, The fastest update of the latest chapters in the field of plutonium!

After a large number of deaths, the arcanists finally began to flee.

Then the demons spoiled in wild laughter, while sucking the human soul.

But it didn't take long for them to be proud.

The defense of the entire city was unfolded.

One by one, the guards drove several meters, tens of meters, or even more than twenty meters of magic mecha.

Together, there are flying golems all over the sky!

The flame demons were not afraid of these golems, and their flames spewed towards the magic mecha.

But it was completely resisted by the defensive cover that came with the mecha.

Then these mechas flexibly jumped into the demons.

More than a dozen barrels appeared on the body.

The ghostly improved arcane shells roared towards the surrounding demons!

They started the anti-slaughter!

A large number of demons were blasted into pieces and disappeared!

Only those lava dogs and lava giants, such super-high-level demons, can rival the magic mecha.

These high-level demons are like moving natural disasters, with a radius of one thousand meters, and there is no way for ordinary creatures to survive.

The flying saucer golem in the sky is dealing with the flying demons, and the flying saucer golem occupies an absolute advantage.

The sky has been covered by endless blue light beams.

The flying demons are like flying birds with folded wings, one by one falling from the sky.

But within the twenty portals, demons are still being transmitted continuously.

In the same way, the Arcane Empire's reinforcements are increasing.

The battle has been extended to a radius of tens of kilometers!

After a few more minutes, the Arcane Empire gradually suppressed the demons and began to advance in the direction of the portal.

Just when you can push to the portal within a minute or two.

A petite body with a double horned fire element moved out of a portal.

It took a breath.

Although it has no respiratory organs, it is inexplicably happy!

I actually came to the main material plane!

Is this hundreds of thousands of years ago?

I really miss it. At that time, I was just a weak fire element! But now me! Already the demon lord on the 15th floor of the abyss!

Saffron Ragel!

"Mortals! Fear me! Feel the great Balrog Lord! Sulfuron's flames!"

The King of the Flame Demon roared, and his body instantly returned to its original shape. The huge body of a hundred meters high, like a high flame tower, stands out among all the demons!

Its huge arms suddenly waved upward.

Within a few kilometers, all became red.

The ground turned into hot lava, and then it began to erupt!

boom! boom! boom! boom! They are like active volcanoes that are provoked.

Pillars of magma spewed out from the ground unexpectedly.

In just an instant, thousands of demons and enemy troops were killed indiscriminately!

The golem flying in the air was directly exploded and fell in flames.

When a magic mecha wielded two large swords tens of meters long, the arcane missiles in the chest continued to eject, suppressing a lava giant.

The Flame Demon King slammed a punch far away.

The flame meteorite with a diameter of twenty or thirty meters hit the magic mecha with a bang.

In an instant, he pierced the protective shield and exploded this magic mecha that might have legendary combat power!

Safron took a breath, and within a few kilometers, thousands of human souls poured into the fiery lava ground and were absorbed by him!

"Humans! Revel in the doomsday! Get ready for the baptism of the King of Fire!"

Saffron was very excited, and its two huge flame arms bombarded the sky frantically.

Hundreds of fire meteorites go straight to the sky every second.

Soon the entire cloud layer was dyed fiery red.

Then, endless fire meteorites fell from the sky!

"Hahahaha!!!" Safron laughed wildly, his fists still beating the sky frantically.

Every fire meteorite that falls from the sky is several meters in diameter and falls from the clouds.

Like a fire that extinguishes the world, it brings destruction to all living things!

Suffrons outbreak, within a radius of more than ten kilometers, was all within its attack range!

Fire meteorites fall one by one, hundreds of them fall in different directions every second.

Every falling meteorite can destroy everything within a radius of tens of meters!

All human beings, even these proud arcanists, are extremely small in the face of such a natural disaster-level destruction attack.

They can only pray that the fire meteor will not land near them!

But there are always some special unfortunates that will be destroyed by fire meteorites!

In the city, every second, hundreds of unlucky people die!

The tall floors continued to collapse, but the collapsed floor killed countless humans!

Somewhere in this city.

After Master Bob casually killed several demons with an arcane impact, he raised his head and looked at the red sky.

The scalp is a little numb.

"Damn it! How come I encountered so many strange things today!

This land under my feet, if I remember correctly, should be the floating city of Thomas' Arcane Empire?

Why do you encounter so many strange things today? First, a strange dragon came to my mage tower and destroyed the mage tower.

Will there be another demonic siege?

What exactly is going on? Or am I dreaming? "He was a little confused.

"There is also the sky over ten kilometers around! The meteorite of flames keeps falling... Who can tell me... What happened in the greatest empire in the world?"


Just as he was thinking about it, a fire meteor had already hit his.

Bob quickly hit it with an arcane shock.

The faint blue energy column collided with the fire meteorite, and the fire meteorite was blasted into powder with a blast.

"The reinforcements of the Arcane Empire! The **** of Central City! Why haven't they come here yet!"

Bob kept cursing on one side, and after killing dozens of demons again, he became a little impatient, turned and ran away.

Lao Tzu hates fighting and killing, this kind of thing should be left to the **** in Central City!

The moon cat on one side looked at each other after tearing up a demon ~wuxiaworld.online~ and quickly followed Bob, away from the battlefield.

The citizens of the great Arcane Empire have no deserters! This is a tactical shifting battlefield!

The appearance of the Flame Demon King has only been a minute or two, but even so, there are at least tens of thousands of humans who died in his hands!

With the help of Saffron, the demons continued to kill with pain and joy.

Happiness is because of Sulfurons killing efficiency. Some souls that have not had time to be absorbed by the flaming ground are absorbed by them.

It is equivalent to picking up the human soul for nothing.

And painful, naturally Saffron attacked indiscriminately!

He has already killed thousands of demons by mistake!

Just when they thought this killing would continue.

Five old arcanists wearing blue robes appeared.