Latest URL: Then Brother Monkey roared again: "Body!"


A golden human figure rose from him.

The opponent's bows and arrows blasted with spells on it, bursting into fireworks.


Brother Monkey's blood bar only lost a trace.

"Damn! This is a Tier 6 advanced combat technique! Brothers! The wind is tight!" The mage on the opposite side didn't see it right, and quickly wanted to retreat.

How do they fight against this kind of Tier 6 fighter team?

Is there a pit in your mind?

In Gouris game, the detection skills can only detect NPCs, but cant detect players?

"The beauty of thinking!" Brother Hao murmured in the distance.

The staff in his hand has been raised high.

"Feel the passion of the flame!

Flame storm! "


In an instant.

A little spark appeared next to the three opponents in the back row, and then a red flame exploded.

Completely engulf the three back rows.







With a burst of explosion damage and a series of continuous damage, the three back rows were instantly destroyed and the light disappeared.

"My god!" The thief was taken aback.

He turned around and wanted to run.

But Oge's eyes lit up with a burst of white light at this time, like bright light in the dark night.

The bow and arrow in his hand are full.

Whoosh whoosh!

Three consecutive shots!




The thieves were second.

All the dead players' corpses instantly turned into white light and disappeared.

They will be resurrected at the resurrection temple in the city.

In the end, there was only one warrior left, but he didn't last long before he was slapped crazily on the face by Brother Monkey's shield, slapped to death!

Before he died, his face was swollen into a Muggle!

"Brothers! That group of **** will probably be horrible later, plus the previous movement is so loud, there will definitely be people coming to check it out, we hurriedly dissected the 7th rank, and then picked a few 6th rank back to the city! "

Sure enough, just as everyone was planning to solve the problem, a few more teams came, but how these people were opponents of Ao Ge and others, they were sent home in twos or twos.

But here is not far from the nearest resurrection point. It takes less than twenty minutes to ride over.

Oge has been watching the time. Eighteen minutes have passed since the first batch. Oge hurriedly stopped the players and ran away.

Three or four minutes passed.

A team of more than 30 people arrived here on horseback.

The wizard riding in front sprinkled several lighting techniques on the ground, and was stunned by the monster body in front of him.

"Damn, what Zhao Er and Zhang San said is actually true! Now we are developed! Hahahaha~" One of the leading soldiers laughed.

And Zhao Er and Zhang San beside him were the first players who were killed by Ao Ge and others.

They didn't show too much happy expressions, but looked around and found that the few people who killed them were no longer there!

Damn it!

Brothers are dead in vain!

Mage Zhao Er punched the horse below him with some annoyance.


The horse under him neighed and jumped.

Zhao Er flew up from the horse, and fell to the ground and a dog gnawed shit!


He cursed, suddenly feeling dizzy, and quickly covered his head with his hands.

"You two have to be careful. It's not the first time you died. I don't know how uncomfortable it is during the death penalty period? It is a trivial matter to reduce 90% attributes. All kinds of resistance drops, dizziness and dizziness are uncomfortable!"

"Oh~ Brother Mao, those guys who killed us ran away! I can't be angry." Zhao Er said depressed.

"Run and run, now let's take the surprise in front of us first!" Captain Mao jumped off the horse and was about to start dissecting.

Where does he care about his little brother's troubles?

Came to the side of a huge Sabyahu.

This is a Tier 6 fierce beast, with a high probability of producing excellent equipment.

Just as he was about to dissect, he suddenly found that his stomach had been broken open.

It was already empty inside.

"I'm doing it! Why is it empty inside?"

Brother Mao was furious, and quickly looked at a Tier 5 kangaroo monster beside him.

I realized that my stomach hadn't been broken open, and he was slightly relieved.

But soon he reacted again. Some did, some did not. Obviously, the people Zhao Er and Zhang San mentioned before started the action first!

Those high-level monsters have definitely been touched! There is probably nothing inside!

Thinking of this, Brother Mao was furious, and he wanted to find out the previous team immediately and kill him ten times and eight times!

But he also knew that now was not the time, the most urgent thing was to dispose of the remaining monster corpses.

Even if the big head is removed, the remaining part will definitely make them a big deal!

He hurriedly greeted his subordinates to start the autopsy. These subordinates were extremely excited at first, but soon they found something was wrong.

Some people who were not thinking about it hurriedly asked the smart ones, and then knew the cause and effect, and vowed to kill the people who killed Zhao Er and Zhang San thousands of times! To avenge my brother! Prove the brotherhood of everyone!

Just as they gritted their teeth for anatomy, someone came again.

