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They are just the arcane demigods of the lieutenant-admiral level who chased Shillong before.

Floating quietly in the void, they frowned and looked at Sulfuron standing near the portal, constantly destroying everything.

A demigod frowned and said, "This Balrog, if I remember correctly, it should be the 15th floor of the Abyss Lord, Sulfuron?"

"Yes! Damn stupid thing! What the **** is going on today, any cats and dogs dare to provoke our Doma Empire?" Another demigod had a gloomy face.

"I hate flames! It needs to cool down here." said a demigod.

He gently raised his staff.

With him as the center, within a five-kilometer radius, a large ice mist began to be emitted.

The cold ice mist collided with the flame field transformed by Saffron, in the sound of thorns.

Large swaths of rain began to fall.

Feel the temperature change in the field.

The King of Flame Demon looked up to the sky behind him, and saw five old men.

"Rainwater? Was it brought by you ants? I hate rainwater!

Die! insect! "

The Flame Demon King roared, his fists blasted heavily.

Another terrible fire meteor screamed at the five old men.

One of them had four robotic arms attached to his back.

A series of pure white extremely frozen rays all point on the roaring fire meteorite.

The cold and heat erupted instantly, and the fire meteor lost its power and heat, and fell from the air.

"Insect!" The Flame Demon King roared again.

Open the huge mouth of flames.

Inside was a red patch, and under a brief burst of light, a lava fire column suddenly shot at the old man with a mechanical arm.

The old man originally wanted to freeze the pillar of fire with freezing rays, but found that it was useless.

His ray was like a small piece of ice thrown into a lava lake, instantly melted.

The pillar of fire came surging, and the waves of fire were overwhelming.

Seeing that the pillar of fire was about to hit the old man with the robotic arm, the old man calmly used his staff to point in front of him.

A huge portal suddenly opened in front of him, and the entire pillar of fire was absorbed in.

Then another portal appeared above a certain demon!

A huge pillar of fire descended from the sky, instantly burning this unlucky demon to ashes...

"A boring little trick!" The Flame King's eyes were fierce.

With his head shifted slightly, he let the pillar of fire leave the portal and swept towards the other old men.

The other old men were a flicker, appearing behind the old man in the robotic arm.

Let the fire pillar of the Balrog King return without success.

"damn it!"

It hates that its own flame cannot cause killing and destruction!

Just when it was about to turn its head and bombard the human ants on the ground to cause the necessary killing.

All the five old men shot.

One of them faced the Balrog King with his palm, and the huge gravity made the Balrog Kings body sink more than ten meters, stiffening in place.

Several other demi-god arcanists used the spells of the ice and water systems to besiege Sulfuron.

For a while, the flood was overwhelming all around the King of the Flame Demon, and the ice mist was everywhere!

Saffron was very aggrieved, it couldn't beat these five old men at all! Every time the power of the flame is used, two old men will use the power of frost to completely offset its flame power.

Then the other three bound it one by one and attacked it one by one.

There is also a start to clean up devil trash fish.

Thinking of him, Saffron, among the demigods, also has a name and a surname, has he ever been bullied by a trash human demigod?

If it is an ordinary demigod, Suffron, thinks that playing three or four is not a problem, and playing five will not be disadvantaged.

But the human demigods in front of them have superior combat power. Not only do they have their own strength, their equipment also adds extremely powerful combat power to them.

Saffron found that if there were only two, he might still have a chance to win.

But facing four?

That's a complete death!

At this point, the demon army that had just been arrogant for less than ten minutes was completely suppressed!

Doma's Arcane Empire has completely smashed the demon army!

Two portals were quickly destroyed!

Silom, who was still maintaining the portal inside, saw that something was wrong, and quickly got into one of them.

Come to the other side of the portal.

Shillon watched the demon army be defeated.

And Safron, who was given high hopes by him, was continuously beaten by five old men in the battle. After being unable to do anything except the angry roar, his heart was a little heavy.

"Shillon! My friend! Come and save me!"

Suffron felt Shillong's breath very sensitively, and snorted immediately!

