Their hearts are beating non-stop.

"We are the strongest! Those who can survive the previous devastating impact are the strongest of the game!

Those witch saints and thieves are just scum! "Some people yelled excitedly.

Panting for a while. They opened their eyes.

I saw above the sky, no longer the original blue, but a layer of gray haze!

Dirty, messy, and disgusting.

"What is the gray fog above?" someone asked.

He stretched out his hand and took a fist towards the sky, it was countless gray dust and fog!

"Is it dust? It actually covered the sky."


They could breathe calmly when they hadn't seen the dust before, but after seeing it, they felt that what they breathed into their lungs was extremely poisonous, and it was extremely uncomfortable.

Hastily stopped breathing.

Cover his nose with his sleeve, then stand up and look around.

Then they were shocked!

The original dense forest was completely bald for nearly ten kilometers.

The surrounding dragon named Silon Soderberg still stared silently ahead, seemingly never paying attention to them as great players as saviors!

He stands on the ground like a statue.

The surrounding land was scraped off a thick layer. .

There are pits and bumps everywhere.

These are all potholes left by the swept away trees!

"This...what the **** is going on?" a player asked in confusion.

They looked in the direction Shillong had been looking at.

There is the direction of Blizzard City.

But because there is too much dust and fog, they can't see too far.

But there are always some advanced hunters who can see farther places after using Hawkeye.

I saw the west gate of Blizzard City, which was supposed to be densely populated, has long since disappeared!

There was a vast expanse of space, leaving only a large area of space that was burnt to distortion by the high temperature.

The more distant city walls that were supposed to stand up to ten meters high are no longer there!

The residential house inside is gone! A piece of gray, in a very remote place, there is a high black wall, that is all the houses that have been destroyed, and the walls made of dust.

Block them from continuing to look into the distance.

The npc powerhouse is gone, hundreds of thousands of players are gone! Millions of NPC citizens are gone! The portals that stood upright are gone.

What is the destruction shock just now?

Hunter players are very puzzled, they are not in the mood to pay attention to what monsters are attacking the city.

Destroy the evil Sylon Soderberg? Save it! Don't say that you can't kill at all, the reinforcements are all dead!

They just stared at everything around them blankly.

"Too weak." A voice sounded like a thunder.

Some players who were sluggish were startled, this voice came from the mouth of the dragon beside him.

They looked at the standing dragon, and saw that his eyes, where the stream of golden particles converged, seemed to reveal mockery.

"You are too weak! Whether it is you who are destined! Or those tenth rank strong, or the Almighty God behind it.

You, who can't resist even ordinary breathing, are like ants on the side of the road, you don't even have the qualification to be killed by me.

I look up to you! "

There was no emotion in the dragon's words.

What do you mean?

Although this game is amazing, the non-death characteristics of the player does not make them too scared.

This is a game gifted to them by God.

Ok! It is a gift from the omniscient and almighty God!

This is the common knowledge of most players.

Shouldn't the monsters in the game be made by the omniscient and almighty **** for entertainment?

Why does the npc monster scold gm?

Is it really what a conspiracy theory player said?

Is there a big conspiracy in this world?

The players thought.


In a different space.

Millbo, known as the omniscient and almighty god, looked at the screen in the void with a cold sweat.

What is shown there is like a picture taken in space.

Below a piece of gray dust and fog, is a bare land!

Before here is clearly a green plain, woods, and cities! Now they all disappeared!

A few minutes ago, all humans like ant colonies were gone!

The picture continues to zoom out to see that this is a circular pit with a radius of 70 or 80 kilometers. There is nothing in the pit. On the side of the pit, the lines are extraordinarily deep.

That's everything in the previous pothole!

The scrapped land, the lifted houses, the uprooted trees! A black edge composed of torn human NPCs!

The whole picture gave Milbo a shudder.

His legs were shaking uncontrollably, he swallowed hard, and took a deep breath before Milbo barely suppressed his anxiety and fear.

"Wisdom brain! Is this the strength of Tier 13? My strength at Tier 11, in front of this kind of monster, is there any difference between it and Ant?"

"D... Dear qualified person, this is indeed the strength of the 13th-order high-level, and his attack strength is no longer the ordinary 13th-order can do...

In addition, you are stronger than the ants in front of the opponent. When the opponent kills the ants, you can trample dozens or millions to death.

And to kill you, one foot can only trample you to death. "

"This joke is not funny at all! Wisdom!" Milbo said angrily. After a moment of silence, he actually covered his head and laughed nervously.

