It is really impossible to portray in the deep sea, but if there is a fixed "drawing board", then let's talk about it differently!

Several demigods frowned upon hearing this, and they also realized the problem.

This may seem huge!

"What's this? The five lieutenant and admiral-level arcane gods of Thomas' Arcane Empire have been played by a giant dragon like this?" A mage said with a sullen face.

"Yes! We were fooled! It doesn't make any sense to stay here now.

Go back, as long as the cause and effect are sorted out, as long as he is still in the main material world, we can make him pay!

It really doesnt work, let the dragon races of the main material realm continue to feel the fear of being dominated by the empire thousands of years ago. "

A group of arcane magic gods discussed and returned.

With the power of the Doma Arcane Empire, really wanting to deal with a creature that is still in the main material realm, its easy!

At this time, the 15th floor of the abyss.

Siron is indeed as they guessed, relying on pieces of iron plates spliced together, portraying the abyss portal to the 15th floor of the abyss he is most familiar with.

glanced at the familiar molten world.

Shillong's eyes flashed coldly.

He thought of a good way to deal with the people of Thomas Arcane Empire!

Opening his mouth, he spat out Kama and Viola.

The two dragons looked at the fiery red world in front of them, both a little confused.

"Shill...Where is this? We are considered safe? You have escaped the imperial pursuit?" Viola asked three times.

"Mom, this is the molten abyss on the fifteenth floor of the abyss. We are temporarily safe now." Silom replied with a smile.

"The abyss? Although the abyss is dangerous, it is indeed much better than being chased by Thomas Arcane Empire." Kama nodded clearly.

"Okay! Now I will send you two back to Dragon Island first." As soon as Silom said, he drew the circle again.

Kama and Viola listened to Sillon's words, and they all understood his potential meaning.

"Aren't you with us?" Viola asked.

"No, I haven't settled with the **** of the Arcane Empire yet!

Father must not die in their hands for nothing!

This frenzied arcane empire will eventually pay for it. "Siron said.

"Richard..." Viola was silent for a moment when he heard Shillon's words: "Shillon, I have already figured it out. We can't do anything about Richard's death, but I don't want you to have an accident. Let's go back. , Continue the previous life, me, you and Arman together.

Revenge or something, forget it. "

"No! Mom! Even if we give up revenge, will the Doma Arcane Empire let us go? As the strongest empire in the main material world, they are fully capable of coming to us for revenge! The agreement with the gods a thousand years ago has disappeared. Save!" Silom said.

"Siron, are you really sure to deal with the Arcane Empire of Thomas? Dont try to be strong! You are still young, and its not too late to get revenge when you grow up...

And we have the blessing of His Majesty Bahamut. "Kama said.

"Teacher Kama...I am indeed still young, but if I continue to grow up, I will have no chance to avenge them!

At that time, I could not enter the main material realm...

His Majesty Bahamut is a good dragon. I also believe that in times of crisis, he will unite the gods to deal with the Doma Arcane Empire, but this time the cause is different from that of our dragons thousands of years ago.

Leave aside how many alliances of the gods can be brought, there are definitely not a few evil gods stabbing a knife in the back! Shillon shook his head.

Kama and Viola heard this, both were a little silent, and Shillong's analysis was correct.

The enchantment of the **** ao restricts the gods and protects the main material world from the threat of the power of gods.

also makes it difficult to limit the rampant generation of the Doma Arcane Empire.

"Can't be in the main material realm? What does this mean?" Viola suddenly remembered Siro's previous sentence and asked with some confusion.

Kama had to explain to Viola again.

"...I didn't expect my child to be so powerful. Mom is proud of you."

"Don't worry, Teacher Kama, and mother, I can run away in the hands of the Empire before, and I can do the same next time." Shillong said, he seemed confident, but if he couldn't, he just used the power given by Time Dragon!

But to be honest, he didnt want to use it, because it would leave him from the main material realm. This separation will say goodbye to the city of tomorrow that he has worked so hard to build, and some familiar people!

After all, not everyone is willing to accompany him to leave the main material world.

And if you live in the abyss, ordinary creatures cannot resist the erosion of the abyss at all, and they will inevitably become an abyss creature after a few years!

This is not what he wants to see!

After portraying the portal, Shillong sent the two dragons into the portal to Dragon Island.

Then he quickly turned into a red gold streamer and flew to the Molten Heart of Sulfuron.

In just a few minutes, he reached his destination.

There is a pothole below, and a huge molten lake in the middle.

The trauma of the battle between Shillon and Saffron has never recovered.

Opened a huge mouth, Shillong shouted: "Safron! Your old friend came to see you! I won't come out to meet you!"


The sound is like thunder, rolling away.


The molten core underneath instantly burst out a pillar of fire to the sky, passing by Shillon.

Immediately afterwards, a roar rang out: "Damn dragon asshole! You have disturbed the great Balrog once again! Sulfuron's sleep!"

A first-born demon with double horns, a 100-meter-tall flame giant emerged from the pillar of fire and stayed beside Silong.

"Explain what you are here! Dragon!"

Safrons voice seemed very impatient, and seemed to suppress endless anger.

"My old friend, you are so irritable! We have been in friendship for six years~wuxiaworld.online~ You talk to me like this, my stomach is going to be hungry again." Shillon grinned. Sneered.


Damn bastard, threatening me again!

"Go ahead, my friend, Shillon Soderberg, why are you looking for me?

I remember you dont need the spirit demon anymore, right? "

Safron pressed down angrily and asked.

I still remember the previous two years, every period of time, this **** wanted him to capture the soul demon.

He Safron has captured almost 100,000 soul demons in two years!

Since then, in the sea of consciousness, he will unconsciously think of the soul demon... and the memories related to the soul demon.

Close your eyes, there seem to be countless soul demons floating in your mind!

"Of course not. This time, I will invite you to the main material plane and attack a human kingdom with me." Shillong finally explained his intention.

"Assault the human kingdom on the main material plane?" Safron was stunned: "What are you kidding?

With my strength, the main material realm simply cannot accommodate me!

The weak and small world is fearing the power of the great Balrog king all the time! "