Its originally extremely hot body was covered with a thick layer of frost, which never dissipated.


The demigod arcanist who was besieging Sulfuron together listened to Sulfuron's cry and also noticed Sulfur.

"It's the dragon! He didn't escape! He's back again! The devil is in the same group with him!"

An arcane demigod said.

"The three of us will drag the dragon in the past! Bry, you inform your majesty and let him come together!

This dragon is an unseen species and is of great research value.

I believe your Majesty will be interested! "

An arcane demigod said, he flew to Shillon quickly, waving his hands.

Endless ice spears condensed from the void and plunged towards the dragon!

And Shillong just shook his body slightly, and a layer of flame impact erupted from his body.

Shattered all the ice spears instantly.

Together with all the portals nearby, as well as some hapless demons and Arcane Empire troops!

The flame shock rushed straight at the flying three half-god arcanists!

"Humph!" one of them snorted coldly: "Dissociation!"

A layer of black unknown element instantly covered the flame shock wave.

Soon the flame impact dissipated like a breeze.

Seeing this, Shillon frowned slightly. No words.

He opened his huge mouth, and thousands of red gold streamers spurted out of his mouth.

Suddenly, the Fanghua is gorgeous and colorful, but terrifying.

Thousands of streams of light spewed out of his mouth every second, and every stream of light could bring death to the enemy!

Shillong is 160 degrees straight ahead, and the range of about ten kilometers is completely covered, turning into a world of streamers!

The roar and explosion have become the only ones in the world!

Every stream of light that falls on the ground will explode, creating a small hole about one meter in diameter.

A large number of arcanists who were besieging the devil were melted into juice without even reacting.

There are also a large number of people who want to use enchantment protection, but find that the usually complacent defense enchantment is as fragile as paper. After neutralizing one streamer, they will be hit by the next streamer and take their lives directly!

Shillong sprayed in place for ten seconds, at least tens of thousands of people died.

While spitting, his body was also blooming with pure white radiant white light and gray mist.

The radiant white light and gray fog are enough to radiate all the enemies around ten kilometers.

Those citizens of the Arcane Empire hiding ten kilometers away.

I soon discovered my anomaly.

But after all, they are not ordinary mortals, but arcanists who have mastered arcane power.

More or less mastered a lot of practical arcane arts.

After feeling the physical abnormality, he immediately began to save himself, and if he felt weak, he immediately cast expelling spells.

The arcanists, who were infected by the gray mist and distorted their worldview, fell into a frenzy because of their spirits, and most of them even lost the ability to cast spells.

In this case, the threat is greatly reduced.

It was quickly stopped by others using arcane magic.

Just when Shillong was devastating.

The foot sank suddenly, and then a strong force came.


Shillong sprayed straight and fell to the ground face down.

The ground underneath was blasted by a streamer into a huge crater tens of meters deep!

Damn it!

He had to stop spraying, turning his head to look at his feet while cursing inwardly, he found that his feet were locked by dozens of pure black chains!

Pulling hard with both feet, the chain was pulled straight, but it couldn't be broken.

"Dragon! You can't break the lock of the gods!" said an arcane demigod floating in the air, looking at the struggling Shillon.

"Idiot! Don't use your ignorance to apply to me." Silom sneered, not at all heart, he has invincible flame power besides brute force!

A large amount of smoke appeared in the body, under the puzzled gaze of the demigod mage.


His body has become a huge red gold sphere with a diameter of nearly one kilometer!

A million-degree high temperature outbreak!

Everything under and around him turned into a pool of lava.

Several demigods who were in a quiet distance, their bodies flashed and quickly moved away.

Then they found that the "God Binding Lock" that bound the dragon's feet suddenly turned red, as if it was about to fuse!

"Not good!" a demigod arcanist exclaimed, and quickly put away the God-binding lock.

But the front end of the chain has been melted a bit!

"...I... my god-binding lock..." This demigod was a little bit eager to cry without tears.

"Siron! You bastard! Play slowly! This king won't be with you anymore!

Enjoy the human souls everywhere! "

The Flame Demon King took this opportunity and didn't think of attacking the arcane demigods for revenge.