"Di...di...analysis, the eligible person may suffer a huge mental shock, have a neurological abnormal reaction, and need treatment! Need treatment!" The cold electronic sound has a slight emotional fluctuation, just when it wants to start action .

Millbo laughed and said: "Zhi Brain! Don't worry! I don't have any problems! It's just a little excited!

Excited the strength of the monster! The power of the thirteenth order is powerful!

This power! Sooner or later I will have it too!

Wisdom! Tell me how many players and NPCs died in this breath. "

"Di...di...According to statistics...the number of players killed in battle was 2,484,897, and the number of NPC killed in battle was 3,215,487."

"Hahaha... it adds up to more than 6 million! In the blink of an eye, more than 6 million died? This includes the only 25 Tier 10s left on the mainland!

terrible! It's terrible! "Milbo laughed again, but with a smile, he stopped, and his expression gradually became cold: "Fortunately, I am cautious in my life, and I will never do anything without absolute certainty!"

Otherwise, I am afraid I would have died in the hands of this monster! "

"Di...According to analysis.... If you meet with your real body, the mortality rate is 100%! There is absolutely no possibility of survival!" Wisdom brain's electronic voice sounded.

"The invading monster is terrible! But his power is fascinating!" Millbo said: "He opened the door to a new world for me, and recognized the strength of the real strong!

This is good! I will deal with him more cautiously!

Although I am definitely not his opponent now! But I just need some time! He must be defeated!

He can never find me!

I should not be against him now!

Wisdom! Analyze! In the current situation! How long will it take me to defeat this monster? "

Millbo asked.

"D...Dear qualified person, you must enter the 14th stage to defeat your opponent. For this, you need 108 years, 258 days, and 21 o'clock!"

But if the opponent destroys the world of Dora's Tomb recklessly, destroys all puppets and players, then your growth will be stranded without limit.

You will never be able to go further. "

"What??? Destroy all puppets and slaughter players? Can he really do this?"

Millbo was shocked.

"According to the current strength comparison, the opponent is fully capable. The breath attacking the opponent just now does not seem to consume much energy, and the energy consumed is recovering at an extremely fast speed.

It only takes 54 minutes and 39 seconds to fully recover!

And based on the current opponent's energy, the opponent can perform the same attack 26 times in a row.

Based on this calculation, he only needs about 14 hours and 35 minutes to destroy the entire world of Doras tomb, 1.3 billion puppets, and nearly 100 million players!

If a qualified person uses faith points to resurrect them all, it will cost 11098410 faith points.

Expenses will far exceed income, just repeat this ten or more times, and your belief points will be exhausted!

The strength will stay at Tier 11 forever, never make progress! "

"Strength never advances?" Millbo was shocked: "It absolutely can't be like this!"

I just saw the strength of a truly powerful person, and I yearned for this kind of divine power.

How could Millbo accept this result?

I saw him gritted his teeth anxiously: "Wisdom! Think of a way! You are a product of the true god! There must be a way to deal with this giant dragon, right?

What can we do to prevent this from happening? tell me!

I definitely want to keep getting stronger! My progress will never stop because of anything! no way! "

"D...D.... Please dont worry about those who are qualified. The great **** of creation has already expected this kind of thing to happen. Therefore, as long as the qualified ones activate the closed mode, the power of the world will take the intruder on its own. Repel the world!"

"There is actually such a good way? Then why don't you use it earlier? There is no need for me to take the 25 strongest puppets to death!

There are more than 2 million players! It would cost me hundreds of thousands of faith points just to resurrect them? "Milbo was surprised and angry again.

"Dear Qualified Person, this is the final measure. After adopting the closed mode, no existence above Tier 10 will be able to enter the world of Dora's Tomb. You are the same as an intruder.

Unless you cancel the closed mode again, please note that this mode is the power of the planet Dora's Tomb and can only be opened once in hundreds of years.

Do not open or close at will!

And during the shutdown period, you will not be able to use any functions of this system, and all developments in the world of Doras Tomb will be out of control. "

"Leave...my control? How can this be?" Milbo's head was a little big: "Those players, without my control, they will absolutely be lawless! They will destroy the world!

I know them well! Yes! very clear! After all, I was one of them before!

They will try their best to maximize their benefits!

They don't care about the lives of puppets at all! The world will be messy!

As long as I dont show up for a long time, every one of them will say swear words about me! Every day as long as the unsatisfactory lives, I will greet my family!

