"I'm going! What a smart boss! Actually you still know that the omniscient and almighty **** is going to kill him?" The warrior was taken aback, "Yes! Just kill you! I have a magical weapon!"

"Kill me?" Silom was stunned: "You are so weak, why do you think you can kill me? There is a limit to stupidity?"

Silom sneered.

"I'll go! You have so much nonsense as a boss? Do you dare to look down on our Destiny??

Is this Nima going against the sky? "The warrior muttered. He glanced at the thieves who were still attacking from behind and the warriors who were slashing around. He was chatting with the boss...

"What's up? Do him!" someone reminded him by his side.

"I'm not doing this!" The soldier cursed and attacked quickly.

Shillong stood and let them chop. These attacks didn't break the defense at all. What are they doing so hard?

"Fuck it! Why doesn't it break the defense for so long? This monster has too much patience, right?" someone shouted.

Obviously many players can't break the defense, but they didn't panic at all because of this patience.

Just like a drop of water through a stone, the resistance of the attacked object will decrease after multiple attacks. When it drops to 0, it will receive the lowest damage.

Then reset patience and repeat.

As long as there are enough players! God will kill you too!

This is the arrogance of the players!


An inconspicuous sound rang, and among the countless explosions, it was not special, nor did it attract the attention of other melee players.

But Shillong's attention was attracted.

There was a peculiar expression on his dragon's face, of course this expression was incomprehensible to humans.

He twisted his neck, which was neither long nor short, lifted his tail slightly, and looked down.

I saw a thief in black tight leather armor and a black face mask holding a dagger and stabbing under his tail vigorously!

That was the location of the original dragon's chrysanthemum gate!

Stabbed with a dagger, it seemed to feel that the hand was not right, and a strange color appeared in the thief's eyes.

"Why is there no Achilles heel I have researched here, Chrysanthemum Gate?

its not right! I have not dealt with dragons once or twice! Why is there not this one?"

"Human! What are you doing?" Silom asked, looking at the thief.

When other players saw Shillon speak to a player, they immediately focused their attention.

"It's the emperor of thieves! The emperor of chrysanthemum thorns! Legend has it that the strongest thieves who can find out the life of all monsters!"

"It must be the appearance of the King of Thieves, which made this dragon feel a sense of crisis!" said a fan brother who is also a thief.

"The sense of crisis of fart, a Tier 12 boss will be afraid that you are Tier 7? Is there a brain hole?" Someone cursed.

"Do you know what a fart? Can the strength of my big thief emperor be measured by rank?"

"Don't you need to use your mouth? Cao Nima's emperor can't blow it hard!"

"Cao Nima's Huanghei has no parents!"

The two players scolded as they spoke.

"Why...you don't have a chrysanthemum door...?" The Emperor of Thieves took a deep breath and asked.

"Everything is done! Whether it is a human, a beast, or a dragon or a demon, these creatures should have a chrysanthemum gate!

I have studied thousands of secret strategies, the body structure of tens of thousands of monsters, why will it not work for you? "

The thief seemed a little bit incredulous.

"..." Silom looked at the thief who seemed to be hit in silence.

A faint black light flashed on the forehead.

"Are you an idiot? As a perfect creature, how can I have such a useless organ?"

"Useless organs?" The emperor's voice suddenly became louder: "You actually said that Jumen is a useless organ?

You bastard! Don't understand the greatness of Jumen at all!

It is the excretion of everything!

Because of it! The stomach can survive!

Because of it! Only when everything is done can you easily and happily excrete unnecessary waste!

Bastard! Do you know the consequences without it?

You will be suffocated to death!

Correct! You bastard! Why can I still live without Jumen!

This unscientific! "The thief exclaimed angrily.

Listening to the exquisite remarks of the King of Thieves, some thieves players stopped.

Excitedly exclaimed: "Yes! This is unscientific! Which **** designed the stupid boss, why doesn't it have the weakness of Jumen?

This designer is targeting us thieves! Against our King of Thieves! "

"..." Silom was speechless.

His eyes narrowed slightly.

