Latest website: "I was sent by Shillong! Don't fight! It's all your own!"

Firefox shouted for help.

The body turned into a flaming phantom and rushed to the distance quickly.

The male Yinlong was chasing after him.

The female silver dragon also followed at this time, following the male silver dragon.

The Firefox ran away all the way, and didn't know how far it ran, just when it was panting.

A red bronze dragon appeared again in front of him. The red bronze dragon seemed to take a surprised look at the fire fox, and then took a deep breath, obviously wanting to use a breath attack.

Firefox was anxious: "I was sent by Shillong! Don't fight! Shillong! Why I have said so many times, you don't know it!

He clearly said that he is very famous! "

Firefox yelled loudly.

The breath of the red bronze dragon stopped abruptly.

Then he looked at the Firefox in surprise: "Shillong? That Shillon Soderberg?"

"Yeah! Yeah! It's him!"

The fire fox dodges a cold breath again, and rushes behind the red bronze dragon, hiding behind the opponent, his two forelimbs tightly hugging the opponent's hind legs, tearfully said: "I finally found my dragon!"

"Brothers in front get out of the way! I want to eliminate evil on behalf of justice!"

The Yinlong who had been flying in the air hurriedly roared.

The extremely cold breath that had been stuck in his throat was swallowed abruptly by him.

This felt like swallowing back a mouthful of old phlegm, making Yinlong's face quite ugly.

"Brother Silver Dragon! Wait a minute! This Firefox said it was sent by the little director Shillong. Let's listen to what it says."

The red bronze dragon quickly stopped the silver dragon.

"Shillong? Who the **** is Shillong? We are the metal dragon clan and the dragon and the devil are mixed together?

Then we must be severely punished together!

hateful! "Yinlong gritted his teeth.

The female silver dragon behind him finally followed at this time.

She whispered a few words in the ear of the male Yinlong.

Gong Yinlong's face changed continuously at last.

He already knew Shillong's identity, so it was not convenient to say more at this time.

"I'm the Firefox sent by Shillon Soderberg. I have something important to tell Kama and a dragon named Viola! You take me to see them!"

"Come to Elder Kama and Sister Viola?" The bronze dragon was a little surprised: "If he doesn't come to find it himself, why should he send you?"

He couldn't understand.

But Firefox is even more incomprehensible.

Nima! So how did the terrifying dragon, the demigod-level abyssal death omen star, reach the main material realm?

Is there a problem with this red bronze dragon brain?

Or do these dragons have problems with their brains?

Ask me stupid things!

He cursed in his heart, but on the surface, Firefox didn't dare to be so arrogant. It smiled awkwardly: "This great red bronze dragon, you are laughing, with the strength of His Royal Highness, how can the main material world bear it? ?

Although, as a devil, I read few books and don't know much knowledge, but I still understand some basic common sense. "


The red bronze dragon was even more confused, and Silom could not come to the main material world? Exceed the upper limit of the main material world?

Tell a joke?

If I remember correctly, he is obviously the son of Sister Viola!

Are you in your fifties now?

Is this beyond the upper limit of the main material realm?

The red bronze dragon thought that the fire fox was arguing with him, and the color of the scales on his face changed a little.

I feel very unhappy.

Firefox is best at observing words and expressions. When he saw that the dragon's face was wrong, he immediately said: "Your Majesty the Great Red Bronze Dragon! I really didn't lie to you!

Please pass your words to Viola and Kama!

Otherwise I will be killed by Lord Silom! "

The fire fox looked distressed, and his whole body stood up and bowed to the bronze dragon.


The red bronze dragon saw that the Firefox was indeed sincere, and after a slight frown, he said to it: "Well, let me believe you for the time being, and you come with me. If I find out that you dare to lie to us, then I must Let you know what justice torture is!"

While talking, the red bronze dragon didn't forget to warn him.

Firefox looked happy and prepared to keep up.

But the male silver dragon on one side still didn't want to let it go, so he said, "Brother! Do you believe it?

