Latest website: She opened her eyes angrily, and met Shillong's eyes again.

Then the angry expression froze for an instant, then rolled his eyes and almost fainted.

But fortunately, Shillong's heart firmly brushed past in time.

Only then did Jasmine barely faint.

"You...you...you..." Jasmine pointed at Shillong, speaking uncomfortably.

"Tell me, do you know the problem of attributes?" Shillong asked again.

"Of course I know." She replied instinctively, and then seemed to want to continue.

But Hank on one side yelled: "Jasmine! What are you doing? Didn't you see what was on his head? This is a life hated by the gods!"

"Ah!!?" Jasmine was awakened and shivered for a moment. She looked at the top of Silom's head in horror and stopped speaking.

So again?

What did they see?

"Dont you both want to say? If you dont say it, youre dead! Take it with you, and the room on your right. Only your 13- or 4-year-old daughter. She is very cute, with a pair of beautiful golden ponytails. I also like to hold a little bear.

And the son in the left room, 18 years old, right? He is also very handsome, I guess he must be very popular with women in town. "

Silom grinned and laughed silently.

"No... don't... this way..." Jasmine begged.

"Then tell me what you know... everything!"

"We can't say that the gods are already paying attention to us! If we say, the soul will fall into **** and be burned by the fire of **** forever." Hank pleaded.

"The gods are watching?" Shillong savored the words carefully.

Then he looked up, his pupils had shrunk into a needle eye, his eyes pierced through the thick wooden plank, through the tens of kilometers of void and atmosphere.

Keep looking at the outer layer.

Unlike the starry sky in my memory, although the moon, the sun, and some stars can be seen at ordinary times, Shillong knew clearly that they were all fake! It's an illusion!

Everything there is nothing but nothing, is it isolated? Is the "god" watching me there?


In a special space composed of light.

Millbo, known as the omniscient and almighty god, stood above the void, silently looking at the virtual screen in front of him.

There was a scene of Shillong looking up.

The straight-up dragon head and the gaze that seemed to be able to see everything made Milbo's heart tighten.

"This guy, did you find me?" Milbo looked gloomy.

If it hadn't been for a whim just now, and suddenly wanted to see what the intruder wanted to do, he would really have to ask him why.

This is bad!

This intruder does not seem to be too peaceful.

Do you want to kill him directly?

It seems to be a little difficult, and now I have only 80 odds against him, which is not safe!

Just wait, as long as three years later, I can advance again, and then I can easily kill the intruder!

That's right! I need time!

It only took me five years to go from being a mortal to being a strong man today!

In just another three years, I can advance to level 12! Then slowly advance until you become a true omniscience and omnipotence! Become a true god!

I need time!

Looking at Hank who had been begging for the invader Shillong, Milbo frowned somewhat unhappy.

Too humble!

With such a humble attitude, begging for an intruder?

Damn it!

Milbo's heart moved.

Always in his hands, a small luminous sphere shone brightly.

On the virtual screen, Hank roared in extreme pain, and then stubbornly covered his head with his hands, but it was useless. His head suddenly became swollen, and finally burst directly!

The red and white things sputtered, and Jasmine around him fainted with a splash of splash.

When those red and white things splashed towards Shillong, they were all stopped by a circle of transparent light waves.

"It's much more comfortable now!" Domir murmured: "A group of puppets, dare to leak news to the humble invaders! Death is not a pity!"


"Is this dead?" Shillon glanced at Hank's body, somewhat silent.

Hank said nothing, but he died.

The so-called **** is really watching, and he is definitely not a good kind. Perhaps this is also related to his being an alien invader?

But why doesn't this so-called **** destroy Hank directly?

I can't think of it, after all, he is not a creature in this world.

But why doesn't he send other creatures, or come out to compete with him in person?

Are there any restrictions? Or not sure?

Was Hank's death a warning or something else?

Shillong thought a lot, and finally decided to wait and see for a few days to see the situation.