The tail flicked at a speed far above the speed of sound.

After leaving a gas explosion cloud in place, it blasted on the emperor's body!


The King of Thieves didn't have any resistance, and his body exploded on the spot!

Torn apart!

A big -165444 floated from his broken body.

"Fuck! What a despicable! This giant dragon is so despicable! It actually took advantage of the Thief King to sneak attack!

Brothers of thieves! Damn him! "A thief roared with blood-red eyes.

He jumped onto Shillong's body in a few steps, then a few more jumps and landed in front of Shillon's door, a dagger stuck straight into Shillong's eyeball!

The dragon didn't seem to see the dagger's surprise attack, and he didn't even blink his eyes.


The perfect dagger is stuck in the dragon's eyeballs!

"Go to hell! Despicable boss!" The thief was overjoyed.

He knew that eyes were definitely the weakness of all living things.

No matter how strong you are! The eyeball must also be fragile!

Even if this attack can't kill you! It can definitely hit a super high amount of damage!

No matter who kills the boss afterwards, he will definitely get high rewards for his performance!

The thief has already thought of the wonderful life after him!

But soon he discovered that it was wrong.

Feels wrong!

The dragon did not scream!

He glanced intently, his perfect dagger seemed to be inserted into an iron block with a temperature of 10,000 degrees! Dissolve quickly!

Drops of molten iron are directly absorbed by the monster's eyeballs!

"Me! My dagger!" The thief screamed and quickly drew back the dagger. At this time, the dagger had already melted away.

The thief felt extremely distressed, regardless of whether he was still on the battlefield or on the shoulders of the monster, he directly opened the equipment bar and checked his dagger.

The durability is zero.

In a severely damaged state!

"How could this be?" the thief howled miserably.

Many people also discovered this scene and were surprised.

This Nima, the eyes are not his weakness?

"Didn't I say it? As a perfect ultimate creature! I am not what you ants can imagine!

There is no weakness! Even if you enter the universe, you will not stop thinking! Silom explained lightly.

Did not pay attention to the crawler on the shoulder at all.

"Impossible! All creatures will have weaknesses!" The thieves under Shillong shouted.

Jumping on Shillong like a flea, attacking all parts frantically, but it's useless!

The damage is always -0!

But soon, a -1 injury came out of his head!

"Broken defense! Brothers! I found his weakness!

This scale on the left cheek! It must be his reverse scale! Everyone is attacking here! "Some players shouted excitedly.

Silom glanced at his life silently.

18.89 million...

The life lost was restored in the next second...

But a group of players became excited, and they began to attack here.

But the attack is still -0!

"The weakness of the fart! This Jedi pair is forced to break the defense after the patience is 0!" a player shouted.

"Ma De! It doesn't matter if there is no weakness! As Destiny, we can't clean up a boss?" Some players roared.

All players are ignored! He began to slash at all parts of Shillong's body.

The mage players who were a step slower in the distance finally arrived, and the magic was overwhelming and smashed down Shillong.



Thousands of -0 will always be mixed with a number of -1.

Although the damage is low and pitiful, they can't stand their large numbers, and they can still cause hundreds of damage every second!

This made Shillong fully feel what it means to be more powerful!

But it's useless, these are just useless efforts, his own recovery ability allows him to regain his blood in a second.

In the smoke flooded by magic, he slapped a little lazily.

what is this?

Then the omniscient and almighty **** wants to defeat me with these wastes?

"This boss is afraid of ice!" Suddenly there was a loud shout, and everyone heard the words, looking for reputation.

It is a man wearing a black wizard robe and a top hat.

"It's the witch saint! The first wizard witch saint!" someone shouted wildly.

"Fart! It's the former No. 1 Mage! Now I can't say that the witch saint is No. 1!" Someone immediately retorted.

"Noisy! Use the ice method!"

Use all ice spells that can be used.

Even the hunters are no exception.

"Frozen Arrow!"

"Serial Frost Arrow!"

"Ice cone!"


"Frozen Ring!"

One by one ice magic blasted down without money.

The sky has become white flowers.

