The latest website: "Call~ Finally solved." The hunter commander breathed a sigh of relief, and then became excited, he laughed: "Okay! Now is the harvest time!

This is a Tier 7 dragon, as a 7-skeleton boss and they have the nature to collect treasures.

I'm sure there will be a big harvest this time!

There will be more than one epic equipment! "

In the world of Doras tomb, bosses are divided into 1-10 skeleton levels. The more skeletons, the higher the difficulty.

"Hey! Hearing what Brother Ao said, I was relieved. The equipment will be released later. Everyone has the old rules. If you want it, you can bid directly, and the leader who doesn't want it on consignment." A pastor said happily.

"What about consignment? It's shipped! I have all the packages! Don't be afraid that I have no money!"

Said a mage whose whole body was shrouded in brilliance.

"Brother Hao is awesome! Brother Hao is domineering! As expected to be the top master of the whole server!" Someone patted the horse.

"Hey~ If I had brother Hao, the family conditions would be great!

Buy and buy equipment, and spend money on skills!

In this way, maybe my actual strength can also be improved by one stage, reaching the fifth stage, only one tier lower than the game..."

Someone sighed.

"The game of Dora's Tomb World, even if it has been five years now, I can't believe it.

You said that a good normal world, no magic, no gods, a world that believes in technology,

I used to play games on a computer.

Why did a holographic one pop up? Increasing the strength in it can actually affect the reality, improve together?

Does it feel so unreal? Too nonsense! "Someone sighed again.

"Didn't many people analyze it online, saying that this is a game made by gods.

All of us are lucky! "Someone laughed.

Dora's tomb world game.

A game that logged into the Federation Star five years ago.

No one knows who made it.

When it first appeared, it was when the first people went to bed at night.

A line of text suddenly appeared in my mind:

Want to have extraordinary power?

Do you want to fly like a superhero in a movie or anime?


Some people chose yes and entered the world of Dora's tomb, some people chose no or entered the world of Dora's tomb...

This is the beginning of the world of Dora's tomb and the beginning of the real world's changes.

The world has changed, but the order has not changed.

Although the guys who suddenly gained power were lawless and chaotic from the beginning, they were quickly suppressed.

After all, it was 3987 in the federal calendar. By this time, human technology was already very powerful, including machine guns, artillery, and fighter jets.

Where can ordinary transcendents make waves? After a **** suppression, the arrogant transcendents are honest!

Know your father, or your father!

In front of the Federation, they are nothing!

You must know that it is calculated according to the power system of the world of Dora's tomb.

It is divided into 1~10 levels.

The quality of weapons is inferior, ordinary, sophisticated, perfect, excellent, epic, legend, and myth.

In reality, everyone is generally much weaker than the game, and there is no matching equipment.

This result has caused people below Tier 4 to be directly killed by a pistol.

Tier 5 cannot escape the fate of being encircled.

At this stage, the strongest level 6 top level like Brother Hao, dare not perform too much in reality.

Otherwise, if you are attacked by a large number of machines, you will die.

So the order did not collapse, and the currency was also strong.

But games are as important as reality.

Two-way currencies are already interoperable.

"Okay! Stop discussing the old things five years ago, now it's time to open the space ring happily!"

Hunter Commander Ogo raised the ring in his hand.

This was found from the scales on the chest and abdomen of the gray-black dragon.

In the world of Doras Tomb, monsters will not explode their equipment directly after death, and low-level monsters in the wild will not explode.

Only those who have the lair may be found in the lair after being killed.

There are also those with large bodies, which may be inside by directly dissecting the corpses and cutting open their stomach pouches.

And those with advanced transformation capabilities like giant dragons have space equipment similar to players, and store their treasures in them.

"Hey, I hope there will be a few more mages equipment, so that Brother Hao can become even more powerful!" said a warlock who looked a little wretched and wore a dark robe. His name was Mo Mo and his strength was barely level 6.

"Uhhhhh~ there are a few more epics used by mages to make Brother Hao's output more powerful~ thinking about it, it makes people unable to close their legs~" a beautiful and charming female priest also said.

She is Xiaoli, the main pastor of the team. She is beautiful and has good skills.

With a pair of watery peachy eyes, he always likes to look at the strongest and most luxuriously equipped brother in the team with affectionate eyes.

