Latest website: Out of the main material realm.

There are many options.

You can go to the star realm, you can also go to the abyss, or hell, you can even explore the different planes.

But the abyss and **** are both extremely corrosive. After staying in it for a long time, the thinking will tend to be confused, and the brain will not work well!

There was such a thing a long time ago.

The lord of a certain abyss invaded a certain alien plane and lost to the opponent.

Not to mention being beaten back to the abyss, the enemy directly led the army to counterattack the abyss, and the entire floor was occupied!

Then that floor became the back garden of the occupiers, and it became the joke of all the creatures who knew about it at that time, just when they thought the abyss was only so.

These occupiers, who stayed in the abyss for too long, were directly demonized by all! Become the new demon army!

The supreme commander of the occupier has become the new lord of the abyss!

It can be seen that the horror of living in the abyss for a long time, and hell, is not too much to let.

Traveling on different planes is also very dangerous. As an outer plane creature, to enter the different plane, the first thing to face is the rejection of world consciousness. The outer plane creatures will suffer the malice of the world and everything will go wrong!

Then came the astral world.

That is even more dangerous, but there are gods on it.

There are also star beasts that can rival the gods, which are the heaven for the truly strong and the **** for the weak.

But as long as you stay in the realm of gods faithfully, you won't encounter these things.

Viola apparently hoped that Shillong could enter Bahamut's God Realm and live a stable life.

"What are you...what are you talking about?" The red bronze dragon and the two silver dragons didn't understand.

"These are not important things. I will start to burn the magic circle first, and I will go to the abyss to meet with Shillong." Karma was already talking while burning the magic circle.

In just a few minutes, the burning is complete.

Xinglong and Firefox got in.

As soon as they got in, they saw a black iron barrier erected in front of them, and occasionally a golden streamer flashed across the barrier.

The huge shadow completely obscured all humanoid dragons and fire foxes.

The dragons raised their heads and looked up at 90 degrees, only to see the barriers in front of them!

This is a super dragon 7~80 meters high! He squatted quietly on the ground, his head drooping.

The eyes that exuded a stream of golden particles stared at them, making Long feel a little surprised inexplicably.

"West..... Shillong.... Why are you getting bigger again???" Arman's eyes straightened.

How come this **** has grown from more than 50 meters to 7,80 meters after not seeing him for a few days?

What did this **** grow up on? It makes me stressed!

The comparison between Arman's body and Shillong's body is really the difference between the little milk cat and the big tiger!

The two of us are brothers! You make it really hard for me to be a dragon like this!

Kama and Viola also looked horrified.

How long has it been apart?

It only took a few hours, how did it become so big?

The two dragons even dare not show their true shape. In front of this kind of dragon, they are just "children", and they have to listen to him calling Teacher Kama, Mother Viola.

This will make the two dragons very uncomfortable.

And the Yinlong couple who followed looked at Shillong's body, and said with pain on their faces: "This... is this the little director of Shillong?

Sister Viola's son?

Are you sure you made a mistake?

Regardless of what kind of dragon he is, just this size, I feel that I can be my grandfather..."

When the other dragons heard this, their expressions hurt.

Sister Viola! You kid! What did you grow up with?

Firefox saw that the task was completed at this time and ran away.

"Everyone... this is a very complicated question, but it's not a bad thing.

As you can see, I can no longer return to the main material realm, and I am ready to settle in the abyss. "Silo said his purpose.

He didn't want to go to the star realm. He knew that his strength was definitely invincible in the main material realm.

But in front of the gods of the star realm, it is obviously not enough to see, although these gods of the star realm will not go out of the gods, and they will only order the followers in general, but Luoshanda is an exception!

No one dares to speculate about this lunatic with ordinary people's thinking!

It's hard to guarantee that he won't go out of God's Domain to directly kill him!

Therefore, the astral world is too dangerous!

And these lords of the abyss, as long as they don't provoke them, they don't bother to care about other creatures!

"Settling in the abyss?" Viola was startled, and quickly explained the characteristics and examples of the abyss assimilating other creatures.


Silom was slightly silent when he heard the words.

So, the magma of Molten Core was absorbed by a large margin before, and falling asleep might be the erosion of the abyss?

This had to make him think more.

That deep sleep was really abnormal.

Seeing Shillon's silence, Viola quickly told Shillon his plan.

Prepare to pray to His Majesty Bahamut to go to Shillong to the Gods Realm.

But to be honest, Shillong did not want to accept this proposal.

He respects Bahamut very much, but he doesn't want to stay in the other side's gods every day.

