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A rocket golem that bears the brunt is directly dragged into the space vortex!

It's like a spatial meat grinder.

The entire metal shell of the Rocket Golem was instantly twisted into twists!

Attached to the black ball!

Kaka Kaka Kaka~ the sound kept ringing.

However, within a few seconds, a "rocket" golem with an arrow of 15 meters long, three meters wide, and three meters high completely lost its original appearance!

Completely attached to the black ball! Let the black ball change from the size of a person's fist to a black sphere with a diameter of one meter!

And the spatial vortex centered on the black ball never stopped.

In addition, there are five rocket golems too late to change speed to avoid, and they are pulled over by terrifying gravity! The little black ball is like a hungry monster.

In a series of abnormal noises, all the rocket golems were distorted, lost their color, and their appearance, leaving only pure black, just like a film, attached to the black ball!

For this reason it becomes a **** ball with a diameter of nearly three meters!

The black ball that absorbed the five rocket golems did not stop at all.

It still swallows everything around frantically!

Whether it is the element or the air!

Within thousands of meters, it has become an absolute vacuum zone!

This black ball will hang in the air all the time, absorbing all matter and energy! Until the space to pull it fills up! It will stop until it becomes a huge black ball with a diameter of several kilometers!

If there is no accident, it will hang in the air for several years, even decades, and become a strange spectacle.

This is a trick that is still not mature. If the other party does not know its shortcomings, this trick will explode in a floating island, and it may be possible to wipe out all the structures and living things on the surface!

But its shortcomings are obvious. As long as the kernel is attacked by a one-time attack that cannot be decomposed and absorbed immediately, it can be destroyed if it exceeds its limit!

It is not difficult to destroy it, as long as an 11th-level legendary spell is enough!

It will be terrifying only when everyone has no time to pay attention to it and analyze it! And now, it's obviously when no one cares about it!

When a rocket golem capable of launching super ice hockey hits the black ball's gravitational belt at extreme speed, a huge black hole portal appears in front of it.

After the entire rocket penetrated inside, it reappeared thousands of meters away, avoiding the terrifying black ball!

This made Shillong stared. These rockets that can launch ice hockey are too difficult, right?

The ordinary rocket golem was half wiped out by his gravitational ball, or the prototype of a mimic black hole.

But none of the ships that can launch ice hockey were killed!

In fact, Shillon didn't know that the pilot in the rocket golem that launched the ice hockey was not an ordinary guy, but the demigod arcane mage who came to capture him by the Doma Empire!

This golem is also tailor-made for the demigod arcane mage!

Naturally powerful!

The arcanists who saw the power of the black ball were equally surprised, but at this time, they had no time to study this surprising black ball. The first task was to capture Shillong, the stupid dragon who dared to provoke the empire. That's it!

The demigod arcanists manipulated the rocket golems that had escaped a disaster to adjust their positions.


Another hockey puck hit Shillong, sprinkling a string of blood.

This is no way to continue!

Silom said inwardly.

Kama and mother must be sent away first!

After another shot, his body suddenly dived down!

A dozen "rocket" golems quickly followed up.

boom! boom! boom! boom! ...

Shillong burst into the sea with a dozen rocket golems.

Like bombs.

Every bomb penetrated into the sea, because of its extreme speed, it caused a huge explosion, setting off a huge wave tens or hundreds of meters high.

Within a few hundred meters, the fish and shrimps that were wandering leisurely were killed instantly.

Both sides drilled straight down.

Siro and dozens of rockets that attacked him sink all the way.

While Shillon was diving, he kept turning on the repulsive force to expel the water, this was to protect Kama and Viola.

After all, the pressure of sea water is no joke.

Every 10 meters down is equivalent to an additional atmospheric pressure of 101.325kPa,

And each atmospheric pressure is equivalent to an object, and each square centimeter of contact surface bears 1 kg of weight!

After diving for about five kilometers, Shillong found that his repulsion shield was not enough.

At this time, the pressure is already 500 atmospheres.

It is equivalent to bearing a weight of 500 kg per square centimeter!

what is this concept?

Suppose a person is 1.70 meters tall and weighs 70 kilograms.

Then his body surface area is about 1.905 square meters.

That is 19050 square centimeters.

His body is equivalent to bearing 10 million kilograms, which is 10,000 tons of weight!

Under this circumstance, although Shillon's repulsion shield could still support it for a while, he did not dare to allow Kama and Viola to bear the risk of the repulsion shield breaking and being squeezed by the sea.

In human form, they can't resist this pressure, and once they become a dragon, facing the few rocket golems outside, the two dragons will undoubtedly die.

After a short pause, he was bombarded by another ice hockey puck. After the terrifying air-conditioning broke out, the sea water around Shillong was directly frozen for 100 meters.

He slightly released the high temperature from his body and melted the ice, then let Kama and Viola hide in his mouth.

Then continue to dive down.

The rocket that had been following hesitated for an instant.

This is because there is great terror in the deep sea!

This is an area unknown to mortals!

Even in the Arcane Empire of Thomas, no one can discover its mystery.

However, some ancient myths have been passed down.

Another terrifying world is connected to the deep sea, where an ancient evil is inhabited.

It sleeps all the year round, and the unconscious power emanating from sleep assimilate everything.

The monsters in the deep sea are its children.

Shillong and the Rockets are still diving ~wuxiaworld.online~ until 10,000 meters!

The pressure here is even more terrifying. It has reached a thousand atmospheres, but at this time, Shillong's body is resisting, and there is not much feeling.

The surrounding area was dark, and the light was completely isolated from here.

Even Esylon's eyesight was greatly affected, and he could only see everything within 10,000 meters.

The lights on the rocket have long been unable to let the pilot inside see clearly around.

They are sensing Shillong in a special way.

This method is very effective, at least not allowing them to attack the surrounding terrorist creatures!

That's right! There are already some terrifying creatures that are hard to describe in words in the 10,000-meter deep sea. Some of them are very small, and some are close to 30 meters!

The horrible and weird looks can even scare mortals who see him crazy!

But when they approached Shillong, they were scared crazy! Then quickly escape!

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