demons in the distance also kept crying in horror for a long time...

Until a Balo flame demon, who was about eight meters tall, suddenly walked out of a fortress gate that was larger and more luxurious than other fortresses.

A demon informed him of the situation just now.

He walked out and looked at the huge pit dozens of kilometers away, his face turned red.

He took a heavy breath, fluttered his wings and flew over.

Flying hundreds of meters in the air, the Balo Balm slowly approached the explosion site.

The closer he gets, the more he feels the temperature change, even in the outermost part, the temperature here is 20 or 30 degrees higher than other places.

On the sunken ground, sparks were still burning.

His eyesight is very good, he can see very far distances, even a hundred kilometers away.

At the edge of the pothole, there were at least tens of thousands of severely wounded demons wailing.

On some steel wrecks, there are thick black and thick gray.

Inside the thick gray, there is a contrasting black gray and extremely white and clean wall.

On this smooth side, Balo Flame Demon looked carefully, and it seemed to be a strange shadow!

These shadows are strange and strange, but Barro Flame Demon can recognize them, and they are all the shadows of some demons!

These shadow postures are all escape postures, as if a terrified demon wanted to escape, but was turned into a shadow and sealed by a wonderful spell. Just by looking at it, it seems to know their panic and despair at the time!

These shadows are everywhere, tens of thousands!

The whole land is like a ghost!

It made Balo Flame Demon a little numb, and he swallowed hard.

Looking at the center of the pit, there is a huge pit that collapses sixty to seventy meters and has a diameter of several hundred meters.

Inside was a piece of flaming lava tumbling, and a large white mist emerged from it!

damn it! What exactly is going on?

There was no demon who could answer his question. Those demons who were closer to Shillong and knew that Shillong existed had already turned into nothingness during this nuclear peace!

The demon surviving in the distance had no idea what happened.

All the demons are dumbfounded. Barlow Flame Demon made a guess about it. Could it be the hand of a certain god? Or is it the aunt?

He couldn't understand.....

But he was very lucky! Fortunately, no such thing happened near his fortress.


It is dozens of kilometers away from the steel fortress.

A dragon with golden light flowing in pitch black is flying slowly in the sky.

It was Shillong.

"Let's talk about it, where is the soul demon? Our goal this time is it, I need a lot of soul demon." Silom said while flying.

After he lowered the light of Heping, he no longer paid attention to the life and death of those demons.

The demons who provoked him, turning into ashes is their destination!

Zhan Shiqi was caught in his paws. He was still in a reduced form at this time, and his two dogs stared blankly at the black mist in the distant sky.

That is the fog of fear mixed with countless demonic ashes!

There are dozens of them! The lives of millions of demons!

Zhan Shiqi was stunned! He didn't expect Shillong to be so direct! Leaving the main material plane, this devil! Have you finally exposed your nature?

Don't talk nonsense with you! Come up is the big move! A breath of infinite power!

Poor demons! It's not worth it to die!

Fortunately, I was wise at the time! He is very lucky!

"Zhan Shiqi! Didn't you hear what I said?" Silom glanced at the stupid stupid dog and asked.

"Ooooooo~~~" Zhan Shiqi shook his body, and hurriedly called out: "Soul...soul demon...in the abyss...also a relatively rare race, not on the first ten floors, generally living on the 13th floor. Below, there may be there."

"Then go there." Silom said, "How do you get there?"

"Master, have you seen the dark river? This is the Styx. Follow its water and you can go to the lower abyss." Zhan Shiqi said as he rolled his eyes to indicate.

Shillong nodded clearly.

Looking at the Styx on the ground, the dark Styx is extremely wide, with all kinds of disgusting things floating in it.

There are wisps of black mist.

White worms with human heads kept screaming, drifting down the Styx.

But some are near the shore, and they desperately want to climb to the shore...

Only after landing can they receive the injection of abyssal energy and evolve into some kind of demon randomly.

Of course, the white worms near the river are equally dangerous.

There are some demons squatting there, salvaging them, and every time they are salvaged, they will directly swallow them, and then they will laugh joyfully.

Some have a small appetite and will leave after eating one, while some have a large appetite and will continue to guard...

Shillong has been following the direction of the Styx in the sky, and encountered a lot of flying demons in the middle. Before getting closer to Shillong for a kilometer, he would blow up his hair and then ran away frantically!

Shillong knew what was going on!

Because he had wiped out tens of millions of demons before, he was now covered by a large black mist, which was a unique mark of the abyss.

It will take a long time to dissipate the mark that will have if you kill the creature in the abyss.

Because it is too rich, those demons with low intelligence will be afraid, and the fear is enough to suppress their instincts!

Fly to the end of the Styx.

Here is a huge pit, into which the water of the Stygian River flows into it, filling the hole with a diameter of 100 meters completely and filling it down.

The rumbling river is roaring

The water is surging.

Shillong looked at this place and asked Zhan Shiqi, "Want to enter the lower level~wuxiaworld.online~ Should we follow the river flowing in?"

"Yes, this is the easiest way." Zhan Shiqi said.

"What about other methods?"

"Other methods...I don't know...it seems that there will be a random teleportation array on it, and it can go down. Of course, if you know the coordinates of the lower abyss, you can turn on the teleportation spell to pass... ."

"What about the coordinates?"

"Coordinates...my lord...I don't understand spells...I don't understand a little bit on the coordinates..." Zhan Shiqi said with a little embarrassment while pursing his dog's mouth.

Shillong shook his head, this stupid dog is really stupid!

Looking at the Styx below, Silom frowned.

too disgusting!

Do you want me to enter such a disgusting river?