I have been in the City of Tomorrow for a long time, and the city lord is used to it. How can he be controlled by other dragons?

He quietly changed the subject and told Viola about his life outside of Dragon Island for more than ten years.

The other dragons were watching.

What he said is very attractive.

Especially Arman is here.

Every time I heard a topic he was interested in, he would jump out and talk a lot.

Especially the legend of mainland heroes has become the best game in the world in Arman's mouth!

Just play for three minutes and you will be like me! Completely fall in love with this game!

This made the silver dragon couple and the other red bronze dragon both interested, expressing their hope to go to the City of Tomorrow in the future.

Shillon also talked to Karma about the destruction of the Arcane Empire of Thomas.

After listening, Kama and Viola were a little surprised, but looking at Shillon's current physique, they suddenly felt that it was really possible!

After all, with his current physique, even the oldest Taikoo dragon does not have this level!

Only the kind of real dragon with the blood of the ancestor dragon can grow up to such an extraordinary level!

What's more, Shillong's combat power has always been far surpassed that of a dragon of the same size, and Kama has long been unable to estimate its combat power!

A group of dragons chatted very happily.


The white gold dragon sculpture that had been hanging around Kama's neck suddenly burst into silver-white brilliance.

"It's Your Majesty Bahamut!"

Kama was immediately surprised when she saw this.

When the other dragons heard this, they were a little surprised. They each looked at the platinum carving with reverence.

"Good afternoon, dear children, my Bahamut, I am very glad to meet you." The voice of charity sounded from the carving.

"His Majesty Bahamut! It is an honor for all our dragons to meet you!"

The red bronze dragon was very excited and shouted first.

The other dragons also hurriedly expressed their respect.

"Your Majesty! Are you showing up this time for Shillong?" Kama asked tentatively.

After all, the Arcane Empire of Thomas had just been destroyed.

After solving the great troubles of the gods, Bahamut came to find Shillon to solve the problem.

"I really came to him."

Bahamut did not deny.

"For Thomas Arcane Empire?"

"Yes, for the matter of Thomas Arcane Empire." Bahamut's voice was a little melancholy.

"Children, can you leave a separate space for me and Shillong a little bit?

I have very important things to talk to him. "

When the other dragons heard the words, they didn't ask much, and left a few hundred meters away, leaving enough room for one dragon and one statue.

Looking at the other dragons leaving, the platinum statue flashed, and a soundproof barrier appeared.

Isolate it and Shillong from the outside world.

Need to be so cautious?

Shillong watched for a moment, then yelled obediently: "Grandpa Bahamut."

"Child... do you know you committed a serious crime?"

Bahamut sighed.

"!?" Silom was a little confused: "Grandpa, shouldn't it be a good thing that I eliminated the Arcane Empire of Thomas? How come it's a big crime?"

"Child, it is a good thing to destroy the Arcane Empire of Thomas, but you have affected too many innocent lives! Look at this..."

As Bahamut spoke, an image was generated in the void.

It was the scene from the Shillong nuclear explosion.

A torrent of red gold fell from the sky.

Turn into white light, swallow everything!

The devastating impact of the last days has swept across thousands of kilometers, and everything swept over will be destroyed!

People die! The beast is gone! Civilization dissipated!

The pain on the faces of the people who survived the catastrophe, some with despair, and the color of death...

"This...I did this?"

Shillon was a little silent, he didn't expect his breathing power to be so great.

"Yes! Shillong, hundreds of millions of lives died this time because of you..." Bahamut was also somewhat silent.

"Sorry... I didn't mean it..."

Shillong's dragon face was full of apologies.

Although he killed a lot in the past, he consciously killed the people who should be killed!

At that time, he could still say something cheeky, although I like nuclear ping, killing lives and leading demons to invade, I know I am a good dragon!

But now, no matter how thick-skinned he is, he dare not say such a thing!

The word kindness seems to have nothing to do with him!

Sorry mom! Sorry Teacher Kama!

I am ashamed of what you taught me!

I am not clean...

Shillongs eyes were full of tears, and he tried to raise his head to look towards the sky, as if he didnt want to let the tears stay...

"I know you weren't a kid on purpose." Bahamut sighed as he looked at Shillon.

Alas~ The child is a good boy. If you look at how sad he is now, you will know that he is a good dragon.

But if you have this kind of power, although you don't want to do this, too much power will always make things out of your own expectations and make things worse.

To be honest, at the beginning, Bahamut was also angry at Shillong for doing such a thing, but straightened out the causes and consequences carefully.

