Latest URL: Silom looked at these guys quietly, his eyes full of surprise.

How is the way these guys speak so modern?

And why do they jump out of 0 when they attack me?

Is this a game?

Especially when he first came here, he found that he had an extra attribute panel.


Race: Dragon?

Gender: male

Stage position:?

There is also a string of strength and defense attributes, all of which are between 40,000 and 50,000.

He did not understand.

Bahamut said to send him to another world, but this other world shouldn't have anything to do with the game, right?

This reminded him of holographic online games. Can this kind of thing be considered a plane?

I crossed into an online game?

Shillong didn't believe it at all! Isn't this nonsense? The game plane is also considered a plane?

So he caught these guys, ready to ask questions.

However, before he could speak, in the crowd, a relatively mature hunter spoke at this time: "Your lord the dragon! Hello! As you can see, I am a professional hunter!"

These people are my partners. We are a mercenary team. We are sorry for attacking you earlier!

To apologize, you can delegate to us!

We must do it for you! "

"Huh?" Xilong frowned and looked at the talking hunter in a daze.

After the other party finished speaking, there was a voice in his mind saying: "Di~A player has submitted a task request to you. You can entrust them with the task you want to delegate and reward some items."

Hold the grass! What is going on in this world? Is it really the game world!

I don't believe it!

Shillon's heart was roaring, but he still wanted to follow the voice in his mind to see what would happen.

After organizing the language, he said: "Mortal, I have slept in the volcano for a thousand years. You are the first human beings I have seen after I wake up.

If you can tell me everything about the present, as long as I am satisfied, I will not be stingy with rewards for you. "

When Shillong's voice fell.

The voice in his mind sounded again.

"Di, you have posted a task to the other party, please choose the prize you want to give."

reward? What is the reward?

Lao Tzu's space ring has been given to Bahamut.

There seems to be nothing on your body now? ? ?

How to do? Can saliva work?

Just when Shillong thought so.

The voice in my mind reminded again: "?? The saliva of the dragon? Are you sure?"

Really ok?


"Please choose?? The amount of dragon saliva?"


Shillon took a closer look at the hunter team, there were twelve people in total, or 12 drops of saliva?

"Twelve drops, dragon's saliva, are you sure?"


"Dip~ Please name your saliva."

What's it called? You must be domineering, or you won't be able to shake these players!

Shillon thought for a moment: "The sun drops!"

"Drip~Item confirmation, send a message to the other party."

Hunter Captain Oge and all team members received the system prompt at this time.

"?? I have issued a commission to you, sleeping for a thousand years?? Because I have been out of the world for a long time, and my understanding of the world today is not perfect, please tell me everything about the world as much as possible, until?? Satisfaction, reward [ Zhiyang water drop]."

"The task is here! There is a task! Hahaha!" Momo laughed: "This kind of powerhouse with the least tenth rank, the task will definitely not be bad! Fortunately, I acted quickly and put him on the net! Otherwise this task I may miss it!"

While boasting, Momo looked at the mission with his teammates, his eyes straightened up until the last reward item!

On their virtual screen.

[Zhiyang Water Drop] This is how Shillong's saliva is introduced.

Rank [Legendary Upper Rank]

Introduction: The most masculine and strong, water droplets with endless flame power, suspected to be extracted from the stars!

Efficacy: Refining equipment, medicine refining equipment, good equipment, can be handed over to the omniscient and almighty god, the **** will give you certain rewards, you can also go to the refining equipment, medicine refining center in the city to refine treasures.

"Hold Cao Nima! Legendary treasure! My god! This is going to be posted!" Brother Monkey yelled first, his face suffocated like a monkey butt.

"This is so outrageous! Momo! You are a lucky star!"

"What's the matter with Guan Momo? I think Brother Hao is here, so we have this opportunity!" Xiao Li said at this time.

"Everyone is a lucky star!" Brother Hao pushed his glasses and smiled.

He is in a good mood. With the legendary advanced materials, with his abundant financial resources, maybe the first legendary weapon in the game was born in his own hands!

When the time comes, the throne of the first mage will be mine!

"Accept! We accept your task! Your Excellency!" Hao Ge and the others quickly agreed.

And began to tell everything about this world.

