, The fastest update of the latest chapters in the field of plutonium!

And with the fiery mainland hero legend.

Our previous dwarf spies have too much money due to excessive krypton gold.....

During this period of time, he was crazy indulging in the legend of heroes, and he has reached the rank of master!

Of course, this is inseparable from the nearly 80 gold coins he spent!

After defeating the middle-aged man, he forged a bad bond with that man.

The two were crazy about krypton gold, and they fought wildly, winning half and half.

This fragile balance was quickly broken.

The middle-aged man spent 40 gold coins and directly bought a legendary card!

Then, the dwarf spy was frantically beaten.

The outcome of the two became eighty-two, eight middle-aged men and two dwarves spies.

And this gap has not been effectively improved as the dwarf spy slows down.

Finally, the dwarf spy made up his mind after more than ten days of thinking! Become the necessary space ring for spies!

Also purchased a legendary card!

While fighting the middle-aged man again and again, he slowly became one of the few grandmaster-level gods in the tavern!

Whenever he walked into the tavern, he would see countless admiring eyes.

Whenever he starts a game. You can hear the comforting voice: "Welcome to the legend of the mainland heroes, the great player [DwarfAckert] with the Grand Master rank starts the game, and you are eligible for a 10% discount on items purchased in this store."

That's right, the dwarf Aktor is exactly the name he gave in the legend of heroes.

A simple sentence makes the dwarf spy obsessed!

He felt that he was no longer a spy in a gutter hook, but a dazzling star like those legendary in the kingdom!

Everyone admires him! Envy him!

Because of this, he doesn't regret selling the space ring!

Although I do not regret it, some bad things happened because of this...

For example, he is almost out of money!

Fortunately, the liaison officer sent by the country is coming soon. He is ready to weave a white lie to get more gold coins.

Today is the day to meet the annual joint person.

night. Inside a cabin.

The dwarf spy lay on his little bed as usual.

Suddenly there was a trembling knock on the door.

The dwarf spy quickly straightened up and walked to the door, cursing as he walked: "Damn! Who is knocking at the door so late? Don't you know I'm in a bad mood today?"

"In a bad mood? Are you getting guano on your head? Then you are lucky!" said the person outside the house.

The code is right!

The dwarf spy's eyes sharpened, and quickly opened the door to let the people outside come in.

When the contact person came in, the dwarf spy quickly closed the door.

The two sides began to look at each other.

Then the two were stunned at the same time, and the dwarf spy pointed at each other and said, "You...Aren't you sorry for Saint Polb?"

He was a little dazed. In previous years, every time the motherland sent people to contact, they were strangers who had never seen him before.

But what the **** is this this time?

This guy, the dwarf spy is very familiar!

It is the tavern saint who gained fame in the hero tavern a month ago!

With a professional legend card of a mage in your hand, the mage can play superbly in one hand! He seems to be polite and sorry, every time he says it makes people want to beat him!

The two often played against each other in the tavern, winning each other.

But is such a person actually the one who came to contact him?

Too unreliable, right?

"You...you are the tavern **** of war, dwarf Akt?" It was also shocked!

He was also impressed by the fighters of Dwarf Akt!

"Aren't you a secret person? Why have I been meeting you in the Hero Tavern for a while?" [Fasheng] asked.

He really didn't know the real name of this sage, only that his game name was Pol Bo.

The dwarf spy was a little embarrassed to face this problem, but he immediately reacted: "Of course I am going to find out the details of this game!

You don't even know that in the first two months, Nasillon Soderberg, but claimed that this game can change the world!

How can I not try to say something so special? "

In the end, the heroic face of the dwarf spy is righteous!

"Hiss~" Fashen took a slight breath, this guy made a lot of sense, but he didn't believe it at all!

"Are you trying too hard? As far as I know, you will play Legend of Heroes in Pub 4 every day from 8 in the morning, and then wait until close to 10 in the evening! You play more than 14 hours a day, as a Secret officer, besides exploring the secrets of this game, don't you need to do anything else?"

"This is the most important thing at the moment! According to my own judgment!" the dwarf spy cherished.

"Forget it! I won't tell you this!" [Sage] shook his head, quickly took out a purse from the space ring, and exchanged information with the dwarf spy.

But the dwarf spy took the money bag, but suddenly felt that something was wrong!

The weight and texture are wrong!

He quickly grabbed the connector who wanted to leave: "You! Wait!"

His expression became severe.