He can be regarded as understanding the strength of the opponent, and to deal with this kind of enemy, if there is no way to deal with the abyssal creatures, he will absolutely not believe it!

Shillong, this **** thing, what he said in the abyss before was so tempting, all were deceiving!

They were sent here as cannon fodder!

To be safe, he chose to escape

After another wave of flames broke out and forced the arcane demigod back, the body rotated and disappeared!

Damn it!

In the center of the million-degree hot sun, Shillon could still hear Saffron's roar and see the grandson's actions.

He didn't expect this waste to run so fast!

Lao Tzu came to rescue you out of love, are you still running?

Silom turned his head and glanced again at several demi-god arcane mages who were several kilometers away, avoiding the heat.

He knew that with these five guys, he would definitely not be able to fight, not to mention that the entire empire must have more than that.

He had a hunch, but he didn't want to put Doma Arcane Empire in such a simple way.


At the moment when the red golden sun disappeared.

Xilong dashed towards the sky.

"Damn! This dragon wants to run again!" The five arcane demigods looked irritated.

The space ring in their hands flashed, and a rocket golem appeared beside them, followed by a flash of arcanists and disappeared in place.

Five rocket golems swish towards the sky!

One dragon and five golems, one escape and one chase, quickly break through the atmosphere.


An ice hockey puck with endless ice passed through the portal and blasted straight towards Shillong.

But at this time, Silom was not afraid at all. His whole body was already red, and the scales of his body had changed from black to red gold.

Endless heat radiated from his body.

Just around him, there are thousands of degrees of terrifying heat!

The closer you are, the higher the temperature.

Because of this relationship.

Arcanists in the Rocket Golem will be much more difficult to locate the portal, and they cannot get too close.

This caused Shillong to have enough time to avoid the puck.

He can even turn his head and spray thousands of flames.

But these are useless offenses, and the difficulty of both sides has their own hearts.

Straight through the atmosphere, Shillong originally wanted to grow mushrooms on the floating island, but now thinking about it carefully, it seems that there is no such opportunity at all.

Nuclear Calming Breath is a small super high-grade flame energy ball.

In the process of the downward boom, these difficult arcanists will definitely use their ultra-fast and ultra-precise space doors to cut off.

Only the continuous breathing of the three-phase breath could break through the blockade of these arcanists, but Silungen did not dare to use it, and the problem was that it consumed too much energy.

Even if you don't use your full strength, your body's functions will decrease a lot after using it. Don't even want to escape if you really want to escape.

The two sides held back for a while, and Shillon found that the top of its head suddenly went dark.

Wait for him to have other reactions.


In extreme speed, he slammed into the shadow above his head.


Shillong roared.

A full hit, if it was broken, Shillong would not take any damage.

But if it doesn't break, it's the same as a mortal hitting an iron block with his head, and the consequences are disastrous!

At this time, Shillong directly hit his head!

He rolled in the air a few times before his mind regained his clarity.

He found himself besides being surrounded by five demigod rocket golems.

He was surrounded by dozens of giant magic mechas with a height of more than 40 meters in all directions.

There are also several arcanists whose bodies are surrounded by the azure arcane brilliance.

Needless to say, Shillong can be sure that he is a demigod based on his feelings!

There are so many demigods in this Doma Empire?

How did they make these demigods stay in the main material realm?

Look up slightly, UU reading www. uukanshu.com above him is a huge sky fortress with a length of kilometers.

The entire metal body is engraved with arcane inscriptions.

Silom was below the fort and saw a pit that was slowly healing.

Needless to say, he must have just hit it out!

And behind the fort, there are dozens of circles of different colors.

The radiance of the azure arcane was so strong that half of the sky changed color.

"Lizard! You really surprised the deity." A magnificent voice came down from the fortress, and it reached Shillong's ears clearly.

This made Sillon's eyes shrink into needles. He wanted to see everything above, but was completely blocked by the fortress.

"Lizard! Do you want to admire the face of the deity? The deity is accurate! This is a gift to you before death!" The voice above the fortress seemed to fully understand Shillong's intentions.