And Brother Hao is an authentic tall, rich and handsome with a refined appearance and a tall and thin body!

He gently pushed his glasses, and said, "It's better to make a soldier's armor. After all, you have to rely on the monkey brother MT to fight the boss."

After he finished speaking, he looked at the team leader.

This is an absolute strong man.

The body is comparable to bodybuilders, but the face looks a little thin, like a monkey face, which doesn't match the body.

"Uh... I hope." Brother Monkey touched his head and smiled.

But I said in my heart, I can't afford to pay for it! Let's get out the mage equipment, I just want to divide the money!

"Brother Hao~How much magic power do you have now? The output just now was too violent! People who watched are so careful that they can't stop jumping~" Xiaoli said.

"2011!" Brother Hao grinned slightly.

"Ah! As expected of Brother Hao! He has more than 2,000 magic powers! People are only 1,306, only half of the brother~" Xiaoli admired.

"Brother Hao! Great!" Momo gave a thumbs up.

"It's okay!" Brother Hao pretended to be modest: "It's still 156 magic power short of the first magic god, holy witch, and we need to work hard!"

"Brother Hao will surpass him soon! I believe Brother Hao!" Xiaoli said.

"Okay! Alright! Don't chat, I'm ready to open the space ring now!" Hunter Ao looked at Mo Mo and Xiao Li's non-stop flattering, and quickly stopped them.

After everyone had arrived, they folded their hands together.

Said: "The greatest all-knowing and almighty **** in the Tomb of Dora, Lord Milpo Rox, bless you! More magical outfits!"

Millbo Locks.

The only **** in the world of Dora's tomb.

The receiver of the game world.

After the player enters the game, the first thing he sees is him.

Most of the main tasks also come from him.

All players have to recite the name of the All-Knowing Almighty God ten times in their hearts every day.

Otherwise, you will be shrouded in bad luck!

NPCs in the whole world will be indifferent to them.

And if you worship the omniscient and almighty god, you will get good luck.

This is a strange rule.

Many pure gamers cannot understand this rule.

However, some people analyzed that Millbo Locks was the master of the game world!

Think that the whole game must have something they don't understand.

It's a conspiracy, indulging in it, there will be big problems.

Because of this, the players in the entire game world are basically the potential believers of Millbo.

Whenever it is time to open equipment, etc., when luck is needed, players will instinctively start praying to the omniscient and almighty **** for 20 seconds!

Everyone put their hands together in prayer.

Ten seconds later.

Brother Hao, who hadn't finished praying, suddenly felt a strange breath 100 meters behind him.

This surprised him, and quickly interrupted the prayer and shouted: "There seems to be another monster nearby! Everyone, be careful!"

When everyone heard the reminder, they stopped praying and looked around.

Soon I found a little dragon no more than three to four meters tall.

The dragon was covered in black scales, and golden streamers occasionally flashed across the scales, which actually had a strange beauty.

"Wow! There is another dragon! Still a little dragon!

what is this? Hit the big one, and the small one?

Bros! This is a little boss that is delivered to your door for free! "The wretched Mo Mo's eyes lit up and he laughed.

No player has ever disliked the dragons he encountered.

In addition to representing high-end combat power, the dragon also represents treasure.

Even if they are minors, their body materials are still valuable.

Just like the adult gray-black dragon before.

Even if it is just a dragon corpse, its value is enough to compare with half of epic equipment.

Or half a level 7 skill book.

This kind of thing, even if it is a local tyrant like Hao Ge, who is the only child of the world's top 500, he has no more than two hands.

It's not that they have no money to buy, but they are out of stock! And the competitiveness is too great, and they will stop when they exceed a certain limit. This is an unruly rule among local tyrants.

And although this little dragon is not as valuable as an adult, it shouldn't be a problem to exchange for an excellent quality equipment.

And Momo, the excellent equipment on his body can reach half.

If it were not for the strong technical strength, it would be impossible to mix with the local tyrants like Brother Hao.

"Shadow Web!"

Momo was talking, but his hands were not slow.

A large web of dark energy formed instantly from the void, immediately covering the little dragon.

The dragon was covered, and his head that had turned around immediately looked at Mo Mo and others.

The beautiful eyes full of golden particles seemed curious.

