The damage of a skill is close to 60 million!

Thirteenth order of strength!

What a terrible boss? All previous bosses are **** compared to him!

It's no wonder that you can reward legendary items at will!

Ok! Next time you encounter it, you must scrape some mythical items on him!

Hiss~ My head hurts.

do not care! rest first.

After turning off the computer, Brother Hao returned to his luxurious bed, ready to rest for a while.

Just when Brother Hao was waiting for Xiaoli, lying on the bed under the quilt, closing his eyes and preparing to rest.

A soft body went directly into the bed.

Brother Hao opened his eyes and saw that it was Xiao Li. The woman smiled aside, holding Brother Hao's arm, and was about to sleep together.

Brother Hao frowned, and quickly drove Xiao Li away. At this time, he was suffering from a headache, but he didn't want a strange noise to wake him up when he fell asleep.

Two days later, Brother Hao finally woke up.

He was refreshed, but he was a little hungry.

Asked his own chef to make a nutritious breakfast. After eating, Brother Hao went online in a hurry.

Just launched.

It was resurrected in a small city temple called Bingyu City.

It is worth mentioning here that the people who were killed by Shillong were basically resurrected by the All-Knowing Almighty God, but Blizzard City has not recovered.

So Brother Hao who died before was randomly resurrected in nearby towns.

Groups of pastors were reading the All-Knowing Bible, which was as good as the temple Hao had in mind, but slightly smaller than Blizzard City.

In the center of the temple, a strange guy was tied to a silver cross.

This guy has no hair and has many sharp horns on his scalp.

It looks disgusting.

A group of pastors gathered around him, reading the All-Knowing Bible.

There are also a few players pointing and talking.

What race is this? I don't seem to have seen it before?

Brother Hao curiously lost a detection spell.

But the result was told by the system that the player was undetectable.

This aroused Hao Ge's interest. He walked over and looked at the player who was tied to the cross.

I saw a painful expression on his face.

"Friend, what's the situation with you? How did you change race? You were still tied to a cross." Brother Hao asked with a friendly face.

The **** player glanced at Brother Hao, feeling a little familiar, so he looked at it carefully, and then surprised: "Are you the first mage, Duan Tianhao?"

"Haha~ If there is no second one, it should be me." Brother Hao smiled.

"Good meeting! Good meeting!" The hanging player smiled bitterly.

"What's your situation?" Brother Hao asked.

"He is demonized." The player who watched the excitement laughed.

"Demonized? Demonized like the monster in the previous Blizzard city siege? Become a servant of Sillon Soderberg?" Hao Ge asked in surprise.

"Yeah! What a shame! As soon as I returned to the city, I was caught here by these crazy priests, saying that they were going to purify me. It was **** for more than an hour. I really can't stand it! My hands and feet are numb!" The demonized player smiled bitterly.

"Dear Destiny, don't get too close to the demonized creatures, maybe bad things will happen!" The pastor on one side reminded: "We are guided by the All-Knowing Almighty God, it is necessary to eliminate the evil power parasitic on Destiny!"

"Then you guys should get rid of this state! Don't hang me all the time!" the player complained.

"We are already praying for you to the great omnipotent God. It will not take long before he will restore you to normal. Please be patient." The priest said.

"So? I'm hanging, so boring, don't you allow me to talk to others? Is there any king? Do you still have humanity?" The demonized player cursed.

Brother Hao watched for a while and ignored these priests. He continued to ask: "What did that dragon called Sillon Soderbergh do to you? Why on earth are you demonized? This demonization What special attribute bonus does it offer you?"

Brother Hao was very curious and asked a lot of questions in one go.

He can see the strength of the demonized creature before. Does this player possess that power after being demonized?

If so, he will be very interested!

After all, in his eyes, power has no right or wrong.

"Sillon Soderberg? I never met him!

I didn't even go to the event at the time. Passing by this small town, I was surprised to see the pure white light in the distance. Later I learned that the dragon did it. Later, somehow, my condition was not very good.

