"Are you sure?" Although the Death Star was shrouded in black mist, his eyes were still bright.

The pressure on the lava giant being stared at increased sharply.

"I... wait! I remembered! A few months ago, when I went to the Black Fire Lagoon to soak in lava, I heard Big Brother Seamo Huorong mention it! Several came from his territory Annoying soul demon! That's right! Hahaha! I remember!"

The lava giant remembered, jumping and jumping in place!

"Black fire molten lake? Where is that? Take me over." The dragon said.

"The Black Fire Lagoon is the territory of Brother Seamus Huorong, one hundred kilometers north from here."

"Take me over! There should be no problem, right?"

"Um...no...no problem."

"lead the way."

The next journey is very simple. Shillong waits for the demons to head north.

All the creatures on the road evaded one after another, as if the death star is coming to the world, wherever they pass, the demons are chaotic!

Soon, they came to a woodland made up of huge trees.

The leaves here are flames, and the trunks are made of lava. Each tree is very tall, above forty to fifty meters.

The air temperature here is as high as one hundred degrees.

The sky is full of various flaming birds and beasts.

The leading lava giant stopped at Linkou for a while, and then said to Silom: "Your Excellency Dragon, go through this fire forest and you will be there, but the lord here is a very powerful Balor fire demon. Do we need a detour? ?"

"Do you want me to take a detour?" Shillon's dragon mouth opened slightly, and with a weird smile he looked at the lava giant who was like a child in front of him.

"It's all up to your wishes."

"Did you not bring me here on purpose? If I take a detour, isn't your expectation going to be lost?" Silom asked.

"Your Excellency, I don't understand what you are talking about." The lava giant said softly.

"I have been observing you on the way. You paused once, and there was a full pause for a few seconds. This is very unreasonable. You should be familiar with everything here. It doesn't take so long. Think about the journey.

I didn't understand at first, but when I got here, I understood.

You have a grudge against the Barro Flame Demon here, right? It doesn't matter whether you want me to kill him for you, or you want me and him to lose out, it doesn't matter, as long as the final goal can be achieved, of course, I don't want to see the soul demon, do you understand? "Shillon's eyes were fixed on the lava giant.

As if it could pierce his heart.

This caused the giant's pressure to increase sharply, and it quickly lowered its head and said: "When...of course...I will show you the soul demon..."

On its face made of magma, a drop of flaming magma juice dripped...

Indeed, it has an enmity with the Balo Flame Demon here. This hatred has lasted for hundreds of years, but his strength is much worse than that of the opponent. Even with the help of Seamo Huorong, he cannot defeat the opponent.

But the dragon that threatened it made him crooked.

Two **** guys! J! Give me one death!

A line of four behemoths, Shillong cleared the way.

His huge size did not converge at all. In the flame forest, he was completely rampaged. Many trees were directly skewed by him because they were too close.

The other three monsters followed directly behind Shillong.

The combination of the four giants went rampant all the way, causing a very big movement.

Especially when Shillong's legs landed.

There are only two hind limbs supporting a weight of 120,000 tons, and you can imagine what kind of movement will happen every step of the landing.

Along the way, the roar has never stopped!

When he was halfway there, Shillon obviously felt a creature with huge flame magic power peeping at him nearby.

But after a while, the peeping disappeared.

The four giants came directly to the opposite side of the flame forest.

Out of the woods.

The lava giant was a little dazed, he looked back suddenly, as if he couldn't believe it, the usual brutal Balo flame demon didn't even risk his head!

Damn it! When was this guy as smart as me? Incredible!

"Are you disappointed?" Sillon saw the disappointment of the other party.

"No... No, it's just a bit strange." The lava giant whispered.

"He's just not stupid! Like you, he understands the same truth. In the face of unstoppable strength, it is a wise choice to lower his usual arrogant head, isn't it?" Xilong said.


The lava giant is a bit speechless, oh~ look at that coward! This guy! The usual brutality is pretended! Humph! Bullying and fearing hardship Boss!

The lava giant spurned each other in his heart.

A group of four giants quickly came to the black fire lava lake and joined the lava giants here. The lava giants here are only taller than the previous ones, and look stronger.

Although he was taken aback by Shillong at first, it has to be said that it is much bolder than the previous one. But it stabilized in a few seconds.

When the two lava giants met, they gave a warm hug.

Afterwards, he explained his intention. This giant did not have a head iron, but wisely took the four giant beasts along the lake and headed west.

Have been walking for several kilometers.

Before the lava giant who led the way to stop, the sharp-eyed Shillong was under a flame tree two kilometers away and saw the little thing he was looking for!

Both ends are transparent, floating in the air like a shadow, like ghost creatures.

They have no feet, no necks, and their bodies and heads are connected together. They don't look ferocious, but rather cute.

They floated quietly on a boulder, seeming to be communicating.

When Shillon saw them, the two little guys also discovered Shillong.

Turning their heads quickly, when they met Shillong's eyes, they clearly felt a wave of greed.

And the lingering, endless resentment of the dead soul on the opponent!

As soul demons, they can feel this resentment more intuitively than other creatures!

This is an abyssal grievance with a number of about two million!

Shillong is undoubtedly the most terrifying devil in their eyes!

They are also well-informed, the entire flame hell, I am afraid that only the king of the flame demon, Sulfuron has such a heavy dead soul!

The most important thing is that these dead souls, depending on the time of their birth, definitely do not exceed one month!

Damn it! How horrible is this?

In less than a month~wuxiaworld.online~ This dragon slaughtered a million demons in the abyss?

How serious is this murderous intention?

The illusory figures of the soul demons couldn't help shaking, as if they would dissipate at any time.

With one brush, they jumped into the fiery ground, like jumping into a pool, disappearing.

"Tsk~ The reaction is so sensitive."

Shillong frowned.

He knows soul demon very well.

In the main material world, I have seen a lot of information about them.

This creature is completely immune to physical damage and has high elemental resistance.