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Not to mention, a single legend card will make Androni win more and lose less.

The entire Legend of Heroes tavern is very hot, even if it waits until midnight, there are a lot of people playing games.

Card packs are selling better and better. Every day there are so few lucky people who open legendary cards. The strength of these cards is without exception, they are extremely powerful.

And because of the heat of the past few days.

In the game of Legend of Heroes, some game players have raised him to other heights.

For example, there have been gambling houses that specifically place bets to suppress the outcome.

As well as the rivals' contests for money.

These Shillong knew it, and would not stop it.

This is like the gambling of the previous Blue Star, and it is the inevitable result of an industry's development reaching its peak.

This also makes the value of certain cards soar.

The first legendary card sold, worth 10 gold coins!

But on the second day of the sale, the seller regretted it, because someone sold 15 gold coins that day! Then 20 gold coins! The price of 25 gold is rising steadily!

Because as more people play, they also discover the rarity of legendary cards!

You spend hundreds of gold coins to buy a card pack, which is hard to get out!

Androni is a smart guy. After ten days, seeing the price still rising, he didn't rush to sell.

After another month, ten more hero taverns opened in the city of Tomorrow, and the business was extremely hot.

Then more and more foreigners were attracted to come, and then asked Shillong to also open in their territory.

Shillong himself agreed that in the eight years after the city was built, he also had a lot of radiation in neighboring countries.

It is perfect for slow development.

The legend of mainland heroes also slowly changed from a one-city game to a multi-national game.

In this case, the price of the general legendary card is basically stable at more than 40 gold coins.

As legendary ultra-rare cards, those who have good things count them all. In more than a month, a total of about 60 cards have been produced, of which a dozen of them are duplicates.

These cards are all extremely powerful, but there are always strengths and weaknesses. Someone directly calculates the value of these cards.

Among them, Tirion Fording is among a bunch of legendary cards, which are also relatively powerful, asking for 45 gold coins.

This time Androni did not hesitate and sold the legendary card directly.

Like the person who sold the legendary card before, he became a member of sudden wealth.

In the face of this person, Shillong deliberately asked the newspapers in the city to publicize their deeds, throwing the topic of ordinary people's wealth to the public.

This directly attracts a bunch of guys who want to take good luck. Even if they don't play games, they still have the heart of a gambler. They buy one or two packs of card packs and open them.

Don't make a fortune directly?

In this atmosphere, the legend of mainland heroes is getting more and more popular.

Androni sold the legendary card, but did not accept it. He spent 5 gold coins to buy 250 packs of card packs, and then formed his own card.

Start fighting the Hero Tavern again!

Nowadays, playing games in the Hero Pub has become a trend!

Back to the tavern where the card pack was originally purchased again, it was night.

The entire tavern was brightly lit, one by one "fighting" on the game table, and they were surrounded by at least a dozen people.

Just as Androni was about to find a place to wait, suddenly an announcement sounded.

"Welcome to the legend of the mainland heroes, the great **** player [Dwarf Akt] with the diamond rank starts the game, and you are eligible for a 10% discount on items purchased in this store."

"It's the dwarf Aktor! I didn't expect that he was also in the diamond rank! I had played against him before, and he was only gold at that time! Damn! He must have spent a lot of gold coins to buy card packs!" One was originally onlookers. The person suddenly raised his head and gritted his teeth to the second floor.

Now, the entire Hero Tavern has opened a rank system more than twenty days ago.

From low to high, they are bronze, silver, gold, platinum, diamonds, master, and king.

The upper and lower floors in the tavern are the dividing points of the two worlds. The players below are only bronze, silver, and gold, while the ones above are platinum, diamonds, masters and kings.

However, the current highest rank is nothing more than a diamond.

This is a privilege! As long as you start the game, there will be a public announcement of the tavern, and you will be eligible for discounts on purchases!

Every time when this kind of amplifier sounded, the people downstairs always looked envious.

This is no longer just a game, but a status symbol!

As long as you play in the Hero Tavern, you will work hard towards the top!

When Androni heard the announcement, a little envy flashed across his face, but he immediately tightened his hands on the newly formed deck, soon! I will be that person too!

Ask why? Among the five gold coins he had spent before, let him draw out a legend card!

The King of FlamesSulfuron

Quality: Legend

Crystal 7

Element family

Attack 8, Life 8

Special effect: At the first appearance, all enemies of the character cause 2 points of damage, and after each round, they can cause 8 points of damage to a random enemy!

And every round thereafter, it will cause 2 damage to all characters!

Unable to conduct ordinary attacks.

Stronger than Tirion Fording before! It is also better than other cards in Yizhi!

Androni, who owns this card, made a splash in the Hero Tavern.

With more wins and fewer losses, his rank has risen rapidly.

Arouse the good people to discuss the value of his legendary card.

Some people say at least 50 gold coins!

Some people say that 50 is too little! At least 60!

Some people even say 70.

Finally, 100 gold coins were directly marked in the legendary card collection.

Completely high price!

This makes the mainland hero legends even more popular, and every day the tavern is crowded with people.

So Silom had to continue to expand, and at the same time, because of the heavy consumption of soul demon, he returned to the abyss again.

This time he had the direct coordinates of the fifteenth floor. After coming here, he went straight to the Molten Heart of the Balrog King.

Let it help catch the soul demon, which makes this guy angry.

Dignified Abyss Lord~wuxiaworld.online~ When did someone call and drink like this?

However, he had no choice but to catch Siro and smoked all over his body to catch the soul demon.

This guy's efficiency is really high, but within a week, he caught back five or six thousand soul demons for Shillong, and Shillong then left with satisfaction.

Suffron, who was left only angry, began to destroy the surface frantically.

Returning to Shillong, the city of tomorrow, naturally continues to make game consoles.

Then continue to add taverns in the city. At the same time, it radiates to surrounding countries.

To be honest, Shillong was worried at first that the demons were sealed in the game console.

Leaving him would be passive and sabotaged, but later found out that he was thinking too much. These spirit demons like human beings to play legends of heroes on his possessions, because they are producing intense emotional fluctuations every second. It is the favorite delicacy of the soul demon.

Because of this, these spirit demons did not have any problems with their performance.