The calm of the deep sea has been broken.

Shillong has been diving down...

20,000 meters...

30,000 meters...

40,000 meters...

At this time, the pressure of the sea water is extremely terrifying, reaching 4 tons of gravity per square centimeter!

Approximately 40,000 tons of gravity per square meter! Shillong's claws are assumed to be twenty to thirty square meters.

The power of Shillong's beating is one million tons.

At that time, the gravity that Siro's body was bearing was already close to his own power to swing his claws and slap himself!

This level of strength, even Shillong could not bear it.

He stopped quietly in the sea.

'S vision has been greatly hindered, and can only see things within five kilometers.

To the northwest of him, a horror and strange one hundred meters long wandered quietly.

After feeling the waves of the sea, swim quickly towards Shillong.

But after approaching a kilometer, Go wandered slowly for some reason.

Regardless of the huge size of these monsters and the ability to live under tens of thousands of meters in the deep sea, they think that their strength can rival Silom.

This is far from enough.

They can withstand this pressure, which is related to their own race. If they can bear the pressure of the deep sea, these monsters will definitely burst into death.

"Come down to me and I will give you more strength"

The voice of evil in his mind sounded again.

Siron heard this, furious, and cursed in his heart: "You dog! Do you want Lao Tzu to die? Continue? Lao Tzu can hardly bear the pressure of the sea!"


The evil thing in his mind was silent.

A puff of gray mist floated up from the bottom of the sea, and came to surround Shillong, seeming to want to enter his body.

This dog thing seems to recognize his own stupidity and directly sends power to me?

Syron knew that these gray mists were the power of evil things.

It is too late for him to get rid of, so how can he take the initiative to absorb it.

Because of Siro's body refusal, these gray mists can only circle around him, there is no way.

"Accept my power, accept it, accept it"

The voice in my mind kept ringing again.

"You dog! I accepted your power, didn't he soon be rejected by the world? Please shut up? You dont think youre thinking of me, thinking youre smart?"

Shillong cursed.

"" The evil thing was silent.

has been chasing down Shillongs ships, stopping at six or seven kilometers above Shillong!

Obviously there is already the limit distance for them to stay.

Unwilling to give up, they also attacked Shillong in the sea with various weapons, but no matter what kind of attack, after sinking hundreds of kilometers, they will either directly dissipate or float up because they cannot withstand the pressure of the sea.

They have nothing to do with Shiron! But they didn't float back, but stayed there.

Seems to be consumed with Shillong...

There are some monsters that are close to 80 meters in length wandering around them, but none of these monsters are close to these rocket-like golems.

On these golems, ripples are exuding all the time.

seems to have played a role in driving away monsters.

Forty thousand meters deep in the sea, the pursuit of Shillong and Doma's Arcane Empire fell into a stalemate.

However, Shillong will naturally not sit still.

He began to wander around.

Because he discovered that there were many strange iron blocks floating in the sea.

All these are the remnants of the era that cannot be refined.

As for why it floats here instead of continuing to sink, it is entirely because the pressure of the sea below is too high, causing the sea to be denser than these iron blocks!

This naturally makes the iron block sink but not sink, it can only float in the sea!

Siron began to wander while collecting these iron pieces. He had already thought of a good way.

A few kilometers above.

Inside a rocket golem that can shoot and hurt Shillong ice hockey.

In the driving seat here, an old man wearing a blue arcane robe is sitting.

He is the general arcane master of Thomas' Arcane Empire.

is also a demigod arcan in the eyes of mortals.

In front of him, several small screens were lit.

There are four other old men who wear similar clothes to him.

are all arcane masters of the demigod level.

At this moment, one of the great arcanists said helplessly: "The dragon that provokes us, the dragon that let our five middle and admiral arcane magic gods work together, has survived since it attacked the empire. It took nearly twenty minutes...

What shame is this?

Since ancient times! No provocateur can survive ten minutes after provoking the empire! "

"This kind of shame will be remembered throughout our lives. After I catch him, I will put his soul into the body of a lizard man and let him live in a humble manner forever." said another arcanist with a thin face. .

"Damn idiot! He interrupted my experiment!" shouted another.

"Are we just waiting for him like this?"

"What if you don't wait? The **** dragon is so strong that it can withstand that level of sea pressure.

This is impossible even with the alloys used in our speed golem!

I really want to catch him now and study his body! "

"But why is the dragon at 40,000 meters deep in the ocean and is not attacked by the son of the sea god? This is too strange, right?

The confusion signal can keep us safe and sound here, but how did the dragon do it?"

"Unimaginable miraculous life. I am more and more interested in him."

"Now we can only wait. Under this deep sea, the dragon will never escape our tracking! He will not be able to stand the pressure of this deep sea!

We need a little patience. "

Five demigod arcane masters are talking.

In the deep sea, you cant even open the portal to escape.

In the outside sky~wuxiaworld.online~ Arcanists can burn the magic circle based on the void.

But the deep sea is different. The water pressure here is too strong, and the flowing ocean currents simply cannot save the magic nodes after burning.

So they just need to wait quietly, waiting for the dragon to not stand it...

But suddenly, they found that the purple signal dot representing the dragon in the detector started to move.

They immediately followed the sky with the rocket golem.

About ten minutes later, the purple signal representing the dragon stopped again.

Then after a long wait of half an hour.

The purple bright spot representing the dragon suddenly disappeared!

"What's going on? Why is the dragon missing?" The arcane demigods who were calm before were a little surprised.

"Is that the dragon's arcane accomplishments higher than ours? Has an escape method that we can't even imagine?" An arcane demigod asked in disbelief.

"Impossible!" Soon there was a demigod denial.

Several arcane demigods, you say a word and I say a word, it is difficult to understand how the other party escaped.

Suddenly there was a semi-shendao: "You said that after the dragon moved just now, would it collect some debris and finally splice them together, using it as a stereotype to depict the teleportation array?"