This is human! This is the essence of the player! I know it best!

Wisdom! Tell me other ways! "

"Dear Qualified Person, apart from that, all methods are based on your beliefs.

To permanently reject the current invaders, you need to spend about 320 million belief points.

Unfortunately, you do not have so many points of faith. "

"What else? There must be other ways! Right?" Milbo asked anxiously.

"I'm sorry, but there is no other way."

"Damn it!" Milbo swore fiercely, he hadn't been so angry for a long time!

Since this **** invader entered his world, he has been more angry than in the previous thirty years!

"Eligible people don't need to worry. According to all the behaviors and language of the intruder from the moment of appearance to the present, the probability of unrestrained destruction of the entire world is less than 5%."

"What if he happens to be the 5%?" Milbo said with a headache.

"Then the qualified person is asked to make the final decision, whether to see the world of Dora's tomb being destroyed, or to rush out to take a suicide attack, or to adopt a closed mode." The cold electronic tone said without any emotion.

"Heh~" Milbo laughed at himself: "I didn't expect that as a god, I would actually have to look at the mood of this **** invader to continue to develop?

According to the original plan, it would take me 108 years to reach Tier 14 and defeat the opponent.

Wisdom brain...According to your calculation, is there any stronger strength the other party has not shown? "

"Insufficient data... unable to calculate..."

"You stupid thing! There is insufficient data every time! If it weren't for my cautious nature, I would have been scammed by you! I will continue to wait patiently!

108 years is not enough! As long as conditions permit, I will wait 300 years! 400 years! Use absolute strength to crush this invader!

Now only expect your calculation to be correct!

Wisdom! Eliminate everything from the intruder! Never post any information and tasks related to the other party again!

Just treat it as if he doesn't exist! There is no way! "


Millbomb looked at Shillon silently, and in the end the dragon seemed to be exactly as Wisdom guessed.

There was no strong desire for destruction at all, and even the surviving players ignored them and flew away alone.


Brother Hao in the real world.

When he saw the assembly of 25 Tier Ten, he thought he could see a big battle.

Unexpectedly, I didn't see anything at all in the end, and the screen went black.

"Fuck! What's this?" Brother Hao cursed and didn't continue to wait. He directly chose other websites and wanted to continue watching, but without a single list, all the websites were playing black screens.

There was a curse on the barrage.

After changing a few in a row, they were all the same, Hao Ge guessed that they might all be the same.

But it doesn't matter, the broadcast of the bard is also recorded.

He found this video, and the progress was pulled to the end to watch.

The 25 rank 10 powerhouses are slightly scattered, seeming to want to surround the dragon in the Blizzard Forest from all directions.

In the last two seconds, Brother Hao clicked on the slow-play function of the video, wanting to see the truth.

He hits twice, 1/4 speed, 1/8 speed. Two seconds passed and I still didn't see anything.

carry on!

1/16 speed, 1/32 speed.

Still didn't see anything!

1/64 speed!

"Dingdong~ Dear user, you are not a member user of this video site yet, you cannot use this feature temporarily!"

"Fuck! There are no members?" Brother Hao was taken aback, a little annoyed, and quickly recharged the 100-year membership, asking you to remind me of the expiration next time?

1/64 speed, 1/128 speed!

Until it is adjusted to 1/128 speed.

In the shooting screen from top to bottom, something strange appeared. A red golden ball of light appeared from the outside of the screen almost in the blink of an eye, blasting straight towards the sage flying in the sky!

However, Fasheng didn't seem to make any timely response, and was directly hit by the Golden Ball of Light!

Then a ray of white light bloomed from the golden ball of light, and the entire screen went black again.

He also wants the video to continue to slow down.

But this time the video website has no such function.

He read the comments below, all of which were a bunch of doubtful questions.

They still didn't understand much.

Some people rioted below, wanting to watch the follow-up.

But one of the messages was seen by Brother Hao: "The sky is blue and the sun is shining!

What made the assembled 25 Tier 10 powerhouses disappear collectively?

What made the dedicated bard live broadcast violently?

Is everyone in Stormwind safe? Has the dragon in the forest been beheaded?

Want to know the truth about everything? Hurry up and click on the link XXXXX, here is what you want to know! "

With the attitude of giving it a try, Brother Hao clicked in, and he found that the video was recorded very far away.

At the very least, it was shot several kilometers away, and the various characters below are blurred.

