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Brother Hao spent nearly 100 million Union Coins and finally built the weapon he wanted!

[Duan Tianhao's Sunstaff Staff]

Class: Legend

Magic +1025

Constitution +50

Special effect: Zhiyang: When using fire spells, all fire powers are +50%.

Flame Affinity: Use fire spells, cast spells 50% faster

In addition, the staff also comes with several advanced fire skills.

Compared to the previous epic staff, its magic power alone is twice as high.

Attacks using fire spells have at least strengthened by more than half!

As for why the name of the staff is so strange, it is because of Brother Haos full name, Duan Tianhao...

The current Hao brother is completely called the No. 1 Mage.

Soldiers who encounter Tier 6 have almost a set of skills to take away.

The weapon is even the top of the coquettish high-hanging weapon list!

The legend lasts forever! One stick will circulate forever!

The legendary staff is awesome!

A group of friends sent messages asking how Hao got it, but how could Hao say?

He often soaks in the arena recently, raging in it with his gods!

Has reached the first place in the arena!

All the masters have basically been educated by Brother Hao, and at the same time they feel the power of the legendary staff!

And Brother Hao also biased his main skills towards fire spells.

This result causes players of the same class to play against each other.

Fighting fighters originally needed to fly a kite, and 3 sets of skills could be taken away, and 1-2 sets of skills could be taken away directly.

Fighting against the wizard, Brother Hao started, and Tier 4 fire spells were basically instant.

Even more unable to fight!

When everyone admired Brother Hao.

Naturally, there are more local tyrants who want to figure out how Brother Hao's weapons come from.

Some local tyrants offered a huge reward.

Then some people in Oge's team couldn't help selling Hao Ge...

This involves a vital role.

Shillon Soderberg!

It was he who gave out twelve drops of legendary treasures that gave him the main material for making the staff!

Only then has the current scenery of Brother Hao!

It was a "little dragon" with a height of no more than three meters and a body length of no more than seven meters!

For this reason, the entire Dora Tomb game world has entered a semi-crazy state.

The daily post is looking for Shillon Soderberg.

And not waiting for them to find Shillong.

The fourth stage of Shillong's radiation monster is finally completed!

These monsters have at least the strength of level 7.

The strongest has reached level 10 and 8 skeleton level.

More than one!

There are two heads, one Tiger King.

The shoulder height swelled to about ten meters.

Not too high, but what is terrifying is its strength and defensive capabilities.

The tiger's fur is like metal.

The hardness of the bones is much higher than that of ordinary steel, with two long horns on the head.

The sharp saber teeth are exposed.

The back is covered with sharp iron bars.

Another canine monster.

The whole body is no longer a flesh and blood body, but a fiery dog composed entirely of magma-like substances.

Between breathing and breathing, the temperature in the surrounding space rose, and some large trees ignited spontaneously without fire.

His shoulder height is not worse than the Devil Tiger

The two Tier 10 bosses took shape under Millbo's shocking eyes.

But it is a little consoling.

After these two monsters completed their evolution, they attacked Shillong for the first time!

The Iron Demon Tiger roared, the huge sound wave made the trees in front of him sway, and a tiger leap rushed towards Xilong.

The Flame Dog spewed out a pillar of lava fire in a bark!

Just when Milbo thought he could see a good show.

Shillong's body swelled rapidly.

It reached 15 meters high in an instant!

He raised his head and lightly glanced at the leaping steel demon tiger, protruding a dragon's claw like lightning and pinched it on the devil tiger's throat, and then slammed into the ground!


In a huge roar, the devil tiger's head was completely poured into the earth.

Within a kilometer of a kilometer, a major earthquake has occurred.

The ground cracked and blocks of soil were squeezed out of the ground. Many big trees lost their roots and fell to the ground.

The lava fire column of the Elemental Dog sprayed directly on Shillong's body.

Except for a series of splashes of magma, it has no effect.

Silom glanced at the Flame Dog indifferently: "Very good! You two already have legendary power! But in front of me, it is still too weak, but it is enough to deal with the mortals in the city ahead."

