Oge and the others were helpless and could only turn grief and anger into strength. Everyone stormed the silverback gorilla.

Until a few more minutes passed.

Only then did the first monster die! It is the silverback gorilla!

As soon as this monster dies, many players want to open the corpse, but how can other players nearby agree and greet it directly!

This made the battle even more chaotic.


In the real world, in a luxurious room, a young man lying on the bed awoke silently.

It's Brother Hao!

He clutched his dizzy head tightly, and punched the bed under him.

"Fuck! Those bastards! I am jealous that I am rich and handsome! Attack me! Otherwise, with my skills! How could I die in the hands of a 7th-order BOSS! What a fuck!"

"Ah-yo~" Brother Hao felt his head tremble as soon as he finished shouting.

Hastily covered it.

The headache of death punishment is definitely not so pleasant.

It's almost like someone has an electric drill to drill his forehead, and there is a burst of tingling!

"Ma De! Those bastards, I remember you!

Damn it! I can't sleep yet! I must continue to see the results! "

Brother Hao muttered.

He has obsessive-compulsive disorder!

Press a button on the head of the bed firmly.

Brother Hao's door was opened, and a young woman of about twenty years old in a maid's uniform walked in.

Judging from its appearance, it is eight or nine points similar to Xiaoli in the game.

As soon as the woman came in, she saw Brother Hao clutching his head and wailing, and hurriedly ran to help him: "Brother Hao! Why are you still up? Look at what hurts you."

"Xiao Li! Help me to the computer desk! I want to see the result of that war! Hurry up!" Brother Hao shouted.

This woman is indeed Xiaoli in the game.

The two actually lived together.

The Oge team didn't even know.

In fact, Xiao Li is a female master hired by Brother Hao. She can't accompany her in the game, but she must accompany in reality!

Of course the relationship between the two is nothing more.

After all, Brother Hao is absolutely handsome.

Too many women want to **** him...

Xiaoli is just one of many women who want to be superior.

"Good! Good! Don't worry!" Xiao Li said.

He quickly helped Brother Hao to come to the front seat of the computer in the cubicle.

turn on computer.

Brother Hao searches for "Blackrock Plain War" on a certain website.

Thousands of messages are popped up in one click.

He glanced at the top video.

[Blizzard City, Monster Siege War, real-time recording and broadcasting].

That's it.

The strange world of Dora's tomb has a special class of bard, which is like a reporter in reality.

It can record video and broadcast it in real time.

Click in.

The video inside was shot from high above.

The battle outside Blizzard City continued.

Brother Hao's death did not affect the situation at all.

Accompanied by the passionate commentary of the bard.

Players joined the battle one after another.

"Dear play! Up to now, in the battle that lasted for half an hour, we have defeated the first monster, a silverback gorilla!

I feel victory beckoning to us!

Soon our army will completely drown these monsters!

Shillon Soderberg's enchanted servant!

What a powerful and evil monster!

But don't be afraid! We are warriors to save the world! A brave chosen by the omniscient and almighty god!

This kind of enemy is nothing at all!

Come on, everyone! The artifact is beckoning to us! "The bard, the host, kept talking.

"Ah~Ah~Ah! What are you doing? Why are you messing up? The soldiers and thieves are all rushing towards the dead silverback gorilla. Is this trying to touch the body?

Huh? The players behind have also shot! Hell fire, ice storm, lightning chain lock! Endless Wind Blade! Thousand arrows are fired! ...

Wow even! This is too gorgeous! They are all powerful skills of Tier 6 and Tier 7!

Let us mourn for the thieves and soldiers who want to touch the corpse..."

In the lake, countless brilliant skills swarmed around the silverback gorilla corpse.

Players who dared to approach didn't even hum, they were immediately turned into scum!

"A bunch of trash! Just know how to **** the body! Attack your teammates! The mob!" Brother Hao scolded, clutching his head.

He is still angry at being killed by the player before.

"If this continues, this monster doesn't need to be shot, and players can kill their own people by infighting!" Brother Hao analyzed.