They are also the people called by players killed by Ao Ge and others, and they all know that there are tens of thousands of monster corpses! There are enough babies to fish!

When they saw that someone had already started to dissect the body, how could this be tolerated? These are theirs!

Immediately one by one was as good as taking gunpowder, just picking up the guy was doing it! Not even a word of bullshit!

Arrow rain, colorful spells fell towards those who were still squatting on the ground for dissection.

In just an instant, several players were killed in seconds.

This made Brother Mao and others furious, and immediately began to fight back!

The entire monster corpse quickly evolved into a land of war.

Then the people killed by Oge continued to join, and the war gradually expanded.

Some people think that they are not opponents, what should I do? Shake people!

They immediately used the game's built-in communication function to send messages to their friends.

"Heishi Plain, coordinates XXXX, there are tens of thousands of monster corpses at XXXX that have not been touched. If you want to get rich, come quickly!"

Who can refuse such a tempting message?

Without saying anything, my friends put aside the things at hand, rushed to the coordinated place, and looked at the battlefield where the flames of war flew.

Looking at the monster body over there.

They all seem to understand!

All forces are vying for the treasures here!

Therefore, these later friends continue to send messages to their friends.

"Blackrock Plains, coordinates XXXX, there are tens of thousands of monster corpses at XXXX that have not been touched. If you want to make a fortune, hurry up! I'm sure there is epic equipment in it, and there is more than one!"

Then these friends came to have a look.

I rely on! They also "understood" instantly!

Then continue to send messages to friends!

"Blackstone Plains, coordinates XXXX, XXXX, all major forces are competing for legendary equipment. If you want to make a fortune, hurry up!"

Fuck! legend?

When these friends saw the news, each of them was about to twitch with excitement.

This is so that the entire game player does not own it!

If they get it and sell it directly, how can they sell hundreds of millions of federal coins?

At that time it really is, once the dream comes true! Facing the Ocean, Spring and Blossom?

Spend half in reality and half in games!

In reality, luxury cars, villas, beautiful women.

In the game, I am a mix and match of epic and excellence, seven or eight skills! A bunch of fans!

Really proud of life!

Just think about it!

The facts are getting more and more outrageous, the melee team has grown stronger, and later, it has evolved into complete chaos. They can't tell which one is their own, and just do it when they see it!

Especially some thieves, who want to take advantage of the chaos, are directly submerged under the ocean of arrows and magic.

The entire Blackrock Plain is in chaos.

The Oge team has already left.

They leisurely returned to the nearest city and began to count their gains.

4 pieces of epic equipment, 18 pieces of excellent equipment, and even 8-90 pieces of perfect equipment.

There are also the key body materials of the 7th-order BOSS-level creatures. These values are completely comparable to an epic equipment and an additional 7-8 pieces of excellent equipment.

For Ao Ge and others, this is a great wealth, which is completely converted into alliance currency, and the value is between 100 and 200 million.

It took them several hours to complete the allocation.

Some people just want money, and some want some equipment.

As a local tyrant, Brother Hao has taken everything he needs, and his equipment has been updated and improved slightly.

Later, I traded with some players that had been discussed before [Zhiyang Water Drop].

Finally the team disbanded.

Everyone went to rest, and none of them paid attention to the chaotic Blackrock Plain.

It wasn't until about noon the next day that they woke up one after another.

Some went directly to the game, and some logged into the forum to see the latest news.

The latest news of this day is no longer what it used to be [the goddess of the game and such and such have an ambiguous relationship, entering and leaving the Homi restaurant together].

[The so-and-so male god, yesterday with the so-and-so goddess in the private room of the so-and-so restaurant, and did not leave overnight].

[The goddess so and so announced the criteria for choosing a mate, saying that it must be the first person in the future game] and other gossip news.

It'sBlackrock Plains surprises the artifact! All major forces are here! ].

The title is great! very attractive.

Momo of the Oge team is someone who likes to follow the forum situation.

But Blackrock Plain? Does this special artifact? Mad, is that right? Was there a magic weapon after we left yesterday?

why? Was the weird black dragon named Soderberg killed before? Or did he kill a certain boss?

Mo Mo thought a lot, and clicked involuntarily.

I found that there are dozens of screenshots below this forum!

Some photos were taken at 1-2 in the morning, and the background is very dark.

But the splendid spells and the arrows with their own streamers made the night not peaceful at all, and the entire night sky seemed to be illuminated.

This is a scene shot from a distance.

The photographer may have a flying mount.

A long distance away, the photos below are fairly clear.