In the next few days, Shillong would act at various times from time to time every day. In the morning, he would arrest some passing travelers and ask questions, or enter the house at night to ask questions, but they were like Hank, and they would not answer Shillongs any problem.

They are luckier than Hank, at least not dead.

For this reason, Shillon can be absolutely sure that he can no longer get any news from the NPC.

But he immediately came up with some new tricks and found a forest with many monsters in it.

Shillong selected hundreds of them to radiate them!

In another dimension, Milbo had been paying attention to Shillong, and he couldn't understand what Shillong was doing now.

What does it mean to illuminate these monsters with white light from the body?

Until these monsters appeared various abnormal symptoms.

For phenomena such as hair loss, weakness, and cross-flow of excrement and urine, he opened the attribute panel of these monsters and observed carefully.

Then he discovered that the state of these monsters had changed.

It should have been attributes of health, weakness, and hunger, but there was an extra line of [Magic] attributes.

what is this?

"Wisdom brain, tell me, what's going on with this demonization?" Millbo asked, looking at the glowing sphere in his hand.

"Unknown reaction...Please wait patiently for analysis..."

"A phenomenon that has never happened before?"

Milbo muttered to himself and observed it quietly. A few days later, a wild boar-shaped monster had long lost its hair and its body shape changed a lot. Several other legs grew from its lower abdomen and red marks grew on its body. , There are unidentified bumps on the surface of the body.

Something seemed to be squirming under the epidermis, and then another day later, the pig turned into a pool of blood under his nose!

"What's the situation? This is demonization?" Millpol stunned.

He was pretty sure that this wild boar was completely dead, and he needed to spend some faith points to resurrect.

"Insufficient data...cannot answer..."

Time is still in the past. During this period, these monsters died one after another. The original two or three hundred monsters died one after another!

The forest with Shillong as the center was stained with a strange blood color, and horror, no other monster dared to approach it.

Just when Milbo wondered if he was too cautious about this strange little dragon.

Those monsters did not die anymore.

They have completed this mutation!

A fierce rabbit that originally belonged to Tier 1, in addition to its speed and ferocious character, was as short as a normal rabbit.

It was 30 centimeters high from the very beginning, and it has now become 80 inside, which is close to half a person's height.

The original red eyes were dyed with a strange purple.

Its lower limbs have become stronger and stronger, its forelimbs have become more slender, and the sharp digits at the front end have broken through the shackles of flesh and skin, revealing sharp bone spikes.

Every time it gasps, a gust of air will be ejected from its two huge nostrils, and the grass underneath it will be hunted and hunted.

Mi Erbo quickly opened the properties panel.

I discovered that this Tier 1 rabbit has actually become a Tier 3 creature!

The name has also changed to [Demonized Fierce Rabbit], from an ordinary creature to a 2nd-level 2 skeleton-level BOSS creature!

The strength, agility, and life attributes have greatly increased, much stronger than ordinary fighters!

Also marked below, Shillon Soderbergs family members.

"This is demonization? Very interesting! But the lives of all creatures in this world are under my control. What's the point of demonizing them?

I can deprive them of their lives at the first thought! Milbo finished speaking and let out a chuckle.

His hand gently stroked the shining sphere in his hand, and sent the demonized fierce rabbit to the lower bound to explode!

But a few seconds later, the expected distortion explosion did not happen.

This made Milbo's complexion drastically changed!

This is a situation he has never seen before in his control of the sphere for five years!

The creation of life that can determine life and death with a single thought, why can we get rid of the obliteration of the creator?

This made him a little alarmed.

"Wisdom! What the **** is going on? Why does the obliteration fail?"

"Drip..... [Demonized Fierce Rabbit]'s body already has the energy of the intruder. It is no longer a mere creature created by Dora's tomb and cannot be erased..."

"Damn it! This way! Doesn't this demonized creature have nothing to do with me?