The fact is also true. A group of disorderly players, the game does not have the same team, the same camp, the function of injury immunity, large-scale events, there will always be some problems.

Many people have discovered this problem, but no one can do anything about it.

But suddenly, the abdomen of the silverback cracked open, and a golden light flew from it.

The nearby players were stunned.

The director, the bard, was shocked and suddenly excited: "Wow! Dear audience grandma! Just now suddenly received a system message from the All-Knowing and Almighty God.

All monsters' rewards are temporarily collected. After all monsters are eliminated, they will be distributed according to their work, and some will be randomly distributed.

So everyone should try to fight the boss! It is no longer realistic to grab treasure or something! "

The players in the screen finally stopped fighting at this time and began to attack other living monsters.

Brother Hao quietly listened and watched. But because of the dizziness, the brows were not relaxed.

Soon, his brow frowned into a horoscope.

"Xiao Li! What are you doing?"

Brother Hao lowered his head and watched Xiao Li start to move again.

"Brother Hao! I'm using Distraction Dafa! I have checked white poison. If you want to make people with headaches feel better, you must use some special methods to let the person involved devote themselves to other things!

And what I am doing now is one of the most effective ways! "Xiao Li has a pair of peach eyes, full of affection.

"..." Brother Hao was somewhat silent: "Xiao Li! A good solution, but I don't have any ideas about that right now... Hey! You stop for me first!

I want to continue watching the live broadcast! "

Brother Hao took a hard breath and stared at Xiaoli who was still dishonest.

"Oh... what Brother Hao said..." Xiaoli smiled awkwardly.

This woman! The brain is not good! Do you really think it is more important than games?

Save it!

Brother Hao said something in his heart and continued to watch the live broadcast.

With the death of the silverback gorilla.

The strength of the monster army has been fundamentally weakened, even if it is only a little bit, it is also weakened!

Other bosses have lost a lot of lives more or less, and many have entered the beheading line.

The number of players has not decreased at all!

This is also because there are enough players. There are definitely more than two to three million players in the nearby cities alone. That's it, can't you drown you?

The monsters died one after another, and every time they died, thousands of players were buried with them.

Soon, only two Tier 10 monsters were left dead.

The two monsters had also lost 4/5 of their lives at this time, and their lives were dying.

The Iron Demon Tiger roared again and again, his paws flapped frantically, but in any case he could not break through the defense of the Emperor.

The range of action is limited.

Long-range attacks fell on it like dense raindrops.

Even with its defensive capabilities, it cannot withstand such intensive attacks!

In ancient times, there were water droplets and stones, and no matter how strong the defense was, it could not withstand endless attacks and bombardments one after another!

The two monsters persisted for more than ten minutes before they were finally killed!

Hundreds of thousands of players made a sensation, they cheered, and they were all ready to draw!

A group of people are praying that the equipment will fall into their homes.

Some people even yelled: "Great God of All-Knowing and Almighty! Please let me be lucky! Just one time is enough!

For this reason, I am willing to wash my little daisies, and look forward to your ride! "

"All-knowing and Almighty God! System father loves me! I am your son!"

The players were very excited and roared loudly.

But their shots flashed away.

The camera quickly came to the Emperor Zhan.

I saw that the triumphant Emperor Zhandi didn't seem to have any relaxed expressions at all, and his expression was still extremely heavy.

"The battle is over! But His Majesty Zhandi seems not happy at all. Why is this? According to my guess, there is only one possibility, that is, the war is not over!

Monster Siege! After the first wave is over, there will be a second wave! The third wave! First...

Wait...I just received the news from the All-Knowing and Almighty God that the evil has not yet dissipated, and the huge evil hidden in the Stormwind Forest, Silon Soderberg has not yet retreated!

The regional mission is upgraded to a global mission! I will open portals in all cities! All players can go to Stormwind Forest to fight evil!

Young, meaningless brave men! Destroy the ultimate evil!

I will reward the most outstanding player with the most suitable artifact!

Damn it! This is not just a legend! Even the artifact appeared! "

The bard player excitedly said.