Above the ground, in the photos, at least thousands of human-shaped black spots were fighting.

Every one is like this, but the personnel have changed a lot. Obviously a batch of them died, and a batch of them continued to rise.

Around them are a large number of monster corpses!

Momo looked at the corpses of many of these monsters very familiar, and carefully identified them for a while. Wasn't this the one killed by Sillon Soderberg before?

Is there an artifact in it? Fart!

There is also a line of text below!

[All the causes of the matter started from two 10th-level 10-skeleton bosses. When the darkness of the Blackstone Plain was thick that day, the players within a radius of tens of kilometers felt a terrible fight!

Someone went to check, and they happened to see the two great beast kings fighting each other!

In that battle, it was dim and the earth cracked! The sky is broken!

The two kings fought for several hours, and finally died together. When they died, an endless golden brilliance descended from the sky. The corpses of the two king monsters became two artifacts, hidden among the tens of thousands of the same dead monster corpses.

Only one person, digging through all the corpses, can find the artifact that the two kings turned into! ...........

I can go to Nima!

Momo cursed in his heart after reading it, these Dogecoin editors are making up again!

These corpses were obviously killed by the black dragon! Return Nima's artifact to the world? Now you stinks!

Momo cursed in his heart.

These unscrupulous editors know how to make up stories that attract people's attention.

Why is no one refuted below?

Momo thought about it carefully, maybe the one who knew the truth was punished by death, and he was still having a headache at this time.

Either he is still in chaos, no one has time to pay attention to him.

With the addition of these photos, the scene is indeed magnificent, and it can really bluff people!

After all, those tens of thousands of monster corpses are really not for viewing!

You must know that this is not an upgrade game for monsters. To improve your strength depends on learning and exercise. Monsters are only used to improve their actual combat strength. They also collect their body materials and equipment with a small probability.

In this case, how could such a large-scale monster die?

It is precisely because of this that the death scene of tens of thousands of monsters is so bluffing!

A group of onlookers were amazed, and some even asked the original poster where the artifact belongs.

And the host happily answered them, the decisive battle is still going on, and the artifact is still the master! Everyone still has a chance!

As soon as this Nima spoke, a group of people screamed.

Players nearby are starting to kill Blackrock Plain!

Momo continued to scroll down, time was constantly refreshing, but the number of combatants did not decrease, even more!

"Made! These people are crazy!" Momo murmured, and then told the people in the group about the matter.

Everyone read the post happily, and then treated it as a joke.

I don't know what it will become in the end...

And in the end, what did these people feel after discovering that it had nothing to do with the artifact?

Think there is still a little look forward to it!

And Brother Hao got on the game and happily brought five drops of [Sunshine Water Drop] to the best blacksmith shop in the city, where the dwarf master was in Ireland.

With a material cost of nearly 100 million federal currency, he started to make the legendary weapon he wanted!


In other words, after the separation of Shillon and the Oge team, they wanted to find some NPCs to test their intelligence and understanding of the world.

Looking down from the sky, I quickly found a small town.

But because of the night, no one was seen outside at all.

It seems that the game NPC also needs to rest!

Shillon thought about it, but didn't want to wait until dawn to find someone to ask.

He flew directly, his body shrank to a normal human size again, and his feet touched the ground. He chose the largest house in the town and was ready to enter.

Even the largest house is just an ordinary two-story bungalow without a wall.

He directly stroked the wooden door with his hand.

The wooden door opened.

This is a very simple little arcane unlocking.

Glancing at the usual room, Silom walked directly to the second floor, in front of the door of the room where a middle-aged couple lived.

The other person stood up, his paw stroked the door lock again, opened the door, and got in.

Then closed the door.

Come to the head of the sleeping couple.

The man looked a little thin, with a short beard, and the woman was a little fat and rich. Both of them slept soundly.

Shillon consciously pushed the man with his paw slightly "very polite".

The man did not respond, and slightly increased his strength. The middle-aged man frowned instinctively.

Muttered softly in his mouth: "Hmm...Jasmine! Don't shake it...Sleep well..."

While talking, he gently pushed his things with his hands, trying to push them away.

As soon as he touched him, he instinctively said: "Jasmine...your hand...how is it so hard...and so ice..."


The wife he called Jasmine did not respond.

The cold hard object pushed him again.

"Jasmine... Stop making trouble... Go to bed..."

The hard object shook him again.

The middle-aged man became a little annoyed. He suddenly opened his eyes and shouted, "Jasmine! Didn't I give it to you today? Why are you still not satisfied! You can't imagine how tired I am now!"