The temperature of the air is dropping sharply.


The damage this time was significantly higher than before.

Shillong's blood loss per second and recovery after removal have reached an astonishing 1000 points!

He suffers tens of thousands of injuries every second!

The blasted ground beneath him was directly frozen by ice, leaving a layer of ice several meters thick.

At 10, 19 million lives per second requires 19,000 seconds!

Equal to 315 minutes, equal to more than 5 hours!

What the hell? These guys can actually kill me in 5 hours?

Is this calculated?

its not right!

Do these **** have enough magic power?

Shillong lazily looked at a large group of wizards in the distance who had begun to take drugs.

Shillong has been under siege for more than 2 minutes.

The blood bar on the top of the head finally lost a trace!

And it is this little bit that makes the players cheer.

"Brothers! Keep going! Just keep going! Sooner or later we can kill the boss!

The artifact is waiting for us! "

Everyone released spells desperately.

There was no place to cast spells on the ground.

But there were more and more people outside, and many people flew to the sky to attack Shillong.

This made Sillon's blood loss speed up again.

Soon it came to the point of 1500 per second!

I go! Impressive!

Shillong was slightly surprised.

The body swelled again in the surprised eyes of a group of players! Become a giant dragon with a body length of more than 100 meters and a height of almost 50 meters!

His long tail protruded directly from the endless cold air, and the raised dragon head looked straight ahead.

It seemed that he didn't care about the ants around him.

He didn't even glance down.

This is a huge dragon!

Players find themselves looking up at this behemoth, just like their little cat looking up at themselves!

What makes them even more desperate is that the rank of this giant dragon has become rank 13!

The value of life has become 78 million!

Then all players discovered a terrible thing! !

"This... how is this possible! With so many of us attacking, why is his blood volume still slowly recovering!" someone collapsed and shouted.

"Fuck! Our special damage hasn't returned to blood faster than this monster!

This is a fart! "

The players are desperate.

Stand and kill tens of thousands of players, none of this will kill! Is there anything more worried than this?

"Stupid system! Why is there such a powerful boss? Have you considered the feelings of the players!

What about npc? Didn't you say that you will deal with the boss together? Why haven't you come here yet?"

"I have come here again! I received a message from my friend that this will have just assembled the familiar Tier 10 experts from various empires!

and many more! My friend sent another message!

Those strong guys stopped! It seems to have received some instructions, but now it has dispersed! May be running away! "Some players shouted with a pained expression.

"Damn! This sb system! What the idiot, omniscient and almighty **** is doing?

How can we continue this activity like this? "Some players yelled.

"Huh?" Shillong, who had been enveloped by the icy freezing air, suddenly looked into the distance, as if the sleeping dragon.

More than twenty legendary powerhouses are gathering there.

And thousands of strong players.

I had been running towards him, but after he became larger, he turned and dispersed!

What is this for? Are you ready to escape?

"This can't work...the **** of this world! Come and try to resist my strength!" Silom said softly.

Ignoring the players who were like ants under them, the hind limbs supported the weight of at least 500,000 to 600,000 tons and slowly stood up.

The noodles have sunk into the boss.

"This boss is going to fight back! Everyone is careful!" someone shouted vigilantly.

"Made! I don't think this BOSS can fight at all! Run first! You can play with him." Another player cursed and wanted to retreat, but the people around were too dense to run.

The crowded ~wuxiaworld.online~ some players were even squeezed to the ground.

Others were squeezed to the front and directly entered the range of the player's spell attack range from behind. They didn't die in Shillong's hands, but were killed by other players!

The scene is in chaos!

"Hiss~" Silom took a light breath, and then the suction became stronger and stronger, and the air, cold air, and some spells were all poured into the giant dragon's open mouth.

It was like a bottomless pit.

No matter what, it can be digested!

The scales on the dragon's chest were torn apart, exposing the unsuspecting metal body inside.

Some sharp-eyed players aim at this nakedness and use spells, wanting to deal extra damage.

But when these spells approached, large swaths of red golden light radiated from them in a cone!