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With extraordinary power. He quickly squeezed into the front row and saw a young man of medium size being protected by a guard in the middle, holding a card in a daze.

This man has a little belly and looks like a very ordinary young man. It is not a rich family to look at his clothes!

Damn it! Is this kind of little character stealing my legend card?

The dwarf spy was a little depressed.

It was noisy around, and a group of separated people clamored to see the legendary card.

The young man with a slightly convex belly still looked at the scene blankly.

He had just come to buy a card pack, and he just came out with an orange legendary card.

This card may be rare, but these people are not so excited, right?

"Hello these gentlemen, what is your name?" a mutant guard with a frog face asked the young man.

Everyone is not surprised at this strange face.

"I... my name is Androni... Hello, guard brother." The young man Androni replied politely.

"Hello, Androni, congratulations on the orange legendary card. This is one of the noble cards in the entire game.

You see, everyone looks at you enviously, they all want to know what the card you issued is like?

Can you satisfy everyone's wishes? "The guard said with a smile.

"Huh?" Androni hesitated, then raised his card to face everyone.

The picture shows a resolute, middle-aged paladin, wearing gold armor and holding a two-handed sword wrapped in flames.

The cloak behind him drifted in the cold wind.

His body was shrouded in holy light.

Tirion Fording

Paladin special card

Quality: Legend

Crystal: 7

Attack: 7, Life: 7.

Taunt, Divine Shield.

Death Talk: When Tirion Fording dies, equip your hero with a 5 attack, 3 durable Ashbringer!

"Oh! Great! Is this the legendary card? If I own it, I must be the best in this tavern!" someone said.

"Don't you think the name Tirion Fording is familiar?" someone said.

"Of course I'm familiar with it! This is the famous sin nemesis in the Holy Light Empire, the greatest empire on the mainland, and one of the legends closest to the demigod powerhouse! Lord Tirion Foding!

Haven't you heard of it?" Someone said contemptuously.

"It turned out to be this one. It's no wonder that he can appear as a legend card in His Majesty Shillong's Legend of Heroes card, and has such a powerful attribute!" Someone sighed.

"This card! I have two gold coins! Sell it to me! Just as these people are talking about it." A young man in luxurious clothes suddenly said.

The people around were shocked when they heard this. Two gold coins per card?

At the same time, everyone looked for fame, and someone immediately recognized the young man: "I know this guy. It is the son of shop manager Brin. Their family has opened five merchandise stores in the city. ."

"Cut! The **** prodigal son, the money his father earned was wasted by him. Sooner or later he lost all his net worth. Buying one card and two gold coins, what do you think!" Some jealousy said.

But immediately someone called out a higher price: "I'll give three gold coins! Brother Androni, sell me your legend card!"

The speaker is the middle-aged man who lost to the dwarf spy before.

"Three...three gold coins?" The people who were jealous of the young and wealthy were a little bit stunned. Don't these guys treat money as money at all?

"Huh?" The young shopkeeper Brin looked at the middle-aged man in surprise, frowned and continued: "I'll pay four gold coins!"

"Hehe, I'm out of hardware coins!" the middle-aged man continued.

"Hardware coins? Oh my god, I have spent all of this money for a year of hard work. This person actually used it to buy a card?" Many people who joined the fun could not understand.

"You won, if you want to buy it." Shop Manager Brin's son shook his head and did not continue to increase the price.

He is the son of a businessman and was raised by his father as a businessman since he was a child.

His vision was extremely sharp. At this time, he had already discovered some of the commercial value contained in the mainland hero cards.

In his opinion, this kind of legendary card should be worth a lot of money. He originally planned to buy it and resell it.

But the price of hardware now exceeds his expectations, and he has to stop him.

The middle-aged man showed the smile of a winner, and then said to Androni: "Little brother, I will buy your card with hardware, what do you think?"

"Five...hardware?" To be honest, Androni was moved.

He was only the first pack, and he issued a legend. He had no idea about the value of the card. Just when he thought he was making a lot of money and was about to agree, the guard on one side stopped him and said: "Brother, I think youd better wait, its too hasty to agree so soon."

"Huh?" Androni was taken aback: "Big brother, this is a hardware coin, I'm still waiting?"

The people around are also confused.

"Wait, the hardware is still a bit lacking in my opinion. If you believe me, you are waiting for about ten days. How are you thinking about selling?" Frog's face guarded.

"I...I..." Androni hesitated.

The middle-aged man was disturbed by the frog's face, and said a little uncomfortable: "You are not satisfied with the hardware coins? Don't sell it, forget it, I will not continue to increase the price."

He felt that hardware was already at its limit.

Androni looked at the middle-aged, then at the frog face, and finally chose to listen to the frog face!

How can you not be greedy?

Maybe the price has really increased in the past ten days?

"Sorry, I still don't want to sell it now." He refused.

"Forget it, I won't force it." The middle-aged man shook his head: "Can you spread out a bit? I want to buy a card holder."

The people around may have been shocked by the middle-aged man's local tyrant, and he really gave him a way~wuxiaworld.online~ to let him come to the counter.

I saw him put his left hand on the ring of his right hand, a blue light flashed, and five finely crafted gold coins appeared on his left hand.

"Here are two hundred and fifty packs of card packs!"

He said.

"Oh... OK, OK."

A group of front desk staff quickly brought him five boxes of cards.

The middle-aged man took away the card box directly, and then spied to the dwarf in the crowd: "Mr. Dwarf! I will let you know what real strength is! Wait! When I go home and finish opening the card box, I Will come to fight you again!"

Speaking, the middle-aged man left slowly.

The bustling tavern only quieted slightly.

Androni bought three packs of cards again, and after forming his own deck, he found a machine and started playing. Many people gathered around him to watch the power of the legendary card.