He wanted to say something, but the words in his throat suddenly got stuck.

Because when he opened his eyes, he met a pair of eyes full of golden particles.

In his vision, because of the curtain, the moonlight outside cannot shine through.

The whole world is pitch black, only the black almond-shaped pupils in mid-air and the pupils full of golden particle streams stand in mid-air.

This made the middle-aged man feel terrified.

It's like someone sleeping well at home, suddenly opening his eyes and seeing a ghost!

"Ah!!!" He screamed in horror.

The voice is like a high-pitched soprano.

While sleeping on the rich middle-aged woman, Jasmine was awakened directly, and she roared, "Hank! You **** bastard! What did you do so loudly in the middle of the night!? What happened to the ghost or something!?"

Opening her eyes, she quickly screamed like her husband Hank.

The owner of those eyes didn't seem to have any intention of stopping, so he looked at them silently.

The children in the next room and a servant didn't seem to hear this call at all. They screamed for a while and only hugged each other when they found it was useless. The middle-aged man shook his body and said, "You. ...Who are you?...what do you want?"

Silom watched their performance silently.

It's so realistic! Why are these two NPCs like a real person? Is everything shown so realistic?

This world, obviously the same as he thought before, is by no means an ordinary game world!

Xilong lifted his forelimbs, his sharp claws rubbed against each other, and a bright flame bloomed in this dark world.

It is like a soft light, illuminating the room, allowing Hank and Jasmine to see the owner who has abnormal eyes in front of them!

Standing on one head, with pitch-black scale armor, and occasionally a small dragon with golden light flowing between the gaps.

"Dragon...Dragon...Dragon...Dragon..." Hank pointed at the dragon in front of him, his mouth and body trembling nonstop.

But his wife Jasmine rolled her eyes and fainted.

Obviously, in this world, the reputation of the dragon seems not very good.

But this is no wonder, after all, it was an unfriendly meeting in the middle of the night.

"Hello! My friend, I have something to inquire about you, relax, I am a friendly dragon and will never hurt your life." Silom said in a self-confident voice.

While speaking, his paw rubbed again.

A light invisible to the naked eye fell on Hank.

Dispelled a little fear for him.

"You... hello... Dragon... Sir." He still seemed a little nervous.

"Just call me Your Royal Highness Silom, gentleman."

"Hello... Silom... Your Highness."

"Yes, gentleman, do you think the world you are in is real?" Shillong asked.

"Huh?" Hanke was taken aback, obviously unable to understand such a profound question.

"How old are you now?"


"Do you remember all your experiences since childhood?"

"I... I certainly remember..." Hank replied.

Isn't it weird? Why does this dragon ask me such a strange question?

"Let's talk about it, 5 years old, 10 years old, 15 years old, things that are fresh in your memory of all age groups."

"..." Hank silently looked at the serious eyes of the opposite monster.

He swallowed and said, "I... When my parents were not at home when I was 5 years old, and there were no servants at home at that time, I tripped over while walking, naughty, and my lips were torn open. It still exists.

One part of my lower lip is thicker than others. "

Shillong heard the words and took a look, it was true.

"When I was 10 years old, I vowed to be a great warrior with my good friend Mooney..."

Hank has said a lot and is very detailed.

It seems that they are all personal experiences.

Silom was very silent, which gave him reason to believe that the other party was indeed a life with wisdom.

But what about the general data of this game?

As soon as he thought of it, Shillong asked about attributes.

Hank just wanted to speak, but suddenly stopped.

He looked over Silom's head in horror.

"you you you...."

"What am I?" Shillong asked back.

"I...I can't tell you...you are...a life that gods hate...I can't tell you anything!" Hank said in horror.


Silom was silent when he heard this.

This guy could still communicate at first, but suddenly it was as if someone had given an order to prohibit communicating with him from behind, and he looked at the top of his head with horror?

Shillon looked up and saw that there was nothing but chandeliers on the roof.

"Tell me! What the **** is going on with you now!" Shillong showed a fierce expression~wuxiaworld.online~ Dragon Claw took Hank over.

"Tell me! Otherwise I will kill you!" Silom threatened.

"No...I can't tell you...otherwise God will be angry..." Although Hank was scared, he was unexpectedly firm.

Xilong took his wife, Jasmine, and grabbed it on the dragon's claws.

Eyes narrowed slightly, a blue magical hand appeared, and then slapped the unconscious Jasmine's face with a whistling slap!



Jasmine screamed like a pig, and instinctively shouted, "Hank! You bastard! You dare to hit me!"