"Hahaha! Little baby, eat a shadow arrow from Grandpa!"

Mo Mo laughed trivially, and as soon as he raised his hand, an arrow of thick dark power was condensed.


The Shadow Bolt hit the dragon almost in an instant.


"Fuck! Not breaking defense! Lao Tzu is a sixth-order warlock! He has 1200 magic power!" Mo Mo's smile froze, and immediately reacted: "Brothers! Attack! This little dragon is not easy! It is definitely not an ordinary dragon! Immune to dark attributes! I can't kill him!"

"Lianzhu Arrow!"

Oge reacted the fastest and quickly used one of his own kills.

Ten arrows were shot in one second, and each one shot towards Xiaolong's eyes.

This is a Tier 6 advanced combat technique.

Every arrow has extraordinary power.

The latter one is always stronger than the previous one, and its power is greatly increased!

By the last one, it can hit several times the damage of the first one!

Whoosh whoosh~

Xiaolong closed his eyes lightly, and shot ten arrows almost in no particular order.

Clang clang...

The sound is connected. -


The figures are also joined together. Looks extra neat

"Damn! I won't break the defense! What kind of dragon is this!?" Ao Ge exclaimed.

Afterwards, the mage who started his hands, fireballs, ice arrows, and wind blades shot them, bringing a series of -0!

Among them was Brother Hao. He took a deep breath and exclaimed, "This little dragon, isn't it a Tier 10 creature?"

While screaming, he hurriedly used detection technique.

Everyone used the detection technique like him, wanting to see what happened to this little dragon.

Name:? ?

Gender: male

Race:? Dragon?

Stage position:? ? ?

Degree of danger: extremely fatal!

"Ma De! All are question marks! This must have ten orders!

Are we lucky or lucky?

The tenth-order creatures that are rare in the world of Doras tomb have been encountered in the wild by us! "

Momo could not laugh or cry.

"Run now! I don't want to die here once! The 48 hours of weak resurrection is not uncomfortable! I have to drop attributes!" Brother Hao yelled, turned and released his Pegasus, and was about to leave.

In the world of Doras tomb, the punishment is very serious. Not only does the 48-hour attribute decrease 90% of the weakness period, but in reality, you will experience dizziness and other symptoms! Essence is greatly reduced.

It's like ordinary people who have spent two or three days all night!

Generally, after such a person dies in the game, they will sleep for a whole day to recover!

"Brother Hao! Bring me with my little sister!" Xiao Li said quickly aside.

"Then you come up quickly!" Brother Hao replied.

"Brother Hao! Take me too!" Mo Mo also shouted aside.

As he said, I wanted to jump on the back of Tianma.

But Tianma stretched out his hoof, and Peng's kick hit Mo Mo!


Momo flew out several meters.

"Oh~ Brother Hao! Your horse is too cruel, right?" Mo Mo shouted as he got up.

"The mount just changed! Apart from the owner, this horse is only for female players to ride! Sorry!" Ao Ge said, Xiao Li already sat behind Hao Ge.


Brother Hao pinched the horse's belly, and Tianma neighed and spread its wings and flew away.

But before he could fly thirty or forty meters.

Brother Hao and Xiaoli felt that the scenery had begun to regress!

Then Brother Hao felt that Xiaoli behind him was pulling himself desperately, as if trying to pull him off his horse.

This made Brother Hao had to hold on to the horse's neck: "Xiao Li! What are you doing? Don't talk to me! I'm falling off!"

"Brother Hao! I don't want to! I feel that someone is pulling me!" Xiaoli clung to Brother Hao, her hands were not honest, touched east and west, and the face of Brother Hao changed color. .

They regressed quickly.

In the eyes of others ~wuxiaworld.online~ the little dragon in the distance just gently lifted his paw and made a gesture of ingestion.

Brother Hao's Tianma was photographed, and then hit the dragon's paw.

Then the dragon flicked lightly.

More than a dozen members screamed that they were all photographed.

Surrounded by the dragon.

They formed a circle, and when they thought they were going to be killed by a spike, the boss behind them was silent.

They looked at each other: "Fuck! What's the situation? What does this boss want to do? Don't attack us! Is there any special plot task?"

Someone said so.

Brother Monkey's eyes lit up: "What you said is reasonable! I feel that we are about to develop!"