The Firefox of the Abyss is the most cunning, I don't know how many conspiracies and tricks there are! "

"It doesn't matter if you believe it once, I don't believe it can make any waves on Dragon Island." The copper dragon said.


Yinlong looked at the Firefox unhappy: "Okay, but I don't worry that you Yilong will take this cunning guy. I will take it with you to see Elder Kama and Sister Viola, and see what tricks it has!"

While talking, the male silver dragon followed with the female silver dragon.


And what are Kama and Viola doing at this time?

Since returning to Dragon Island, they have met Arman.

Arman looked at the human figures Kama and Viola emerging from the portal, and he was excited.

He yelled his mother, and quickly rushed towards his mother Viola.

Viola could only watch the dragon-shaped Arman pounce at her.

The huge Arman threw Viola directly to the ground.

Arman excitedly called his mother's name, while licking his mother's face and body with his tongue.

It's like a big dog that hasn't seen its owner for many years.

"Okay! Okay! Alman! Don't lick it! Also! You are so heavy! Mom can't hold her elf form!" Viola said to Alman with a smile.

The sadness of Richard's death, don't spread it to Arman again...

Let him pass the past.

"Mom! I miss you so much! I heard Elder Kama say that you were taken away by that terrible empire! I thought you were dead! But it scared me to death, oooooooo..."

Arman's eyes fell into a series of large liquid mercury.

"Mom is okay, Sillon has rescued my mother." Viola was overwhelmed, and struggling to gently tap Alman's head, which is larger than his body, with his hands, comfortingly.

"That's right! Where's Shillong and his dragon?" Arman was startled, and suddenly looked at the portal before, nowhere to be seen.

"He...he will be fine, right?"

"Don't worry, Shillon will be fine, but something has been delayed." Karma smiled at this time.

"Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh, I thought, how could something go wrong with Esillon's ability, haha~" Almana laughed at the end.

After laughing for a while, he said again: "Oh~ by the way, mother, have you found your father?

I still want to see my father. We have all heard Uncle Orom say that he is a great dragon!

Shillong and I are proud of having such a father! "

"Richard... is dead." Viola sighed, "My boy, don't mention his name again."

"..." Arman was taken aback for a moment, then said: "Oh oh... OK."

Then he glanced at the mother who was pressed under him, swiped it, and changed back to the elf form, gently hugging her mother's body.


Viola looked at Arman, who was wearing a beautiful dress and long silver-white hair, how she looked like herself.

The whole face is a little dazed.

She hugged Arman from the ground, who was a few centimeters shorter than her at this time.

Then let him stand on the ground.

Viola and Arman stood together like a mother and daughter.

"Child...what are you doing?"

Viola hesitated and stopped.

She knows that some silver dragons in the clan are abnormal.

She was a little worried that Arman was heading in that direction.

"Mom! Surprise? Am I beautiful now? Many humans like me!

I'm out there, so welcome! "

Arman had a proud chest.

"Oh~you..." Viola looked at Arman, with some headaches, but some things still need to be tested: "Son, you are now in your 50s. Have you found your partner outside?"

"No! Mom." Arman disapproved.

"Then you don't want to find one?" Viola asked.

"I don't want to, I'm still young! Now my mother is coming back, and I, my mother and Shillong will live together in the future."

"Uh... Then do you think, if you choose, do you want to play with male creatures or with female creatures?" Viola was cautious.

"Of course it's playing with males!" Arman said directly: "Playing with females is the most boring! I have no common language and hobbies with them!

They don't understand anything at all!

But male humans are different! They like playing with me the most. Lets play Legend of Heroes of the Mainland together for three days and three nights without stopping! "

Arman said vigorously, his eyes only flashed: "Mom! Do you know the legend of mainland heroes?

That is a game developed by Shillong!

Super fun! He is really a genius!

When he comes back, I will take you to play and let her help her design an exclusive super powerful card for her mother!

At that time, mom, you have to give me your cards!

Mom, let me tell you..."

Arman chattered vigorously.

Viola didn't listen to those last words.

She only heard Arman say that she has no interest in female creatures and likes to play with males!