As he spoke, the stream of golden particles in his eyes suddenly jumped.


The space around the flame dog suddenly changed color.


The earth dented several meters in an instant.

A huge force of gravity suddenly descended.

The flame dog wailed, and his body was suppressed on the ground. A large number of flame elements were blown out, splashing on the trees on one side, and the fire ignited.

Seeing Silom easily cleaned up two tenth-order eight-skeleton bosses, Millbo was shocked.

Let the wisdom brain analyze the intensity quickly, and the intensity given by the wisdom brain has completely reached the twelfth level!

Milbo was shocked now.

Fortunately, I am cautious! Otherwise, go and trouble the monster, instead of sending food directly?

Hemp egg! It seems that I have to wait until the thirteenth level to clean up this intruder!

That's right! As the most promising god, I need a little time!


The strength of the twelfth stage is already in the category of demigods, and Silom catches two tenth-tier players with a beating!

Two Tier 10 monsters roared and shook the sky.

Except for the creatures demonized by Shillong, there is no other existence at all.

Ordinary creatures felt the breath of Shillong ten days ago, and they all finished running.

Some of these demonized creatures joined the siege of Shillong after being affected, but they were all easily cleaned up by Shillong. Some wanted to escape, but found that no matter how much they moved their legs, they couldn't take a step forward. Still going back.

Until he retreated to Shillong, he was beaten up!

Shillong's current body height was only 15 meters tall.

But his weight is heavier than before.

His body density is increasing every time he grows.

Even if it is only 15 meters tall, the weight is definitely about 100,000 tons.

As for the full display of the body, it may be more than 1 million tons!

In the next few days, he didn't do anything, just beat these demonized creatures brutally.

Until one day.

As before, he blasted the two legendary creatures and pressed them under him.

Looking directly into the eyes of the two monsters, the eyes should have been full of tyrannical eyes, but at this time they were all shocked and pleading.

Like a pair of poor stray cats and dogs who have not eaten a day, their eyes are full of prayers.

They are scared of being beaten! In the face of Shillong, who is far superior to their own strength, they are no different from ordinary cats and dogs!

Dare to resist, the only ones who greet them are beaten!

They would just make a pitiful sob when they were under their bodies.

The tyrannical mind seems to have been unlocked, and the intelligence has been greatly improved.

Shillon looked at them, grinning slightly.

His whole body stood up, one paw carried the head of a legendary monster, holding them in the air.

Let their eyes look straight ahead, there is a huge human city seven or eighty kilometers away!

"Run! Keep running! If you don't want to die, kill all the humans along the way!"

Shillong's words were like magical sounds that filled the brain, constantly ringing in the ears of the two monsters.

"Woo~~ barking!!!" The flame dog wrinkled his nose and stared hard at the front. It has good eyesight and can clearly see four or five kilometers ahead, where there is a team of five. Human human adventure group.

They talked and laughed and walked towards the forest.

The same goes for the Iron Demon Tiger, making a deep roar.

"Go! Destroy everything!" Shillon said again.

Then the claws were released, allowing the two monsters to fall to the ground.

Roar! Wang!

The two monsters broke free of Shillong's **** and let out a roar, and then they began to rush towards the five-person adventure team!

As for the thirty-odd other monsters left beside Shillong, these guys had been scared by Shillong before, and now they all behave like dogs that have been trained for many years.

With just a look, these guys followed behind the two rank ten monsters and ran wildly.

Shillong is ready to let these monsters test and slaughter! To create chaos!

Test whether the city ahead is as he saw it, there is no legend, or there are other powers hidden.

And on the human side, whether the black hand behind the scenes can send a stronger force.

How strong is this power?

These are all necessary to understand.

He raised his head and stared at the sky silently.

Shillong is indifferent at this time.

The other world, like a human being like an NPC, makes it difficult for him to have too much sympathy and compassion.

Are these things really human?

Inside the mysterious space.

Millbo looked at Shillong's arrogant appearance at this time, and the monsters roaring towards the nearest human capital, [Blizzard City], gritted their teeth.

