As if seeing Shillong's hesitation, Zhan Shiqi whispered: "Master...actually soaked in it...it's quite comfortable."

"Huh?" Shillon glanced at him from the corner of his eyes.

The disgusting **** actually said it was comfortable to soak in this dung-like river?

Is this the characteristic of abyssal creatures?

He frowned and thought, and finally flashed, why do I have to use my body to enter the Styx? Even if the river water is drained with repulsive force, but it cannot be drained completely, it will be like being in a drifting bottle, down the dirty water full of feces!

I feel sick just thinking about it!

I must not let this happen! Then it can only be that!

As long as I have another nuclear issue and calm down!

That's right! There is nothing nuclear can't pacify!

He slowly lifted off again.

Zhan Shiqi was caught in his paws and said strangely: "My lord! What are you doing? Don't you go down?"

"Of course I want to go down! But not using your stupid method!" Xilong whispered back and flew to the zenith of tens of thousands of meters.

After taking a deep breath, the scales on his chest split!

Zhan Shiqi was shocked when he was held in his paws! The devil! Actually come again! Is he crazy?

This guy didn't take the devil's life into his eyes at all! In his eyes, the devil is no different from the real ant!

terrible! too frightening! This evil dragon is the real demon! Devil!

The demons below, even if they are not as dense as the previous steel fortresses, are definitely a lot!

This time, Zhan Shiqi estimated that hundreds of thousands of demons would die!

The red golden light flourished in the eyes.

The demons underneath stared at the sky blankly, admiring this strange scene.

Finally, I watched the red golden light fall and turned into infinite white light.

The demons instinctively closed their eyes, then a heat wave swept away, and their consciousness instantly dissipated!


The huge red golden ball of light burst instantly after hitting the entrance of the Styx!

As a mushroom cloud slowly rises, while the infinite shock wave scrapes the entire ground away from a thick layer of skin, the entire river of water, which is close to a kilometer in width, turns into a giant wolf, and begins to flow back crazily!

The white worm inside has already turned to ashes!

Taking this opportunity, Silom flew straight down.

Slowly passed the mouth of the Styx.

When he entered the second abyss.

There are still tens of thousands of meters from the ground.

The water of the Styx, which should have fallen like a waterfall, was broken for several kilometers!

As if pouring into the ground from the void.

The water of the Styx rushed into the ground. The white worm that was supposed to be broken into pieces under this kind of water flow was protected by a strange force and landed safely to the ground.

Then down the Styx.

The ground on both sides is a wasteland, and the number of demons is obviously much more than that of the first floor.

Most of them are fighting each other, and some are wandering at will.

Shillon glanced around.

I didn't pay any attention at all and took Zhan Shiqi to continue flying.

What he wants is to quickly pass through the upper level of the abyss and find the soul demon!

And here, only a few minutes after Silom left, the water of the Styx on the zenith poured down with a roar!

The entire Styx finally returned to normal!

Following the direction of the Styx, flying for a few hours again, Shillong found the way down.

After that, the nuclear was issued and the road was opened and continued downward.

Zhan Shiqi was very speechless about this, which was extremely violent.

At the same time, he was also very scared by Shillong. As an abyssal creature, he could clearly feel how terrifying the atmosphere of the abyss linger around Shillong! Those low-powered demons were frightened and fled thousands of meters away...

After that, Shillong did not stay in a certain abyss.

He is not here for sightseeing.

It took two days and two nights.

Shillong quickly reached the thirteenth floor. Every time we use nuclear to open the road, to be honest, the consumption is very huge.

But he possesses the fragment of the godhead of the Lord of Dawn, which brings him extremely strong recovery ability.

Reluctantly make consumption and recovery equal.

Just when he flew on the 13th floor to enter the entrance of the 14th floor, preparing to continue nuclear peace.

With excellent eyesight, I saw a huge Hell three-headed dog sticking its tongue out and running towards the entrance of the Styx!

He wailed while running.

Behind him was a demon who was slightly smaller than him.

The demon's skin was as bright as lava, covered in a layer of armor like carbon stone, and had four strong arms.

Like a demon general, chasing the demon dog frantically.

The distance between the two is only a few hundred meters.

Every time the demon passes, a dark energy ball will be condensed in his hand, and then shaken.

The energy ball shot towards the magic dog.

At this time, the demon dog can avoid it every time because it has a head that is always looking backwards.

But every time he dodges, he slows down a bit and the distance is pulled in.

The three heads of the devil dog who were anxious were all sweating.

The demon behind him is called the Hound Fiend.

It is said that only humans who are killed by dogs will have a very small probability of evolving after falling into the abyss.

It is a very powerful demon and has a natural suppressive power against canine demons.

This kind of demon was born with endless resentment towards canine creatures.

They will madly attack all dogs.

As long as those dogs are caught, they will be cut open, stripped of their fur, swallowed their flesh, and removed their skulls.

After the canine skulls were taken off by them, these demons would string them together and hang them around their waists as a medal of honor.

Behind the dog demon, there were more than a dozen dog heads hanging from the waist of the demon, large and small, apparently an old hunting dog.

He skillfully used his dark magic orb to force the demon dog in front of him to move, thereby pulling in the distance.

But when they saw the 100-meter-long dragon slowly descending from the sky, and the thick black abyssal fog that almost covered the whole body......

The devil dog barked wailing, and the hair all over his body exploded instantly!

One by one straight!

Four feet slammed on the ground and made a sudden brake!

The terrifying hound behind him was also horrified!

Unconsciously let out a short dog bark! This is scared!

Both feet slam on the ground likewise.

The demon dog and the hound demon slid tens of meters forward, stepping on a small ditch on the ground to stop.

Then their movements were almost synchronized, and they changed directions! Run back immediately!

Only this time is slightly different from the previous one~wuxiaworld.online~ The Hound Demon ran in front of him, and the Demon Dog ran behind him.

It looks like a demon dog is chasing the hound demon, making Zhan Shiqi behind him feel weird!

When will they be so powerful that they can hunt down their deadly enemies, the hounds are fierce?

By the way...Why does this magic dog look so familiar?

Zhan Shiqi carefully recalled the bits and pieces of five years ago.

Finally remembered that this is not my childhood playmate.

Teddy?? Jingha?

A demon dog that is slightly weaker than him and has a slightly lower IQ.