My goodness!

Arman! my child! Will you finally step into the ranks of the perverted silver dragon?

I... what should I do?

Do you want to stop him? Or follow him?

Viola hesitated, but he watched Arman still enthusiastically telling the happy story of himself playing with a certain human man.

The smile on his face is so familiar!

That's exactly the smile I met Richard when I was young!

This kid! Like human males!

The Yinlong clan does not exclude the love between clan dragons and humans, but the same **** is not so easy to accept.

But... as long as Arman is happy...I...I still wish them!

Viola made up his mind!

She's all a dragon who has walked through the underworld, so what else can't be seen?

As long as the child is happy, the worldly vision does not care!

Viola looked at the gushing Arman with a smile.

a long time.

Arman stopped and said: "That's right! Mom, you are back now, let's go and report to Uncle Orom for safety.

He must be worried about you now. "

"Brother Orom..."

"Mom, don't blame Uncle Orom. Even if he doesn't say it, Sylon and I will find you. The Great Arcanists will have a nine-level detection spell, which is enough to find you." It seems. Afraid of Viola's misunderstanding, Arman explained.

"Don't worry, Mom won't blame him." Viola just smiled.

Sanlong quickly went to Orom's library.

When Sanlong looked for it, Orom did not stay in the cave of the library, but walked around restlessly outside.

The long tail behind him has been flapping with small stones anxiously.

When he saw Viola, he was immediately surprised.

After that, there was a surprise retelling of the old, needless to say.

I don't know how long it took.

A red bronze dragon, two silver dragons and a fire fox came over.

From afar, the more sensitive Kama felt the aura of the abyss demon, frowning and looking at the fire fox a kilometer away.

Until they slowly approached.

After all the dragons saw each other, Kama asked, "Bonn, did you come with an abyss demon?"

"Elder Kama! The fire fox said he was sent by Shillong! I have something to tell you and Sister Viola." The red copper dragon said.

"Shillon?" Karma was taken aback, then smiled slightly: "It seems that he has got rid of the pursuit of Thomas Arcane Empire, but why doesn't he come to us directly?"

"Is that **** Shillon okay?" Arman stared at the fire fox.

Viola didn't say a word, Arman had already said what she was about to say, just staring at the Firefox with a pair of beautiful eyes.

All the dragons stared at the Firefox, which made its heart jump.

A little nervously said: "No...it's okay...How could something be wrong with Your Highness Siro..."

How could something happen to his such a strong dragon?

Are all this gang of Zilong fools?

The next two sentences Firefox cursed in his heart.

His face respectfully said: "His Royal Highness Xilong, he is now waiting for your Great Dragons on the 15th floor of the Abyss.

He wants me to tell you the coordinates there, saying that His Royal Highness Kama knows. "

While talking, it used its paws to pull out a curl of fur made of unknown material from the hair on its chest, and handed it to Karma.

After Kama took it, he looked carefully.

There are dozens of strings of numbers, each string of numbers ranging from five or six to ten and twenty, which can dazzle ordinary people.

"Is this the abyss coordinate?" As the master of Shillong, a legendary arcane master, Kama understood.

"Yes! Yes! His Royal Highness Xilong is waiting for you there." Firefox said quickly.

"If this is the case, it means that Shillong has been completely rejected by the main material realm." Karma analyzed ~wuxiaworld.online~ but this is also normal. With his strength, he will be rejected a long time ago. It's all a miracle now. "Kama sighed.


The red bronze dragon and the silver dragon couple looked at each other suspiciously.

They don't understand at all, and they feel that they are not on the same channel as the dragon and Firefox!

"Really... Isn't Sillon already unable to return to the main material plane?

But it doesn't matter, as long as he escapes from the empire!

There is also the abyss, he can't stay here for too long, it won't be good to be abyssed after staying for a long time!

I have to make it clear to Shillong later.

At that time, we pray that Shillong will enter the realm of His Majesty Bahamut and live there in peace. "As a mother, Viola thought a lot for Shillong.