The world of Dora's tomb is similar to the main material plane where Shillong was before, and it is a world of magic and war spirit.

The human beings in this world are also dominant, but their combat power seems to be much weaker.

In the cognition of Ao Ge and others, the highest strength is only Tier 10, which does not rule out their shallow knowledge.

The strongest should be the omniscient and almighty God in their mouth, [Millbo Locks].

But no one has ever seen this **** make a move.

The strongest known on the mainland are the twenty-odd tenth-tier powerhouses.

They are the guardians of various empires.

The land under Shillong's feet now belongs to the Ron Empire.

One of the three empires on the mainland

The empire is in a state of alliance, working together against creatures in the secret realm.

This kind of mystery is everywhere, randomly generated, and inside are all kinds of weird worlds.

If it is not stopped in time, the creatures inside will go to the world of Dora's tomb and destroy everything!

These players said a lot, and each of them rushed to talk about their knowledge of the mainland.

After talking for several hours, after the sun was about to set, they seemed to have nothing to say, but they were still listening when they saw Shillong.

So I can only continue to bite the bullet and talk about the gossip of such and such powerful people.

For example, the emperor of the Ron empire was rumored to be a pornographic monster who had affair with his sisters...

The Duke of Roses of the Empire is a great beauty, but she has raised more than 100 beautiful men to provide her with pleasure day and night. I heard that for more than ten years, two or three deaths a year...

Shillong had listened to too much lace news, and finally had no interest at all, so he called it a stop.

The twelve players immediately stared at Shillong with their shiny eyes.

Seems to be looking forward to Shillong giving them the [Sunshine Water Drop]!

"You talk a lot, but you didn't get to the point." Silom said: "Are you players?"

"Player? Don't you call us the Destiny?" Ao Ge was a little surprised.

The dragon also said that we were the first person he met?

Just fart!

You even know the word player, and you haven't talked to anyone yet?

"Destiny? What happens after you die?" Silom asked again.

"We are the Destiny who are blessed by the All-Knowing and Almighty God. Death will not fall on us. At most, we will be weak for 48 hours." Ao Ge has nothing to hide. Many NPCs know these things.

In other words, these NPCs are really smart! The understanding ability is almost the same as that of normal people!

"Then when did you enter our world?"

"Five years ago, we were summoned by the All-Knowing and Almighty God before we came here to fight the monsters in the secret realm. We will become the saviors of this world!"

Silom silently tasted and digested the words of these players.

All the players stared at him blankly. The sky outside was dark, but their eyes were bright and scary!

Everyone is waiting for the moment to complete the task.

Shillon also saw their eyes and asked what happened to these guys?

So want my saliva?

So many people are watching, it makes me feel embarrassed!

Shillon coughed slightly, then opened his mouth, spitting out a string of liquid onto his front paws.

It was a pool of hot, red shiny liquid with occasional golden light flowing.

As if afraid of their misunderstanding, Silom said: "These are treasures that I have treasured for a long time. They have been stored in an independent space in my body. This time it's cheaper for you.

It can be regarded as a gift I haven't seen a human being in a thousand years. "

The Oge team looked at the liquid on Shillong's paws, all overjoyed.

Look at these fiery red water drops, one by one is transparent and shiny like gems, they are so beautiful!

Someone couldn't help reaching out to touch it, but just touched it.

He hissed and retracted his hands like lightning.

"Damn! It's hot!"

He was talking while blowing the wind vigorously.

It felt like touching a piece of hot molten iron! The hands almost burned!

Others looked at the team information and found that this guy's life was directly 1/10 less, and it was still declining.

"You guy, is poisonous? Can this kind of baby be touched by hand?" Brother Hao shook his head while watching, took out a small black bottle from his storage space, and then took it from Shillong's paw. Over the liquid.

When the liquid entered the small black bottle, he showed a relieved smile.

Afterwards, he turned his head and said to the others: "Brothers! This legendary material, every 10 million Union Coins, if you want to sell, I will accept them!"

"10 million!?" Someone was shocked.

"Not bad!"

"My goodness! You deserve to be Brother Hao! If you pay for 10 million, you can pay for it, just like buying a bottle of drinks for a few dollars. Domineering! Amazing!" Someone exclaimed.