"What are you doing? Let go! I still have a lot to do!" The sage was anxious.

The arm was flicked, but the dwarf's power was not so big, he couldn't get rid of it after several flicks.

The dwarf spy ignored him and opened the purse with one hand.

Pour out all the contents inside.

Jingle bell~

This is the sound of coins falling to the ground.

A series of gold, silver and copper coins fell to the ground.

When the dwarf spy saw it, his face changed drastically, while Fashen's face turned pale

The dwarf spy gritted his teeth and said, "Asshole! Can you tell me why there are only six gold, five silver, and thirty copper coins here?"

You know, he had about 30 gold in previous years!

This year, before he could speak more importantly, he encountered this kind of incident, which is really strange!

"What the **** did you do? Why are my gold coins so much less?" The dwarf spy stared at each other closely.

"I...I..." Fasheng tried to speak several times, but did not say anything. After coming down several times, his forehead was covered with sweat: "There is no way! Recently, the motherland has made scientific research. Not a small breakthrough, a large amount of funds is required, so other funds have been reduced! You should understand it?"

"Huh? Are you true?" the dwarf spy asked suspiciously.

"When... of course..."

"You lied!" The dwarf shouted in a low voice, "Don't want to deceive me! My gold coins would never be less! But you must be your own choice to make my gold coins less!

Say! What did you do? "

Speaking of this, the dwarf spy suddenly thought of something: "Your card! Was it bought with gold coins that should have been mine!?"

"No! This is all my own money!" Fasheng was shocked and quickly argued.

"Damn it! It really is my money!" The dwarf spy could see it, and this would be even more furious.

He raised his right fist high, wishing to punch this **** to death!

"You bastard! You actually used my money to buy a card pack? That mage legend card also used my money?"

"Yes!" Fashen could only admit when the incident was revealed: "I am using your money! What can be done then? Things have already happened! You can kill me or not! Tell you honestly, I Take my own money and your money to buy a card pack, buy a card!

Let me tell you, although I came to this city not long ago, I also know that the laws here are strict. If you do it to me!

Tomorrow you will definitely not be able to eat in your pocket! "

Fa Sage has completely spared it!

"Good, you bastard!" The dwarf spy was anxious, but he really didn't dare to do anything in the City of Tomorrow. At this time, everyone would not be better off as long as the opponent shouted!

Those mutant sheriffs in the City of Tomorrow are not vegetarian!

"Hey! I can't do anything about it? I tell you, let go! I still have an important task assigned by the motherland to do!"

"Asshole! You must want to go to the Hero Tavern to play games, right? Don't think I don't know!" The dwarf spy showed a fierce look, and finally said, "Give me your legend card! I don't need to hold you accountable for greed of my gold coins. The fault."

"What?" Fashen was startled by the words of the dwarf spy: "I want my legend card! This is impossible!"

"You bastard! Don't force me! I'm really angry right now. I don't even know what I will do!" the dwarf spy said.

"Hmph! Whatever you want! Kill me if you have one! Tell you, there is no way to want my legendary card!" Fashen looked dead.

The two looked at each other closely. In the end, the dwarf spy had no choice but to let go of the magic sage and let him go...

He really can't help the other party!

Forget it! Just pick up the money on the ground and talk about it. In other words, it is more than 6 gold. As long as I save some flowers, I can definitely stick to it.

do not care! Its important to go to the Hero Tavern, or you wont be in a hurry!

The dwarf spy picked up the purse, took his deck, and went straight to the Hero Tavern......

Time began to pass slowly again.

The enthusiasm of the mainland hero legend continues.

Shillong relied on this and attracted a lot of money.

This allowed him to begin to develop the power of the mutant radiation beast.

Shillong has also been developed before, but after these beasts mutated, like mutants, some will consume a lot of food~wuxiaworld.online~ This is also the reason why Shillong suspended before and did not produce them!

No money, can't afford it!

The funds of these mutant beasts are all deducted from his vault!

They are just beasts with low IQ, and they can't be self-reliant.

And most of the mutant radiating beasts will become extremely irritable and difficult to control.

But now Shillong is rich! Don't care about these small problems at all.

There is also the issue of the fourth-order mutated radiation man made by Shillong blood.

He started experimenting with the new prisoners again and let them mutate.

Not to mention, after many years of research by the wizards.

Originally, the possibility of ordinary people progressing to Tier 3 mutants went from less than 10% to now close to 15%.