Brother Hao in front of the computer was furious. He slapped his desktop fiercely and said angrily: "Bad son! Actually rewarded the artifact! If it weren't for me being overcast by those bastards! The artifact is definitely mine!

How could that group of waste compare with me to export!

I am definitely the first output! "

He is angry!

"Brother Hao! Don't hit the table! If it hurts, your hands will be bad! You want to hit my fleshy place! Then you won't hurt!"

Xiao Li grabbed Hao's hand and turned around, winking like silk.

"...Forget it! Forget it! Let me keep watching! Don't bother me! Hiss~ Whoops~" Brother Hao waved his hand impatiently, holding his head and continued watching.

Leaving Xiaoli alone, pouting his lips, his expression depressed.

The players in the screen seemed to be inspired, yelling one by one.

On the plain not far from Stormwind, hundreds of portals appeared.

Groups of players emerged from it like ants.

"Brave Destiny! God is with you! Accept my power! Suppress the ultimate evil!"

A magnificent voice spread from the sky, and all players were shrouded in brilliance.

"Wow! Great action! Great action! The All-Knowing and Almighty God is coming again! This time it's not just a world boss battle, but the All-Knowing and Almighty God also buffed everyone!

Let me see!

Divine power: all attributes +50%.

Casting speed increased by 50%.

The duration is 96 hours, and death will not dissipate!

Awesome! Bros! With this buff, I feel like I can do it every day! "The bard's passionate voice sounded again.

The black-squeezing players below will only take a while to occupy the entire outer wall and ground.

There are too many people, one by one, just like being beaten with blood, the ones with flying ability have already flown to the sky.

Everyone screamed and killed to Stormwind Forest.


Inside the storm forest.

Xilong watched quietly as the radiation dependents were all wiped out.

He didn't even blink his eyes.

Analyze in mind.

According to the original combat power of the previous city, the dependents sent earlier are absolutely sufficient.

But the rank 10, legendary-level guy wearing platinum armor and platinum robe suddenly appeared from the portal.

There were also many masters behind them, all of which were level 10 or higher according to the strength of the main material realm.

There are those players who rushed out of the portals in the city.

These portals were not there at the beginning! Is the **** behind it all playing tricks?

Let people from nearby cities about 100 kilometers come to help.

There are also those players, although they were waste, but there were too many, and finally eliminated my dependents.

What is it now?

Why did hundreds of portals appear there again? Why did the players run out in a swarm?

Still screaming and rushing towards me?

Shillon watched silently.

This amount is at least five to six hundred thousand, right?

And still increasing?

What do they want? Wouldn't it be you want to **** me?

Shillon suddenly thought of this possibility.

The **** behind is ready to rely on this group of players to kill me??

Isn't it wrong?

Shillong watched for a while until the player's team expanded to the million level.

A large number of players broke into the forest and appeared in front of him with excitement, before he confirmed that it seemed like this!

Their eyes are bright and they are very excited. When they see Shillong, they seem to see their favorite beauty dancing to them!

The players pointed at Shillong and shouted: "That's the dragon! Shillon Soderberg! Just kill him to get the artifact!"

"Brothers! Kill! For the omniscient and almighty God! For the girl! For the money! For the artifact!"

"Evil dragon! Welcome to justice!"

Silom silently watched these rabid-like players, one by one melee fighters charged him.

As he approached, a series of skills of all the fighters smashed on him.

"Serial slash!"

"Shield Strike!"

"Cruel blow!"

"Shadowless Sword!"

"Blade Storm! Turn it around for Lao Tzu!"


Without exception, all are unbreakable!

In the shadows behind them, thieves were like fleas on all parts of Shillong's body, slamming them with their daggers.




"Sunder Armor!"



Another series of unbreakable defenses. UU reading www.uukanshu. com

"Fuck! Why do you add the buff to something and still not break the defense? How can this be played?"

Someone roared.

Silom glanced at this guy, who was a dual-wielded warrior, while talking, the two swords were still dancing wildly.

Chopping on his scales is just like chopping on an iron block, sparkling fire everywhere.

"You... are you attacking me?" Shillong looked at the warrior and asked, "Is that the command of the omniscient and almighty God?"

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