Taking flame resistance alone, it is enough to ignore high temperatures below five hundred degrees.

Only one thousand degrees or more can kill them effectively.

The illusion of the body allows them to sneak into the ground. It is difficult for ordinary people to kill them, let alone capture them!

Even if Shillon is fully prepared to bring some magic items for sealing, this time the capture will not be too easy.

In Shillong's dragon eye, the stream of golden particles is converging!

Soon it became a needle-like shape, and his eyes penetrated the earth...

When the two soul demons who had fled 100 meters into the abyss ground just thought they could breathe a sigh of relief.

I felt the dragon's eyes fall again.

This is a very strange feeling, clearly separated by a hundred meters of ground, but the soul demon clearly felt the meaning of this gaze!

There is ridicule and fun.

Then, the dragon's body moved.

The dragon wings folded on his back opened one by one.

In the strange hole at the end, a red golden light shone.

In the next instant, the dragon turned into a stream of light and rushed towards them along the ground!

The red soil under the streamer was bombarded by unknown forces, and the trajectory of a large swath of mud and rock mixed with the streamer was overturned!

In the blink of an eye, the streamer reached the top of their heads, paused, revealing the true face of the dragon again.

This is only a second or two.

Streamer ploughed a huge ditch nearly two kilometers long, tens of meters wide, and five or six meters deep!

He fell straight down.

That strange force continued to work downward, and as he fell, his body was like a rotating drill.

The mud and rocks beneath him exploded, and the entire ground was dusty.

Several demon insects living in the ground were crushed directly!

Become a fire-red burst of pulp!

The dragon's body is sinking fast!

10 meters!

20 meters!

30 meters!


The two soul demons were even more frightened, swishing, and sank hundreds of meters again.

But soon, they dare not continue.

There is a piece of underground molten ore, the temperature is extremely high, and it is paved with countless fiery red ore.

Surrounded by a large area of hardened hard soil.

The two soul demons looked up and watched the giant dragon sink while grinning, revealing a boundless grin, it was almost horrible...

But of course, the premise is that they have liver.

The two soul demons glanced at each other and rushed in one direction suddenly, and the dragon behind them also followed closely.

The soil that is usually hard enough to withstand other creatures, but in front of the dragon is like a controlled sandstone.

Squeezed around by the invisible violent force, a huge channel was formed in the ground.

The dragon followed closely...

Above the ground.

Zhan Shiqi, the two dogs, and the two lava giants followed Shillong until they reached the huge hole that had just been discharged by the repulsion.

The four behemoths peeked at each other.

"This...what should I do? Follow or follow?"

"Follow me, my task has been completed, you play slowly, I have to go back to the magma bath." The lava giant was invited, Seamo Huorong said, and turned to lead the way. The lava giant smiled and said: "I'll go back first, and come back soon after you are done! I feel like something is missing when I'm alone."

"Big Brother Seamus! Go back first! I will be here soon." The lava giant said softly.

Then Seamus left.

Zhan Shiqi, who looked straight to the side, looked very suspicious, saying, you are a lava giant, and there is no gender. What is the situation?

The two dogs looked at each other.

Zhan Shiqi said at this time: "You don't need to go down, I can perceive the direction of my lord's behavior, you follow me."

After speaking, he ran wildly on the ground.

The other two quickly kept up.

However, while running, the lava giant felt more and more wrong. The molten fire juice on his forehead kept dripping, and the speed gradually slowed down. It shouted at the front Zhan Shiqi: "Don't! Don't go forward! Quickly! Stop!" The voice was extremely anxious.

The two magic dogs heard the anxiety in the lava giant's words and stopped quickly.

Zhan Shiqi turned his head and asked: "What's the matter with you?"

"Ahead...the front is the King of the Balrog, Sulfuron's sleeping place! Molten Heart! Do you want to die?!" The lava giant stopped and pointed to the front.

There is a huge volcano.

The waist seems to be truncated.

A huge mountain pass is exposed.

The mountain pass is constantly rising up in thick fog. In the sky and the ground within a few kilometers of its radius, there was no flaming creature extremely abnormal.


Teddy was so scared that the whole dog twitched.

Zhan Shiqi puffed up his chest and said, "So what! The strength of our lord is not what you two vulgars can imagine!

Even Saffron, it might not be able to defeat our lord! "


The lava giant and Teddy looked at each other.

All got a message from each other, this dog has a problem with his brain!

But it is a great ancient dragon with a body length of 100 meters, which is also worthy of being on par with Lord Sulfuron?

The poor thing!

I dont even have my brain when I recognize the owner! After licking the dog to the end, he lost his sanity?


Suddenly, the lava giant felt in his heart, suddenly raised his head and saw a demon with wings flying across the sky.

He was very familiar with this demon, it was the Barlow Flame Demon who had not even shown his face in the Flame Forest before.

And looking at the flight trajectory of the Barro Flame Demon, he was heading to the sleeping place of Sulfuron ahead.

In the heart of the lava giant, I felt bad.


In the heart of molten fire.

There is a huge and exaggerated lava lake.

There are at least more than twenty football fields as big.

The boiling bright red magma rolled in it.

There was nothing around.

There is no fire creature.

It seems a little quiet.



There was a crackling sound from here.

At the bottom of the mountain wall, an explosion suddenly occurred.

Large pieces of blackened hard mud burst into pieces.

Mixed in the original thick fog.

A black dragon with gold broke into here!

His golden eyes stared straight at the ground diagonally below.

A hundred meters away ~wuxiaworld.online~ a few meters underground, there are two soul demons there, they flee all the way forward.

Silom had already seen that they could not continue to dive, which made him very happy, and he kept murmured: "You can never escape! No matter where you escape! I will catch you! Behave! Follow me!"

The body kept turning into a stream of light to catch up with the two soul demons who were walking around the edge of the lava lake at this time!

The ground was shattered by the powerful repulsion.

The surrounding magma was also displaced by this force, splashing a huge wave.

His body is getting closer to the ground, and in the two dragon claws, each is holding a tablet engraved with magic patterns. This is a magic item used to catch the soul demon.

Seeing that the mud and rocks were being lined up, the two soul demons inside were immediately exposed...

