"I've told you all of these features. It's not that you are going to be my friend right away, but as time goes by, we will definitely become friends.

When we meet again next time, you will treat me as a friend. "Time Dragon said here, a drop of blood with the power of time in his hand, as well as a whole bottle of ordinary blood drifted towards Shillong.

Finally, he took out a necklace. The whole necklace looked dark gray and looked no bright spot.

"This is a restraining necklace that possesses part of my power. As long as you wear it, even if you regain your true body, this necklace can free you from the world's rejection within 24 hours.

Of course, while fighting against world rejection, my strength is also being consumed.

When the power of this necklace is exhausted, no matter what means you use, you will not be able to appear on the main material plane.

Also~ if you use the drop of blood I gave you during this period, this necklace is enough to keep you from being repelled by the power of the world within 30 seconds.

Okay, I'm done with what I want to say, my friend, let's see you next time! "

As Time Dragon's voice fell, his figure disappeared without a trace in a circle of different colors glowing with the power of time.

The time around returned to flow again.

The soldier who had been guarding glanced at the Dragon King who had been staring at a clearing, scratching his head.

I remembered that your Majesty was not looking in that direction just now?

Why did you turn around all at once? How many things do you have?

It's really weird.....

The guard's mind was a little confused, but the whole body was still quite straight! Stand in front of Your Majesty with the best spirit!

Silom glanced at three things last, and then swallowed into the special space in his belly. Study it in a while.

Now deal with those relatives and friends who haven't seen you in three years.

Soon, all the relatives and friends who got news of Shillong's return rushed over.

There are four female dragons he is familiar with, Julia Yilong, carrying Arman into the huge palace first.

Behind Shillong's Dragonborn, although he was slightly surprised, he was quickly replaced by excitement.

Arman jumped directly off the dragon's back, which was nearly 20 meters above the ground, and then rushed to Shillong!

After approaching, he hugged Shillong and shouted: "Shillong, you **** bastard! Why have you been to the abyss for three years? I thought you died there.

If you die! Then I must be finished! This world is simply terrible! do you know? I haven't slept well in the past three years! "

Arman complained again and again.

The huge red dragon Julia shrank quickly and became a human female. Her face was flushed and her breathing was very heavy.

As she ran towards Shillong, she shouted at the same time: "My dear Majesty Shillong! You are finally back! If you don't come back, I will miss you and die!"

Seeing that she is getting closer and closer to Shillong, she must embrace the dragon king she dreams of.


Julia's beautiful face and nose seemed to hit a shapeless glass, directly squeezing the face and nose into deformation, which looked a little funny.

"Your Majesty! Stop rejecting my love for you!" Julia yelled.

After seeing the appearance of Julia, the three female dragons did not give up, but rushed towards Shillong from three other directions, but the result was no exception. They all hit the air-like wall... .

The four female dragons did not dare to violently destroy them, so they could only plead with Shillong to give them a hug to relieve their lovesickness...

Shillong ignored them either.

Instead, he pushed Alman away silently, frowned, and looked at his current brother carefully.

This guy! It is completely different from the previous image! He is actually wearing a beautiful silver dress! The hair is still longer! Coupled with his neutral appearance after turning into an elf, he looks exactly like a female elf!

This bastard! What have you experienced during the three years that I was away?

Shillon's eyes fixed on Arman.

"Hey~" Arman smiled triumphantly when Shillon stared like this, and said: "Shillon! How about my clothes? Does it look good?"

While he was talking, he actually turned around, like a woman showing off good-looking clothes...

"You guy... why are you wearing a dress? You still have long hair? Are you a pervert?" Silom said with a look of disgust.

"Who do you think is a pervert?" Arman was slightly angry: "I just think this kind of clothes looks good! As for long hair, of course it is to match my good-looking clothes!"

"Good-looking? You are a male dragon, why should you be good-looking? Shouldn't it be handsome?"

"What's the difference between being handsome and looking good? I think it's good!

Ever since I wore this dress and walked outside, those humans like to stare at me! Both men and women start to like me!

What does this show? It shows that my charm has improved! I'm beautiful! "Arman said complacently.

"Who urged you to dress like this?" Shillon's expression turned gloomy.

A pair of dragon eyes full of golden particle streams scanned the four human-shaped dragons that were turned away by the repulsive wall.

The four-headed female dragon was scanned by Shillong's eyes, lowering her head with a slight guilty conscience.

"Encourage? No one urged me!"

Arman said: "Silong, you look down on me too much, right? I'm also a silver dragon known for being smart!

Who can persuade me? I just found through my observation that wearing this style would make me more popular! "

"Tsk~" Silom smashed his mouth.


Through inheriting memory, Shillong actually knew that many male silver dragons among his ancestors had done this too!

Among this group of perverted dragons, every time there is one who likes women's clothing!

Among the most outrageous are those who fall in love with the same sex...

And once these guys do this, the ten-headed dragon can't pull it back!

I just hope that in the future, the boy Arman will not continue to pervert and like male creatures...

What if he goes abnormal?

How can I be worthy of my mother's request?

Shillong had to think about this question~wuxiaworld.online~ Maybe I should interrupt his dragon leg? Lock him up?

He looked at Arman with dangerous eyes.

"Don't look at me that way, many silver dragons in the clan wear this way, what's wrong!"

He was a little hairy by Silom's stare, and quickly carried his clan out, just as the two dragons were talking.

Soon a large number of "people" ran into the hall.

There are Cusk, some orcs, mutants, and some mages.

and many more

Who is the last skull?

Wearing a white coat, the eyes of the soul and fire in the skull, staring straight at him, full of heat!

Why is this guy a little familiar?