The video is specially made and is a hundred times slower from the beginning.

A red circle encircled the scarlet golden light ball that was almost invisible, and as the scarlet golden light ball moved, the picture gradually enlarged.

The scarlet golden light group slammed straight into the body of the sage, and at this point, he actually gave a close-up of the face of the sage, that was an expression of horror! Despair and panic are all different.


"Ding Dong~ Dear users, this video is a paid content. If you want to watch it, please recharge 10 Affiliate Coins! We will unlock the video content for you immediately!"

"I..." Brother Hao was furious.

"Ouch!" There was another sharp pain in his head, which made him scream.

"Brother Hao! You calm down!" Xiaoli stood behind Brother Hao, with a pair of small hands giving Brother Hao a brain massage.

"Damn video site! You know money, money, money! It's so vulgar!" Brother Hao scolded, "Damn it! If you dare to lie to me! I must send them a lawyer's letter! Sue them to bankruptcy!"

After scolding, Brother Hao quickly recharged and continued watching.

After seeing the golden ball of light hit Fa Sage, Brother Hao saw Fa Sage screaming.

But the next moment, Fa Sage was overwhelmed by the white light that broke through the golden light ball!

Zoom out.

When the white light broke out, the sky and the earth changed color. Because it was too bright, the other colors seemed to lose their colors in front of them.

The huge ball of light instantly flooded the ground with a large group of black humans like ants!

Then a flame storm spread in all directions.

The black ants on the ground seemed to want to escape, but couldn't escape at all. They were quickly caught up by the impact of this flame, and then the black spots were eliminated!

Watched for a few seconds.

The flame storm was already near the screen.

The whole video is shaking.

"Brothers! Everything is here! I should be on the road too! Don't read it!" a voice prompted a voice.

This was added later, based on the red golden ball of light at that time to the explosion calculation, at this time it was less than two or three seconds! Where can they talk?

Then the screen went black.

It seems obvious, is this an attack?

But what kind of attack is it? There is such a terrifying power?

Are they all killed by spikes several kilometers apart?

Brother Hao went to find some information.

Soon I found some posts from players who were hit at the time.

I wrote a lot in one of them, so Brother Hao got a little bit of the situation.

I also know who this terrifying attack came from!

"Grass! You can't believe it at all! What have I experienced! A second ago, I also received the blessing of the All-Knowing Almighty God, beside His Majesty Zhan Emperor.

When I was about to kill the big BOSS Sillon Soderberg with 25 10th-level bosses, I died directly!

I dont even know what happened!

It was resurrected directly in the city's resurrection center at that time!

I was holding back a headache, trying to figure out what was going on.

Open the damage panel recorded by the system!

Hold the grass! Guess what I saw?

Dear player [Great Eagle Man], you have been attacked by Shillon Soderberg and suffered 59648798 damage!

Nima! You read that right! I suffered 59 million injuries!

I can go to your mother! What kind of hurt is this?

What is the system bug? More than 59 million injuries? Do you think I'm stupid? A Tier 10 BOSS has more than 1 million lives at most.

You tell me I was injured by 5900?

How is this Nima calculated? Not that much!

The most outrageous thing is that I was resurrected naked!


The perfect equipment that I finally acquired before! All gone!

The system reminded me that the equipment was burned by a super flame, and the durability was lost 150,000!

I go! My perfect equipment, none of them lasts more than 2,000. You told me that I lost 150,000?

Your uncle! Duan Tianhao's legendary staff is only 20,000 durable, right?

This does not give a chance to repair! Direct equipment is forced to disappear! Nothing!

At that time, the pastor in the city directly regarded me as a pervert and wanted to send me to prison!

But immediately, there was another group of perverts like me! Then the priest was dumbfounded! I was released!

I was about to go offline! Then I found out that I was dead again!

That's right! Was involved in a tornado and flame coexisting storm!

You cant imagine ~wuxiaworld.online~, who died twice in a row, what kind of pain I will endure when I write this article!

It's like a person inserting a finger into the forehead, constantly stirring!

It really hurts! I feel like I am going to die soon! All right! I'm going to rest now! "

Until here, the article is over.

Brother Hao felt inexplicably refreshed after reading it.

A bunch of dog things, kill me? Is the equipment all gone?

At the same time, he was a little grateful. Fortunately, he died early. Otherwise, Duan Tianhao might be one of the hapless ones whose equipment all exploded!

Shillon Soderberg! Horrible!

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