"Damn invaders, sure enough, I won't let me develop so peacefully, with two tenths, and more than 30 creatures from seventh to ninth.

This kind of combat power can easily destroy everything in Blizzard City!

Only Tier 9 is the strongest in Blizzard City. Counting the 50,000 guards, it is not enough to deal with these monsters!

But don't underestimate me for that!

The power of God is not only pure brute force!

The whole world is my stage! You, an intruder, simply cannot understand the greatness of God! "

Milbo sneered in his heart.


The monster roared loudly.

The Iron Demon Tiger took the lead.

Every time you move your limbs, the ground will crack.

The Fire Elemental Dog followed him, leaving behind a series of sparks on the scorched earth for a long time.

Numerous monsters followed behind, their gazes were as if they were magical, and they were staring straight ahead. At this time, the five-person adventure team was only two kilometers away from them!

And this adventure team obviously also found monsters such as the Iron Demon Tiger. After all, so big and so many monsters, there are no things obstructing the vision from the forest, and they can naturally be seen at a glance.

One of the beautiful-looking female priests was a little surprised: "Are these wild monsters coming for us? It feels so big? Can we win?"

She is a greenhouse player and rarely goes out of the city to fight. She spends most of the day studying magic books in the city.

And enjoy life in another world.

Will this be out of the city or his companion begging, and I also want to try to read the spell book for many years, my current strength.

"Whether it's directed at us or not! Just kill it! Don't worry! I am a powerful fighter of Tier VI!"

A warrior in armor looked at the monsters rushing, and was a little frightened. According to past experience, a monster of this size is definitely not a good guy to deal with. It is estimated that it will be completely destroyed here.

But he really didn't want to show weakness in front of his beloved girl.

"What stupid thing are you talking about!?" A mage on the side didn't have so much scruples.

He said coldly: "I just used the squeeze out spell. The demonized steel sword-blade tiger in front is a tenth-order BOSS, what are you doing?

I won't play with you anymore! "

With that, the mage fled to the left.

"Tenth order?" The sister priest was surprised. Although she hadn't fought much, she knew that this was far from what she could match. After all, her strength was only Tier 4!

However, she didn't run away immediately, but used her proficient detection technique.

[Enchanted Steel Blade Tiger]

Rank: Tenth

Rank: Eight Skeletons

Threat: extremely deadly!

life:? ? ?

power:? ? ?

After a series of greetings, the priest girl looked dizzy.

"I... let's run!" As soon as she finished speaking, she found that besides the warrior who had spoken before, everyone else had run with the wizard.

The soldier was standing in front of her at this time, his expression a little nervous.

And the Demon Tiger of Tier 10 had already ran in front of them, less than a hundred meters!

Until this time, the ten-meter shoulder height and the nearly twenty-meter body length were completely exposed to the sister priest.

This is an unspeakable shock!


The Demon Tiger roared wildly.

Really like a bolt from the blue, the thunder blasted in the ears, and the sister priest just felt her head dizzy.

When he reacted, he found that the soldier eldest in front of him had been slapped with the palm of the close demon tiger.


Under a loud noise.

The eldest soldier held a shield in both hands, and was shot flying away instantly!

A big injury number lit up above his head.


"Recover...recovery! According to what I learned in the book, I should use recovery now!" The sister priest trembling, instinctively wanted to perform a recovery according to the book.

Suddenly, he discovered that the soldier's eldest brother turned into a white light and disappeared in the process of flying.

"This.... Is this dead?" She was taken aback for a moment, how did she feel different from the script?

Shouldn't the soldiers bravely resist in front~wuxiaworld.online~ and then I treat them behind?

She was a little stunned, and then, the wind whizzed towards her cheek.


The skins on both sides of her were shaking constantly, her eyes closed instinctively.


The priest sister felt a strong hit on her, and then her head dizzy.

When he opened his eyes again, he was already in the Temple of Resurrection in Stormwind.

The holy temple is white and flawless, and an NPC priest in a robes walks back and forth.

His mouth was filled with the great and glorious deeds of the omniscient god.

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