He discovered that although Shillong had made a big mistake, it was not intentional.

In addition to eradicating the scourge of the Doma Arcane Empire, countless lives have been saved indirectly.

The other party is a child of the same race.

Old Shanlong's heart of protecting the calf arose.

"Child, do you know that because of this, the gods of the entire star realm are now trying to kill you and soon!

Especially the Lord of Dawn, he has definitely begun to find your whereabouts! The abyss, hell, and the astral world are not safe anymore! "

Bahamut said, seeming to be afraid of Shillong's pride and underestimating the power of the gods, so he said: "My child, don't be complacent because of your own power and underestimate the gods.

With your current strength, even the weakest **** can easily deal with you, unless you still have the strength of the previous burst, but that is far from being compared with the oldest and powerful Lord of Dawn!

You are still too young now! "

"...What does Grandpa Bahamut mean?" Silom asked.

He believed that this old good dragon would not lie to him.

If the other party is disappointed because of his own affairs, he will never use any conspiracy to insult him.

Either ignore it, or go directly with the gods to destroy him!

What's the cost then?

"Child, take refuge in a different plane.

There may be some crises there, but with your current strength, there is a high probability that you can deal with it, but facing the gods, you are definitely not an opponent.

And I can't protect you in front of the gods. "Bahamut said very directly.

"Extraplane travel?"

Shillong doesn't actually have much knowledge in this area.

Generally speaking, traveling on different planes, in the main material plane, only a handful of legendary mages can do this.

The unknown and the opportunity coexist.

There are countless planes in the entire multiverse, which are stronger than the universe where Shillon is now.

He hesitated, because he hated unknown crises.

Bahamut obviously also saw Shillon's hesitation: "My boy, I have chosen a suitable plane for you, go!

Later, the Lord of Dawn is coming! "

Bahamut seemed anxious.

As he spoke, he had used his divine power to open a pure black space-time hole in front of him.

Shillong was still hesitating, but the dragons such as Viola and Kama in the distance realized that the situation was wrong here, and ran over one by one and entered the soundproof barrier.

Viola looked at the space-time wormhole and asked Bahamut: "Your Majesty, are you taking Shillong to your kingdom of God?"

"No, I want to send him to a different plane." Bahamut didn't mean to conceal anything.


Viola was surprised: "Your Majesty, that's too dangerous!"

"Child! You have to have faith in Shillon, and I have found a plane that suits him." Bahamut said, and briefly said Shillon's serious crime in the main material realm.

This made Viola and the dragons stunned.

The Arcane Empire of Thomas was completely destroyed?

There are hundreds of millions of ordinary lives together?

Is this too much?

"Grandpa Bahamut... are you kidding?" Arman asked with his mouth open.

"Child...Do you think I am the kind of dragon who likes to joke?"

Bahamut was helpless: "Now Shillon is not safe anywhere. Going to the star realm is undoubtedly looking for death.

I am also unable to protect him.

Staying in the abyss and hell, the gods will also be in the lower realm, even if they have fought with the lord of the abyss, they will kill Shillong!

Only the alien plane is considered safe, at least the gods are hard to find. "

Viola didn't know what to say while waiting for the dragon.

All the dragons were a little silent. Silom suddenly spit out his space ring and handed it to Bahamut: "Grandpa, this is all my private dragon treasure. There are 3,321,600 in it. Thirty-seven gold coins plus thirty-six silver and twelve copper coins! There are also some equipment.

This is all up to you. If there are brothers and sisters of the same race who need to use it to help those who suffer because of me, you can give them the gold coins.

This is the only thing I can do before I leave this plane. "

Silom felt a little distressed about his gold coins, but he felt that he should hand over the money as some compensation.

Because otherwise, he can't do anything! life for a life? That is obviously impossible!

"Child...you..." Bahamut was speechless.

The child is indeed a good child, but if he cannot fully control his own power, it will easily cause unnecessary disasters. What a pity...

Other dragons expressed admiration for Shillong's actions!

After all, they also know that it is impossible to pay for their lives!

Seeing Bahamut take away the gold coins.

Silom narrowed his body and controlled his height to about three meters, and said goodbye to his mother, Arman, Kama and other dragons who had just met, and then went into the space-time hole.

The inside of the space-time hole is not like a portal, and immediately exit from the other side after drilling in.

Instead, it seems to have entered a virtual grid-like virtual space dominated by black and blue.

There are countless bubbles around.

Looking carefully at those bubbles, there seem to be countless images circulating inside.

Shillong saw a bubble showing a tiger hunting in the jungle.

