Xilong's mind quickly turned, and quickly remembered the identity of the other party.

Before he defeated the clone of the Lord of Dawn, one of the several legends he encountered in the atmosphere!

Also the first guy to run away after the death knight called for help!

That's right! It's the skeleton lich!

Its figure appeared at the entrance of the main hall, at least seven or eight hundred meters away from Shillong.

But soon, a flicker appeared in front of Shillong.

It opened its skeleton arms and seemed to want to embrace Shillong.

But Shillon was not too polite to this unidentified guy.

With a wave of his left hand, a fierce repulsion rushed towards the skeleton lich.


The skeleton lich whispered, and was instantly knocked off by a hundred meters before hitting Witt's arms and being held by the princess.

After Werther mutated, his face became very neutral and charming, "he" smiled evilly, and his arm lightly stroked the skeleton of the skeleton.

"Mr. Wickoff, the texture of your bones is really great.

It looks white and bright, and I cant help but want to touch it every time I see it..."


The fire of the soul of the Lich Vickoff shook suddenly.

The purple and black magic power on his body flashed, quickly disappeared from Witt, and appeared a few meters away from Shillong, keeping a safe distance.

It doesn't want to get too close to Witt! Because it knows that the other party is a pervert!

The Lich bowed slightly and said, "The great Dragon King, Your Majesty Sillon Soderberg, Lich Master, Vickoff salutes you."

Shillong looked at each other squarely: "In what capacity are you talking to me now?"

"His Majesty! I have joined your city now. Like your citizens, I love this city where everyone is equal and harmonious." Wickoff said.

"Shillon! Don't listen to this skull-head nonsense!" Arman on one side couldn't help but said: "This guy is a dumb-faced guy. After you left, it came to the city and said he wanted to see you.

I want to start cooperating with you, and still brag about how powerful I am. We originally wanted to drive it away.

But this guy didn't leave at all. Every time he drove out of the city, he reappeared in the city within a few days.

Had it not been for him to follow the rules, I would have torn down its bones! "

"..." Silom looked at Wickoff silently when he heard the words.

"Ahem~ Mainly attracted by the power of His Majesty the Dragon King!

A long time ago, I had heard of incredible mutants appearing in the city of tomorrow.

So I came here to gain insights. I didn't expect these guys to be magically beyond my expectations!

Obviously this is an unprecedented miracle!

It's a pity that I didn't see your Majesty immediately before!

To be honest, I really want to study these powers, for which I am willing to work for you temporarily. "Vickoff said the purpose.

Shillong looked at each other.

This guy seemed to be attracted by his radiation power just like the previous wizards.

Then throw it to the research group.

Although it is a powerful lich, his Shillong is the source of radiation!

This guy, after all, is just an admirer of its power.

"I accept your allegiance, and you will report to the research room later." Silom said casually.

"Um?" Wickoff was taken aback for a moment.

This seems to be different from what you thought?

Is it so simple to let me join the research?

Is he not afraid of me stealing research materials? Or escape after getting the information?

After all, he is a Lich! Immortal Lich!

Originally thought it would cost a lot of money to join, it even made a special phylogeny, sealed part of its soul in it, and prepared to hand it over to Shillong.

As long as you master this phylogenetic, after destroying it, you can even directly destroy all the memories of Vikov after joining the research room!

But it didn't even think that it wanted to break the soul fire, the simple thing was far beyond its expectation.

"Are you surprised?" Xilong smiled slightly: "It doesn't have to be that way, I see in your soul fire the dedication to research! You are a true scholar! Can abandon everything for research!

That being the case, why should I give you too many restrictions? "

Shillong looked at each other with a mysterious smile.

"Hmm~" To be honest, Wickoff was moved!

As a lich, it felt a little water mist appearing in its soul fire.

"Your Majesty the King of Dragons! I will definitely contribute my life's wisdom to you! Contribute to the future of the city of tomorrow!" Wickev moved.

"Very good! I am very optimistic about you!" Silom encouraged.

Later, he and everyone began to reminisce about the past and began to tell some things encountered in the abyss.

At the same time, I also told everyone that the three-year delay was entirely due to sudden sleep.

As for being ostracized by the world, he did not explain.

The managers of cities such as Cusk also reported to him the development status of the past three years.

First, the city has expanded.

After these three years of development, the City of Tomorrow has gained a lot of prestige throughout the continent.

Legend has it that there is no oppression and no strict class distinction.

The city managers treat the citizens very kindly.

There is no arrogance of the nobles in some places.

Moreover, the tax rate in the city is extremely low, and the annual income of ordinary residents has reached more than 7 gold coins!

Every citizen has surplus food in their homes, and they have spare money to buy some things they like, watch movies and go shopping.

Every night, the roads are brightly lit, like day and night, there are still some aliens and humans who like the night on the road where there were not many people.

Rarely happens in the whole city.

Many inner city residents do not even close their doors at night!

This shows that the law and order is excellent.

It has become a paradise in the eyes of some non-local civilians!

Therefore, it has also absorbed a large number of admiring citizens dragging their families in.

The area of the city has expanded again and again, and the total population has reached more than three million!

Much of the contribution of these people comes from the Kingdom of Starland~wuxiaworld.online~.

Even if Xilong let them go, Xinglan Kingdom had internal strife himself!

That stupid old king did not die in the hands of Shillong, but died in the hands of his son!

It is said that it was the second prince Murani, who cooperated with the kings old licking dog, Omari, and a legend who rode Fernando to the death. At the national mourning, he used the legendary weapon [Vicious Embrace] to ride the king. The back piercing the heart ended the old king's stupid life...

Subsequently, the entire kingdom formally divided the Mulani Kingdom in the north, and the Southern Xinglan Kingdom, which still sits on the King City of Xinglan in the south.

Both kingdoms have their own flocks, and wars continue to erupt.

A large number of residents fled to the city of tomorrow.

For them, here is like a paradise, which can keep them away from war.