Then I was demonized!

No clue! However, the state of demonization is actually quite good. It adds 20% of the magic power to me. Although the power and speed are reduced by about 5%, I feel that I am stronger.

The most important thing is that I am still being demonized, and I might become stronger later.

I actually feel pretty good. "The demonized player replied honestly.

Finally he showed a look of regret, honestly, if he hadn't been caught, he really wanted to see what would happen if he continued!

"Dear Destiny! This is an evil force, and it is not worthy of your nostalgia! If you continue to let this force develop, your mind will surely be damaged!" When the priest heard the player's words, he was a little dissatisfied.

These destined ones are really unconscious! You are heroes who want to save the world! How can one be obsessed with the power of evil!

Soon, the player quarreled with the priest again.

Brother Hao watched for a while, then shook his head and left.

He is going to a training ground to practice his skills.

At this time, Oge, who was the team leader, sent a message asking the five main members of the team to gather.

The location is inside a residential house in the outer city, and everyone is required to be low-key when they come.

It's quite mysterious.

Brother Hao didn't drop the chain either, and summoned the Tianma to fly quickly from the sky, and when he was about to approach, he changed his clothes.

This is a very simple dwelling.

Near the slums.

After he knocked on the door and entered, he found that he had reached three, and he would have four together.

Among them sat Ao Ge, Xiao Li, and a man with a cloak covering his appearance.

Brother Hao chose a position and sat down directly.

"What is your situation?"

"Wait first! When Momo comes, I will say it together." Ao Ge motioned to be quiet.

A group of people waited for the meeting again, there was a knock on the door, and Oge went to open the door.

It was Mo Mo, who glanced at the people in the room somewhat wretchedly, and said with a smile: "Brother Ao! What the **** are you summoning everyone? Are you planning to attack the secret realm or the boss?

Alas, as you all know, my equipment was scrapped in the white light in the last BOSS siege.

Please bear with me if the output is not strong~"

"I didn't call everyone here for this." Ao Ge said, he put Momola into the house, closed the door and locked it back.

Then let him sit down.

Oge himself walked behind the cloaked man and said, "Do you know who this is?"

"Um... Brother Monkey? Five of us are the main team members." Momo guessed.

"Yes, then do you know why he still wears a cloak in front of us?"

"Pretending to be cool?" Momo scratched his head.

"Is Monkey who likes to be cool?" Oge asked back.

"No! He is a stingy wretched man!"

"Who is the wretched man? You bastard!" The man in the cloak said, his voice is indeed Brother Monkey.

"Brother Monkey, what are you doing? We are all brothers, isn't it weird to cover up?" Mo Mo laughed.

"Or, have you gotten angry with Brother Monkey recently? Is your face covered with pimples? It has become too ugly to see people?"

"Hehe~ It's really angry! It's not a normal fire!" Brother Monkey said, and opened his cape.

Showed his face.

This face is no longer the face in the image of Mo Mo and Brother Hao.

The whole face is not white, but blue.

The facial features are also deformed.

The ratio of eyes to nose becomes prominent on the face.

In the big nostrils, I was breathing slowly.

What is inhaled is air, but what is exhaled is cold air.

His eyes are also ice blue.

"You... are you... demonized?" Mo Mo was slightly surprised.

"Hey! That's right! Isn't it cool?" Brother Monkey laughed because of his big eyes and big nose, which was a little funny.

"What's so cool? That's weird, right?

No wonder it felt a little cold as soon as I came in, and thought it was a season change! It turned out to be because of you! "No way.

"Why don't you go to Quanzhijia and let the priest inside help you expel demonization?

Wouldn't it be uncomfortable to keep holding this face?"

"Cut! You bastard! Don't understand the beauty of demonization at all!

I told Ao Ge to let you come together, just to tell you about demonization! "Brother Monkey smiled contentedly.

Both eyes kept staring at Brother Hao: "I know Brother Hao cares most about things that can improve his strength!