"How is it? Is anyone selling it?" Brother Hao asked.

"Sell it! Why not sell it!" someone said quickly.

Five people in the team said they wanted to sell, but none of the others spoke.

It seems ready to take it back and wait and see.

Brother Hao first distributed his spare little black bottle to everyone.

This little black bottle is not an ordinary thing, but a container of perfect quality.

No one else on the team would bring this kind of thing.

They can only bring ordinary glass bottles at most.

When someone wanted to use this kind of ordinary bottle to fill liquid, he exploded the glass bottle directly, and the sun drops to the ground.

The man's face turned green on the spot.

Fortunately, the water droplets did not directly dissolve in the soil.

Then Hao, who was on the road, took out the small black bottle and filled it with him.

He handed out all the small black bottles and asked them to fill in the water droplets. After that, he didn't talk about the transaction. They should be done after returning to the city.

"Thank you for your generosity! Great dragon, do you have anything else to help?" someone asked.

Everyone looked at Shillong with eyesight, hoping to say a need in his mouth.

Just when Silom wanted to refuse.

The ground vibrated suddenly.

Touch~ touch~ touch~

Very slight.

"Why is this happening? Earthquake?" someone asked puzzledly.

"I don't think it's like it, it's like a group of large monsters rushing over!" Brother Monkey spoke at this time.

"Hey! Brother Monkey, don't talk nonsense!" Mo Mo hurriedly stopped.

It is definitely not an ordinary creature that can make this kind of movement, and it feels that if you deal with it with the combat power of their team, there is absolutely no life!

Touch~ touch~

The sound of the earthquake gradually became clear.

More than twenty tyrannosaurus-like monsters appeared in the distance of the plain!

They all have extremely majestic bodies.

Ordinary, the height is about 10 meters.

The lead is about 13 meters.

The thick hind limbs, every step, will cause the ground to shake.

"My god! I was really hit by Brother Monkey's crow mouth!" Momo cried out.

"This is the Tyrannosaurus King and his race!

Damn it! They are the overlords of the Blackrock Plain, the Tyrannosaurus King has a rank 7 monster, and the other two dozen have rank 6 strength!

We can't fight this kind of team monster! Run! "

Tyrannosaurus is a monster with excellent physical strength and defense.

The Tyrannosaurus King and the dragons killed by them before are both Tier 7 and the BOSS level is also the same, and the strength is absolutely equal.

But the Tyrannosaurus King has many younger brothers, and if they really want to fight, they will be destroyed in an instant!

Asking their team to have twenty or thirty more is not enough for the Tyrannosaurus!

Momo smeared the soles of his feet and immediately wanted to drive off, but Ao Ge grabbed him and said, "Don't worry! We have a better one here!"

"Huh?" Mo Mo was taken aback, and then he glanced at Shillong next to him, before he realized that Shillong had already opened his mouth.

A lot of sparkling sparks sputtered out of his mouth.


As he spit out suddenly, a spiral flame column fiercely moved toward the tyrannosaur at the forefront!

The pillar of fire brushed past Mo Mo, making him feel that his eyes were bright, and at the same time, the high temperature that was enough to distort the space directly burned him!




"Damn! Help!" Several people who were close screamed strangely! They were almost killed by the surrounding heat!

The water in the body was almost taken away in an instant!

Scream away from the pillar of fire!

The rotating pillar of fire hit the Tyrannosaurus King's body straight!

boom! The moment the pillar of fire hits ~wuxiaworld.online~ it burst into a large fireball, completely covering the Tyrannosaurus King!

Ouch! !

Following the howls of the Tyrannosaurus King, Shillong only saw a huge number -122874 jumping out of his opponent.

Following a series of -20281 and -21358, the frequency is very fast, appearing three or four times a second.

But within three seconds, the Tyrannosaurus King fell down.

Then Sillon's head turned slightly, and the pillar of fire swept over the other twenty-odd heads. These tyrannosaurus brothers were even more vulnerable. At the moment the fireball broke out, the numbers of 140,000 and 150,000 jumped out and accompanied them. Their king is gone...

In 6 or 7 seconds, the Tyrannosaurus clan that dominated the plains was destroyed!