This is a betrayal! They are creatures! Betrayed the creator! Damn it! "Milbo was a little angry.

He issued a series of blew orders to other demonized creatures that were still mutating, but they didn't work at all!

"Reverse! Really reverse! This **** invading creature! Sure enough, it will cause trouble to my path to becoming a god! I will kill him!"

"Di...Di...Are you sure to enter the Nether to kill foreign creatures? After eleven days of additional observation, you fought the opponent with a winning rate of 79.69844%."

"Damn! Why is my winning rate lowered again! How could this alien creature be so strong?" Milbo took a hard breath and yelled.

"Di..... According to the system feedback, all the data collected today is not enough to prove that this is all the opponent's ability. The true winning rate, you may be even lower.... Will you enter the lower realm to eliminate foreign creatures? "The intellectual life being a luminous sphere, asked again.

"..." Milbo was silent for a while before saying.

"No hurry! I have time! As long as you give me three years, I will be level 12! 12 is not enough! Give me another 10 years and I will be level 13! 20 years will be level 14! I have unlimited potential!

Now is not the time! For safety reasons! I have to achieve a 99.9999% winning rate to destroy this intruder in the lower realm!

The real wise man! Never let yourself fall into an unknown crisis! "

Millbo tried to calm himself down.

He looked at these monsters, and their strengths were improved.

From the original 1-4 ranks to 2-6 ranks, the strength span is very large.

Just when he was about to see what the other party wanted to do next, the other party once again released a white light that could demonize monsters!

Then under the gaze of Milbo.

These monsters, after more than twenty died again, were only in their early 100s, and they advanced to the so-called second-stage demonized creatures!

Strength once again increases 1-2 ranks!

Millbo was completely shocked!

A group of wastes that were originally Tier 1-4 turned into abnormal creatures of Tier 3-7!

The strongest of them has reached the BOSS level of 4 Skeleton Level!

The 7th and 4th Skeleton BOSS is not even willing to make it.

Each end requires 200-300 points of faith!

And the previous highest level 4 and 1 skeleton level only needed 10 points, and the strength was even different!

And what price did the alien creatures pay to make these creatures so advanced?

But before he was shocked.

The intruder began to emit white light temporarily again...

Damn it! Are you still here?

Milbo's head is big, can this one really make the monster stronger?

As a result, he moved in a direction he didn't want to look at.

The monster's body changed again.

After more than ten days, after losing half of the monsters, these monsters have changed tremendously.

Has become a monster of ranks 4-8!

The highest level is 8 Skeleton Level 8!

Then, the intruder on the screen finally stopped temporarily putting white light.

Instead, he spit out more than fifty drops of red golden liquid and stuffed it into the monsters' mouths, and then the remaining monsters entered the previous situation again!

They have started to evolve again!

"How is it possible!" Milbo almost stared out of his eyes. Why could this invader allow the monster to evolve?

Where is his evolutionary limit?

"Quick! Zhi Nao, bring me the data that he fed the monsters just now!" Milbo shouted.

"D...D [Unknown Substance] is an item suspected of being refined from Perseverance. It possesses super fire power, high toxicity, and the ability to push creatures to the limit~wuxiaworld.online~ Damn guy! This time advancement Doesn't the original waste have to be close to Tier 9 or even reach it?"

9th-level and 9-skeleton-level, creating a belief of more than 4000, even if he has 100 million, he will feel distressed!

The reason why Tier 9 is so expensive is entirely because of his super strong combat power. The combat power of Tier 8 and Tier 7 is extremely different!

"This should be his limit, right? Wisdom? It is absolutely impossible for him to create a level 10, right?" Milbo asked nervously.

"Di...di...not enough information to answer."

"He can't do it? Absolutely! Only I can create a Tier 10 powerhouse out of thin air! This is the power of a creator like me!" Millbo muttered, his eyes fixed on what Shillong did. for.

And at the same time that Shillong made radiation creatures.

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