I also saw a man with a wizard hat on his head, lying on the table, doing exercises seriously.

A person who seemed to be a master of martial arts rushed to kill in the ancient army.

Shillong also saw the busy future technology city.

The lake is endless and fleeting.

Before he could think about it, a whirlpool surged beneath him, drawing him into it.

The entire space once again returned to tranquility.

Fifteen layers of the abyss.

Bahamut looked at the disappearing time and space.

My heart secretly said: "My child, I'm sorry, I lied to you, this time and space, I don't even know where to go.

Only the unknown is not easy to be found by the gods.

If it's those alien planes that have been recorded, there are also the power of the gods there, and you can't hide yourself there.

Stay well in the unknown alien plane, and it's best not to come back, good for you, and good for everyone. "


Ectopic surface.

Dora's tomb world.

Here is a strange world.

Black Rock Plain.

A gray-black dragon with a body length of more than ten meters fought fiercely with a team of more than a dozen people.

It looked a little miserable, with a lot of dark red blood on its body.

Obviously suffered a lot of trauma in the battle.

"Oh, ignorant people who provoked Morad Apostle of Ashes! You have completely angered me!

Accept the judgment of the doomsday!

Ouch! ! "

The gray-black dragon roared, completely ignoring the siege of the dozens of people.

In the original blue sky, red fireballs fell from the sky!

"Boss is running out of blood! This time it's a big move! Everyone wins if you hold on!"

A hunter pulls his bow and arrow.

Each arrow is engraved with enchanting inscriptions.

The power is like a bullet, constantly shooting at the dragon!

Every time you hit the target, the dragon will shed blood.

"Brother Monkey is going to open the shield wall! This time, three consecutive fire meteors will smash your face! Be careful not to be second!

The priest pays attention to the blood of Brother Monkey!

Xiao Li immediately activates the sacred protection, adding resistance to everyone! "

The hunter who spoke before was obviously the commander of the twelve-man team. He was shooting arrows while keeping an eye on the battlefield.

The others who were named reacted instantly.

The main force mt monkey brother shouted wildly.

A golden shield immediately appeared in front of him.

The priest put a layer of virtual armor on everyone on the team.

In the next moment, the fire meteor in the sky fell.

The first to bear the brunt is the main soldier Monkey Brother.

Every time he hits a meteorite, the green bar on his head will be reduced by half!

And the dragon violently waved its claws, and every time it slapped on the warrior shield wall, a small piece of life disappeared.

Several pastors in the back walked to avoid the meteorite while healed the soldiers, making the soldiers' lives ups and downs like a roller coaster.

With no danger, the soldier survived the explosion of the fire and meteorite.

But this is a group spell, and there are still two wizard spells that are too h to be hit by the fire meteor.

The full blood bar disappeared instantly.

But he was immediately resurrected by the priest.

The dragon that released the spell was obviously wilted.

Attack power and attack frequency are greatly reduced.

The soldiers resisted without pressure at all.

The entire team violently output for dozens of seconds.

The black-gray dragon roared: "Damn human! Master Morad is hungry! I have no time to play with you!"

He said, flapping his wings to fly away.

But just took off.

The Hunter Commander shouted: "All members immediately use the dragon lock!"


In the uniform shouts.

A stick-shaped object immediately appeared in the empty palms of all members.

They inserted the poles directly into the ground.

Zi, click~

When the column enters the ground, it starts directly by itself.

A drill bit was drilled out of the lower head, drilled into the ground one by one, and fixed.

Then a thick blue rope flew out from above and entangled around the gray-black dragon.


Ten numbers and chains locked the dragon, making him unable to break free in a short time.

The dragon struggled frantically, like a piglet facing a butcher.

He felt the fear of death!

"Everyone will give me output! Turn on the explosive skills! Be sure to kill the dragon within 10 seconds!" The hunter command looked at the dozens of columns on the ground that extended out of the chain.

Pulled by the huge power of the dragon, he intercepted and rose.

Obviously it can't last long.

"Aoneng runs away!"

"Flame Pulse! Deadly Ice! Hellfire! Wanblade Wind!..."

"Blasting wind! Thousand arrows pierce the heart!"

"Blade Storm! Turn him to death for me!"


Everyone yelled and activated the maximum output.

The brilliance of magic, the rain of arrows ~wuxiaworld.online~ and the tornado of the sky erupted on the dragon!


The dragon roared.

A stream of blood burst out of him.

And some damage figures.






However, within seven or eight seconds, the dragon wailed feebly and fell to the ground.

When he landed, the whole ground vibrated.

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