Now I will share him with Brother Hao and everyone. "

"Does demonization increase strength?" Brother Hao understood what Brother Monkey meant.

This guy is most greedy for money.

But who is Duan Tianhao?

The world-class tyrant with only money left!

What is needed is that you are in line with money!

Whether you want to be my friend or my licking dog, as long as it works for me, I will accept it!

"Brother Monkey, just tell me, as long as the news is really good, I won't be stingy with money." Brother Hao smiled.

"Hey~ Then I will make a long story short." Brother Monkey said with a happy expression.

"After these two days, everyone should have a certain understanding of demonization.

There are not many people who are demonized. Compared with the players of the entire game, they are even a drop in the bucket.

But no one knows how many.

There are only three to four hundred people exposed now.

These people will either die directly and the demonization can be eliminated, or they can ask the priest of All Knowledge to spend a few hours to eliminate them.

Whether they are willing or forced.

All I can say is that they are too bad! "

Having said that, Brother Monkey shook his head with regret.

"Brother Monkey, don't say these useless! How about a long story short?" Mo was impatient.

"Demonization can increase strength, you should know this?" Brother Monkey did not continue to talk with Momo.

"Well, I heard that they will modify their attributes, adding and subtracting them, and some will gain some weird abilities, but they don't seem to be very good. There has not been a significant increase yet." Ao Ge said.

"It's not too obvious, that's for sure! After all, our demonization has just begun! Those exposed people have not been demonized for a long time, and they have been captured and purified one by one. How can they be powerful!" Brother smiled.

"What do you mean?"

"This is the third day! The third day of demonization! The strength, stamina, and agility of my attributes have all decreased, but I have an extra alien energy.

Death ice!

He can resist damage for me and increase output!

Overall, my strength is definitely better than before!

Look! "

Brother Monkey was talking and stretched out his palm.

He had been hidden in the cloak before, and no one could see it.

Until this time, everyone discovered that the color of his palm had also changed to ice blue.

He stretched out a finger, and a dark blue energy slowly gathered on the fingertip.

Spinning like a whirlpool.

Brother Monkey tapped on the wooden tabletop.

Although this desktop looks a bit old, there is no doubt that the quality is good.

I saw my fingertips point on it.

The dark blue energy penetrated into the wooden table.

The wooden table top with a radius of 5 cm, centered on the fingertip, gradually darkened and turned blue.

It wasn't until seven or eight seconds later that this small piece of wooden tabletop completely changed to another material.

Brother Monkey tapped his fingers lightly on it.

Da Da~

With a snap.

That small piece of material resembling the dark blue crystal of the table top broke directly, turning into tiny fragments and falling to the ground.

There is a big hole in the tabletop.

"It's very interesting? This can be regarded as giving you a warrior the ability of an ice mage?" Mo Mo smiled.

"But you, a fighter, don't seem to have much effect with this ability, right? Your power is reduced."

"Didn't I say it before? It's more than that!" Brother Monkey smiled, and then he extended his other hand.

This hand was different from the previous one. It was not blue, but it was completely unenchanted.

Holding a big sword in his hand.

This is an excellent high-level weapon, Monkey Brother's Sabre.

"Hey! Brother Monkey, why do you have a white hand and a blue hand?" Momo asked.

"Isn't this still being demonized? Except for my head~wuxiaworld.online~, only my left hand is demonized on the upper body." Brother Monkey said, putting the big sword on the wooden table: "Momo, use This sword pierced my neck!"

"Huh?" Mo Mo was taken aback, and then warned: "What is this? We don't have a priest here! I won't give you healing medicine later!

Take drugs yourself! "

Momo thinks a lot, Brother Monkey is so stupid.

Usually the team is reluctant to take drugs at all, and it is usually done by Brother Hao...

Why do you want to drop this? Rub me?

How can I let you go for nothing?

"Who wants your recovery medicine! Stabbing me! Quick! Stabbing me!" Brother Monkey urged.

When Xiaoli on one side heard this, he gave Brother Monkey a strange look. Why do you like being stabbed by a man?

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